IDF Sent in Handcuffed Prisoner to Evacuate Hospital, Then Killed Him When He Left (
from to on 15 Feb 2024 10:49

The young man, bound by zip-tie cuffs, delivered his Israeli captors’ message but was shot as he tried to walk out of the hospital gate.

In a video taken shortly after his arrival, his eyes are wide, dazed, and scared all at once. He had something to tell the thousands sheltering at the facility.

A crowd gathered around, according to Mohammed El Helou, one of the only remaining Palestinian journalists in the hospital, and the young handcuffed man said that the Israeli military had sent him with a message.

“Get out of the hospital, you need to get out of the hospital because they are going to blow it up.”

Abu Al-Ola was killed shortly after walking out of the hospital. According to El Helou, he was shot by an Israeli soldier three times in his chest and abdomen while still inside the gates of the hospital.

Al Serr, the Nasser Hospital doctor, confirmed the account of Abu Al-Ola being killed as he left the hospital. El Helou later got footage of Abu Al-Ola’s corpse in a body bag, still robed in his PPE.


threaded - newest on 15 Feb 2024 10:50 next collapse

This is the best summary I could come up with:

A crowd gathered around, according to Mohammed El Helou, one of the only remaining Palestinian journalists in the hospital, and the young handcuffed man said that the Israeli military had sent him with a message.

When El Helou woke up on Tuesday, news had already begun to spread in the Nasser Medical Complex that the Israeli military issued an order to evacuate the facility.

The military had ordered an evacuation of Khan Younis in January as its ground offensive moved further south, but many people, including medical staff and patients, were unable to leave the hospital.

He had been at the hospital earlier, but the Israeli military had subsequently seized and detained him, and put his hands in what appears to be black, plastic zip-tie cuffs.

On Tuesday morning, Salama, the journalist, posted a video to Instagram showing the dead body of what appeared to be a child or teenager outside the hospital.

A few hours earlier, El Helou had been live on Instagram, wondering what would happen when people leave in search of safety that does not exist in Gaza.

The original article contains 1,112 words, the summary contains 181 words. Saved 84%. I’m a bot and I’m open source! on 15 Feb 2024 10:57 next collapse

Picture of the human shield used by israel before he was killed by israel:

Small video on it here…/1757642664260886662

<img alt="" src=""> <img alt="" src="">

<img alt="" src=""> <img alt="" src=""> on 15 Feb 2024 11:10 next collapse

Fuck. Israel. on 15 Feb 2024 11:25 next collapse

Most moral army in the world telling people to evacuate, then directly demonstrate that they will shoot and kill people that evacuate.

They “warn” Palestinians where to go, and then kill them when they go there. And then you have to listen to Israelis online telling you how moral their warnings are.

Video of Palestinians that want to leave but are scared to get killed by the IDF

IDF started bombing the hospital

Video directly after al nassr bombing

Video of Al Nasr patient ward after bombing

IDF taking scary Hamasurgeons captive:

<img alt="" src="">

UPDATE (rumors unverified):

  • The IDF claimed their reason for invading the hospital (and bombing the patient ward and sniping surgeons during operations?) was that there were “corpses of hostages inside the morgue”.

  • So far no evidence of hostage corpses has been found.

Additional testimonies from a doctor inside the hospital:

  • 1 Patient got killed and (6-8?) were injured when the patient ward was bombed

  • 3 Palestinians got shot while evacuating

  • Quadcopter with gun was used to shoot at the hospital on 15 Feb 2024 11:35 next collapse

Come on valiant Israel defenders? Where’s your comments now?

Fucking disgusting, I genuinely hate Israel 100% these days. on 15 Feb 2024 12:52 next collapse

But but but Hamas had set up a base in his chest! Israel had to stop that terror cell before they had to bomb that Hamas-pital!!1!

