Trump says Ukraine 'should have never started it' in comments about war with Russia (
from to on 19 Feb 01:50

President Donald Trump suggested Tuesday that Ukraine was responsible for Russia’s invasion of the country three years ago, arguing Kyiv could have made a deal to avoid the conflict.

“You should have never started it,” Trump said of Ukraine while criticizing President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who had expressed concern that his country was not included in talks between the U.S. and Russia in Saudi Arabia.

“I think I have the power to end this war, and I think it’s going very well. But today I heard, ‘Oh, well, we weren’t invited.’ Well, you’ve been there for three years,” Trump told reporters at his Mar-a-Lago resort. “You should have never started it. You could have made a deal.”

Trump went on to say: “I could have made a deal for Ukraine that would have given them almost all of the land, everything, almost all of the land, and no people would have been killed, and no city would have been demolished, and not one dome would have been knocked down. But they chose not to do it that way.”



threaded - newest on 19 Feb 01:58 next collapse

It was all their fault.they existed. They were breathing and worst of all they didn’t want their land stolen. How dare they? on 19 Feb 02:00 next collapse

“Grab’em by the resources. When you’re a superpower, they let you do it.” on 19 Feb 02:47 collapse

He’s a rapist… of women, children, and now countries (allegedly, since he hasn’t been convicted of all three) on 19 Feb 06:09 collapse

Don’t forget the Constitution on 19 Feb 02:03 next collapse

yOu CoUlD hAvE mAdE a DeAl

god damn this guy is a smoothbrain.

And america voted for him to run their country. on 19 Feb 02:18 next collapse

You spelled ruin wrong. on 19 Feb 02:45 next collapse

I didn’t vote for that garbage on 19 Feb 03:51 next collapse

I mean, looking at global politics… propaganda campaigns against democratic nations or alliances aren’t only occurring in the US and they’re working all over. You think Brexit wasn’t a psyops campaign funded by Russia? Or how about ultra-right wing conservatives popping up in elections across the world? These are planned attacks against democracy, they’ve just been hard at work sowing the seeds to destabilize the US for decades, and those seeds are finally paying off. on 19 Feb 08:35 collapse

russia funds all of those groups, its not a coincidence they suddenly all appear around the time the us had thier elections. on 19 Feb 03:58 next collapse

Boris Johnson told Zelensky not to accept a peace agreement in 2022 when Russia was willing to let Zelensky sit at the table. Now the Ukrainians don’t even get to attend the peace talks, no doubt because the Russians know that it’s the British and the Americans who give Zelensky his orders. Blame whoever you want, the Ukrainians really did it to themselves. on 19 Feb 04:52 next collapse

Yes, that URL doesn’t seem a biased outlet on 19 Feb 06:11 next collapse

You know, sometimes I try to read articles outside my echo chamber and at this point conservative == conspiracy in my mind. You’re just playing mental gymnastics the entire time. on 19 Feb 07:34 collapse

Wdym, europeanconservative has all the most unbiased takes! on 19 Feb 06:12 next collapse

You really shouldn’t waste eggs by putting them on your face like that. They’re expensive.…/zelenskyy-rejects-claim-boris-j… on 19 Feb 07:11 collapse

Zelensky is clearly a weak leader as he can’t even control his former staff. The negotiator goes out, gives an interview saying Johnson gave Zelensky his marching orders, and all you can do is pretend I should be embarrassed? Zelensky was a fool to trust the British, a people known to have cheated and humiliated people across the entire world.

This idea that the NATO powers that gave Ukraine weapons have no influence is very silly. As we’re seeing right in front of our eyes, Trump expects to collect payment for those weapons by taking Ukrainian resources. Of course they wanted Ukraine to prolong the war, accept more weapons, and rack up more debt. Johnson showed up, told them to keep fighting and likely whatever else Zelensky wanted to hear and now we’re at this outcome. Zelensky is at home seething, egg on his face as Trump and Putin decide the fate of his country. Reality is right in front of you and yet you deny it. If Zelensky had any sort of political or military leverage he’d be at the peace talks too. on 19 Feb 07:12 collapse

That’s a very strange reaction to being shown that the link you provided was a lie. on 19 Feb 08:36 next collapse

he sounds like a shill for vlad to me, similar thing that tulsi said on asian right wingers youtube channel. on 19 Feb 15:48 collapse

It wasn’t a lie. I believe what the negotiator said in his interview. He’s telling the truth and Zelensky is lying. on 19 Feb 16:21 collapse

Zelensky says it isn’t true, Johnson says it isn’t true, but some other random guy says it and you believe it. That’s pretty sad. on 19 Feb 17:44 collapse

The head negotiator is not some random guy. Lmao 😂😂😂 This is such obvious cope. on 19 Feb 17:44 collapse

Why is he telling the truth but everyone else is lying? on 19 Feb 18:11 collapse

He’s telling the truth because he didn’t do anything wrong.

Zelensky is lying to avoid admitting his mistake.

The British are lying because they always lie. Boris Johnson isn’t exactly known as an honest man, but admitting they played the Ukrainians would be a pretty terrible mistake when the other European countries want the fighting to continue.

Trump is telling the truth because he didn’t have any say at the time and doesn’t mind saying the quiet part out loud and throwing Zelensky’s bad decisions in his face.

Putin is telling the truth because the Russians have had to put quite a bit of resources into fighting this war when it could’ve ended earlier. on 19 Feb 18:15 collapse

Trump is telling the truth

Putin is telling the truth

This is all I needed to see to know that you are not a serious person. on 19 Feb 18:37 collapse

The alternative is:

Boris Johnson is telling the truth.

Ukraine’s top negotiator is lying for no reason.

Remember, the interview was in late 2023. It’s been over a year since the world found out. No point in lying unless you’re responsible for this mistake in some way. on 19 Feb 07:35 collapse

Idk how to tell you this, but appeasing foreign invaders has never worked in the past, especially in eastern Europe. on 19 Feb 16:09 collapse

Nonsense. It’s these sort of blanket statements that undermine a clear understanding of what each side wants. Putin wanted Ukraine to remain neutral and not join NATO, because the head of NATO, the United States was talking about unprovoked nuclear first strikes and all sorts of crazy things. Zelensky himself publicly floated the idea of Ukraine obtaining nukes. If your choice is between going to war and having a country on your border point nukes at you, then you might go to war.

In fact. The United States claimed Iraq (a country far away from itself) was trying to obtain nukes and invaded it in the 2000s, and that was while the leaders of Iraq were refuting the claim (and the Iraqis were telling the truth). on 19 Feb 16:40 collapse

Right. And all the talks about reforming the USSR are probably just a diversion. on 19 Feb 17:54 collapse

That’s what the United States and NATO countries claim Putin wants, and which he has refuted. That makes reforming the USSR about as believable as Iraqi nukes.

If you want to win me over and have me believe you, then my advice would be to go to Iraq and don’t come back until you find those nukes. My advice is that when you go, remember to avoid packing light, because you’re gonna be there a while. on 19 Feb 03:59 next collapse

More likely Elon hacked the election. Before election day Trump said multiple tines, “Stay home. We don’t need votes, we have all the votes we need…”

Watch the clip of Muskrat and his evil munchkin spilling the beans. on 19 Feb 08:26 collapse

He’s not smart enough to hack anything with a computer, certainly hacked it with money though. on 19 Feb 10:54 collapse

I fully agree on 19 Feb 04:09 next collapse

Ruin* on 19 Feb 04:22 next collapse

I didn’t… i would NEVER vote for that prick. We were bad before, but now I don’t blame anyone for hating the US on 19 Feb 08:15 collapse

I hate the US. That does not mean I hate all Americans, but jesus fuck, you guys fucked so many millions of people around the world voting for a literally human piece of shit. In not sure who’s worse, Hitler or Trump, but it looks like Trump might finally win something: being worse than Hitler. on 19 Feb 05:06 collapse

They had no choice! The Dems should have put up a better candidate! Genocide! Gaza! Liberals! Woke! DEI! Anything but make me address the consequences of my action and/or inaction! on 19 Feb 02:05 next collapse

and not one dome would have been knocked down

… what? on 19 Feb 02:47 next collapse

Is he talking about the deliberate attack on Chernobyl recently? on 19 Feb 03:45 collapse