[deleted] on 15 Feb 2024 13:29 next collapse
. on 15 Feb 2024 13:31 collapse

They are really rare here on lemmy but they exists on 15 Feb 2024 15:00 collapse

The ruzzians support this because:

  1. It distracts from and normalizes the cleansing of Ukraine
  2. It hurts Biden because he is bound and tied to supporting Israel - thus helping his useful idiot drumft on 15 Feb 2024 20:38 collapse

There’s no hiding behind the age-old “you’re being anti-semitic!” response anymore. When the warcrimes are on the nightly news for all to see, it’s hard to argue against. on 15 Feb 2024 14:21 next collapse

This is severely disturbing and dystopian, I can not believe we are just letting all this happen, the same as with Ukraine.

Earlier I was talking with my partner about these things from my safe home, far removed from these situations, and we realized this must be how the original nazis happened. It had puzzled us both, and many we had talked with in the past, how it was even possible to come to be.

I guess now we know. This is how it comes to be.

Feels so powerless and diminishing, but at the same time very human. Can’t realistically do more than vote locally when we can, but that’s not going to help anyone right now, or realistically even in the short term of a few years…

It’s so heart-breaking, and it’s bizarre because we probably don’t even know a fraction of all of it… on 15 Feb 2024 14:36 next collapse

If you’re an American worker, organize a strike on 15 Feb 2024 14:42 collapse

I’m not, and we already have ongoing country-wide strikes and other worker rights fighting measures in my country going on, although not for these reasons, so that’s not really an option either, media already saturated on these actions.

But a good recommendation nevertheless, thank you. on 15 Feb 2024 14:51 next collapse

This is the part that hits so hard. I always thought that if I had lived during the holocaust, I would’ve done something. But, here I am, during another genocide, and I feel so utterly powerless and my county is helping it along. It sucks. on 15 Feb 2024 14:55 next collapse

When you read about the Holocaust and the Nazis, you like to imagine you’d be the good guy. You’d fight the Nazis, you’d free the concentration camps. But apparently I wouldn’t. Apparently I would have just sat there paralyzed, incapable of doing anything about the genocide I see every day. Unable to think of any way to help. All I can do is retweet and protest and write a stupid blog post. I feel so stupid.

Paul wrote this over three months ago, and nothing has substantially changed. I’m sickened by the news and images I see, but shaken to the core that people are okay with this. That there’s people, far farrrr away from the looming specter of state violence or non-state terrorism, who are cheering for more death and destruction on 15 Feb 2024 15:00 collapse

This, this is our thoughts exactly. Very well put from them. It’s so depressing, though understandable in a way. Makes you sad and angry towards yourself too, however warranted or unwarranted that may be ultimately. on 15 Feb 2024 15:06 collapse

At first I thought I was going insane. Watching the body count climb day by day, then an airstrike of a refugee camp kills 300-odd civilians, and you think “Big media outlets are running this story, it’s not being buried, this must be it, people will say something publicly”

We like to think we’re better than Weimar Germans, but we’re not. It’s a big state that casts a large shadow over ‘acceptable’ discussions, and a lot of people are scared to say something. on 15 Feb 2024 21:20 collapse

Imagine if what was happening in Gaza was actually happening in Ukraine or any other country, in Europe. Believe me the outcry and the response would have been completely different, but nope, the US and most of the West are still sending weapons to Israel to continue their slaughter. on 15 Feb 2024 15:15 collapse

An excellent book to check out is They Thought They Were Free, it’s basically interviews with Germans right after WW2 about the rise of nazism. on 15 Feb 2024 14:39 next collapse

Even the fucking Nazis weren’t this depraved on 15 Feb 2024 14:57 next collapse

They were.