Does Ukraine also have those ornate, domed church designs like Russia? on 19 Feb 04:00 collapse

Not quite like the one you’re thinking of (St. Basil’s in Moscow) but yes, these ones are just in Kyiv: on 19 Feb 02:23 next collapse

I can’t believe they told russia to invade them. on 19 Feb 05:49 collapse

Crimea was an inside job! on 19 Feb 03:00 next collapse

Gosh, wherever could Trump be getting his Ukraine strategy from? on 19 Feb 03:01 next collapse

His ancestor should have drowned while emigrating on 19 Feb 04:20 next collapse

Either time, especially when draft dodging on 19 Feb 10:56 collapse

Nonono, his ancestors didn’t emigrate, they just randomly spawned in 'murica. on 19 Feb 03:22 next collapse

US intervening in Ukraine to purposely push and provoke Russia

US: “why would Ukraine do this???” on 19 Feb 03:27 next collapse

As always our glorious leader is correct in all things. /s on 19 Feb 03:32 next collapse

Leave it to the convicted rapist to blame the victim. on 19 Feb 03:45 next collapse

He’s sucking up to his benefactor and handler Putin. on 19 Feb 03:46 next collapse

If Ukraine didn’t want to be invaded, it shouldn’t have dressed that way! Stupid sexy Ukraine. on 19 Feb 04:10 next collapse

Right? It’s such a ridiculous statement. You’d think the president were a serial rapist, or something. on 19 Feb 04:20 collapse

Wait… he is, isn’t he? on 19 Feb 05:36 next collapse

I'm pretty sure you're joking but, just in case, here's a list last updated in 2019 from PBS. As they say, where there's smoke, there's fire; if there's this many sexual assaults that have been publicly reported, then there will always be more who won't come forward.

At a minimum he's a Quagmire level sex pest (sex/dopamine addict), but let's be honest, dude is a serial rapist. I'd argue this is where he falls since it's obvious he cares only for himself to the point that he raped his own wife (Ivana Trump) and treats women like toys to be used. on 19 Feb 14:25 collapse

Absolutely joking, yes on 19 Feb 06:02 collapse

Sad times are these, when well-meaning jests have to be accompanied by /s, because reality is more insane than any joke you could ever imagine. on 19 Feb 07:58 collapse

Agreed :(

Wish people would get over the whole "Oh that's just politics/a smear campaign" or "I don't talk politics" when anyone tries to discuss the US public officials' actions or provide a different view (politicians, institutions, policy, etc) since it effects our everyday lives. Met too many deniers the past few years about first lady cheeto's actions. on 19 Feb 04:19 collapse

Stupid sexy Flanders on 19 Feb 04:21 collapse

It’s like wearing nothing at all! ….nothing at all! ……nothing at all! on 19 Feb 04:31 next collapse

Look what you made me do on 19 Feb 06:00 next collapse

The abuser mantra on 19 Feb 06:10 collapse

I’m sorry, baby. I still love your extractable minerals. on 19 Feb 05:14 next collapse

You know something’s up when he makes reality-denying statements.

Because he can, it works and noone will take him accountable. on 19 Feb 06:26 next collapse

Thought exercise: Which assassination would have more efficacy in the long term, trump, Vance or Musk? on 19 Feb 06:49 next collapse

Yes. on 19 Feb 08:23 next collapse

If we’re limited to just one, Musk. Trump’s unlikely to live another ten years, and Vance doesn’t have the money or popular support to be a threat without riding Trump’s coattails. Both also have pretty minimal impact outside of the US. Musk has global influence, at least another thirty years ahead of him, and enough money that very little short of death or being placed in a high security prison would hurt his efforts. on 19 Feb 08:33 next collapse

¿Porque no los tres? on 19 Feb 10:54 collapse

From what I have heard, JD The Couchfucker Vance doesn’t really have the charisma, so he probably wouldn’t do too well without his buddies. on 19 Feb 16:06 collapse

He’d have a pretty long runway to make his lack of charisma not matter.

He’s likely the key figure in drafting a lot of the executive orders that Trump is rubber stamping. Trump and Musk get a lot of the attention, but Vance is more quietly behind a lot of the stuff, happy to let Trump get the credit for Vance’s and Trump’s contributions. on 19 Feb 06:28 next collapse

“if you didn’t want to get raped, then why did you dress so provocatively?”

This is only kind of hyperbole, since Trump was actually convicted of raping a woman… on 19 Feb 07:08 collapse

the same script russia uses, trump gets his orders from putin. its also " you’re making me rape you" on 19 Feb 06:39 next collapse

He is perfectly and unquestioningly following his owners commands, like any good dog. He just amplifies Putins position on this rape of another country 100%. on 19 Feb 06:47 next collapse

Moronic mouthy bastard has no clue about 99% of what he says on 19 Feb 07:05 collapse

He knows what he is saying. Putin’s hand is so far up Trump’s ass at this point that Trump is basically just a Russian puppet. on 19 Feb 07:08 next collapse

I though Russia was claiming they were attacking Nazis in Ukraine and that’s why they went to war or something… I forget on 19 Feb 09:36 next collapse

Calling it a war will land you in gulag comrade on 19 Feb 10:53 next collapse

Not a war, a ‘denazification operation’. (I remember a couple of years ago back on The Website when I saw this post about Russia bombing a Holocaust memorial. So yes, denazification or whatever euphemism Putty wants to use indeed. on 19 Feb 15:26 collapse

Russia took the final step into fascism in 2022.
But its useful to understand that Nazi in Russia, just means someone who opposes Russia, (and Russians can’t see their country as anything other than an imperialist warmonger, spheres of influence and fighting in massive wars is a cornerstone of what Russians think is their national identity thanks to decades of propaganda and abuse) on 19 Feb 17:20 collapse

And Trump is just repeating what his master Putin told him to say. on 19 Feb 07:55 next collapse

If you didn’t want to get robbed, why did you wear that expensive watch? on 19 Feb 08:09 collapse

It’s more like if you don’t want to get robbed, why are you alive? on 19 Feb 11:14 collapse

Pretty provocative existence you’re doing over there

[deleted] on 19 Feb 08:11 next collapse
. on 19 Feb 08:34 next collapse

“Look what you made me do it to you…” on 19 Feb 08:39 next collapse

It is everyday when I check the News this Bellend is talking a pile of crap. on 19 Feb 09:33 next collapse

Trump having a .ml Lemmy account was not on my bingo card on 19 Feb 11:55 collapse

He got his tech guys to federate Truth Social with Lemmy on 19 Feb 10:06 next collapse

Putin’s puppet since Helsinki Summit. on 19 Feb 10:50 next collapse

Wait, what was the Helsinki Summit? on 19 Feb 11:24 collapse

The first time a sitting US president and RU president spoke to each other alone with just an interpreter and no official transcript. on 19 Feb 11:41 collapse

And didn’t a load of GOP Congress people fly over for a meeting at one point that no one knows why they did it. on 19 Feb 15:19 collapse

On July 4th to boot on 19 Feb 16:45 collapse

Pretty sure he was already a puppet, that was just the rimming of the ring.

EDIT: Speaking of which, does anyone know if Marina Gross is still actually alive? I get not wanting media attention etc, but she seems like a ghost for someone that translates for world leaders. on 19 Feb 14:37 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 19 Feb 15:21 next collapse

Did you know it’s illegal to say 'I want to kill the president of the United States of America"? on 19 Feb 15:23 next collapse

Is it illegal to say ‘the president of the united states of america deserves to die’? on 19 Feb 18:51 collapse

With a mortar launcher on 19 Feb 15:56 next collapse

Sic semper tyrannis. on 19 Feb 16:19 collapse

RIP Trevor Moore on 19 Feb 22:38 next collapse

“9/11 would not have happened if America kept out of the Middle East” ahh energy on 19 Feb 23:32 next collapse

One of you should learn to shoot straight. on 20 Feb 06:48 next collapse

I agree tbh, whole thing was provoking Russia by US on 20 Feb 15:15 collapse

It was literally a surprise invasion that half the EU didn’t even believe was gonna happen and Russia denied was happening. How the fuck are you supposed to negotiate a peace to avoid a surprise invasion that Russia vehemently denied was gonna happen?

What the actual fuck is this bullshit?