Edit: Not defending IDF, just saying the Nazis are pretty infamous for their crimes against humanity l. on 15 Feb 2024 15:11 collapse

pretty infamous

Spectacular point you’re making there. I wonder how many kids the Nazis executed after deploying them as messengers during ongoing military operations. I read a lot of terrible shit about the Nazis, seen thousands of images and documentary hours, but not that particular action. This is particularly disgusting. on 15 Feb 2024 17:09 next collapse

You’re right, but media also travels a lot more quickly and readily these days. If they had cellphones with cameras and Internet access back then, maybe we’d know more depravity. on 16 Feb 2024 23:42 collapse

The Nazis were a “mixed bag” most of them were just following orders and ended up with big time PTSD. But there were Nazis that genuinely enjoyed throwing babies into ovens and even proudly bragged about it afterwards. And many other depraved sadistic acts often with torture.

The big difference is that most IDF are there voluntarily and all seem to be very proud of their war crimes. So proud they want to broadcast them to the whole world on TikTok. on 15 Feb 2024 20:25 collapse

No this is about on level with them for stuff they did in combat zones. It’s actually kind of hard to get worse than this without mobile gas chambers.

[deleted] on 15 Feb 2024 14:51 next collapse
. on 15 Feb 2024 15:02 collapse

I genuinely hope you’re a low effort edgelord, or baiting for anti-Semitic comments to ‘prove’ the world hates Jews.

The actions of Israel in the last three months has set the stage for generations of traumatized and hateful Gazans to fuel future cycles of violence, and drove huge divides between alliances - just as Hamas, Iran, and the hardline Islamists wanted. on 15 Feb 2024 15:18 collapse

No, just informed myself of the history regarding the territories in question instead blindly listening to what hamas says regarding the HUGE death toll. We’ve been listening to hospitals running out of fuel since the first week of the gaza siege. They were still running months after.

Tell me then what would be the solution to this problem when your neighbour wants to annihilate you? Israel completely left gaza in 2005, left infrastructure, gave them electricity and water for free. Palestinians could work in Israel and come back to gaza.

What did Israel get in return? A indiscriminate unprovoked massacre of civilians.

Israel is a beacon of civilization from a desert wasteland, gaza hardly evolved from thriving terrain. Who am I going to root for? on 15 Feb 2024 15:25 next collapse

Easy, the one thing literally the whole world keeping telling Israel is the best way out of this situation - a viable future for Palestinians. Unitary secular state, or a two-state solution. Otherwise the choice left is increasing the collective punishment against Palestinians as a whole.

They are denied a future by Israel, leaving the door open for outside actors are co-opting that anger into violence. The present path Israel is taking will end in either displacement, ethnic cleansing, or outright genocidal destruction. on 15 Feb 2024 15:36 collapse

Israel tried that - Gaza was left to the Palestinians.

You could complain about colonies in the West bank but not in gaza. No Israelis colonies were made there but hamas still wants to completely eradicate Jews from the neighbouring land. on 15 Feb 2024 15:46 next collapse

Israel tried that - Gaza was left to the Palestinians

Interesting phrasing there implying Israel granted Gaza, instead of Israel failing to keep to its commitments in Oslo II.

And yes there were illegal settlements in northern Gaza until 2005, and powerful elements of Israeli leadership are pushing to colonize Gaza completely or in majority.

Permanent embargo, domination, apartheid and collective punishment of Palestinians is not a path to peace. on 15 Feb 2024 19:34 collapse

Exactly. Like I said, Israel completely withdrew from Gaza in 2005 and gave the Palestinians the opportunity to govern themselves from there on.

What did they do? Elected hamas, the party that promised to kill all Jews. Oh so much peace… on 15 Feb 2024 19:57 collapse

To say “welp we tried, screw negotiations forever and ever” is shortsighted. Israel was never negotiating for an independent Palestine, even during the high points of Oslo or Camp David. It always wanted a subservient Palestinian Authority, with no actual control over security or borders, and no right of return for Palestinians - a deeply hypocritical stance whilst Israel rubber stamps Jewish immigration and citizenship, and funding Aliyah trips for international Jews with no ties to Israel

Israel today isn’t offering any solution but continued suffering, displacement as refugees, or ethnic cleansing. I disagree with the Palestinian resistance’s methods, but we are here because of years of failed peace processes where Israel rejects the option of dignity for Palestine.

You need to show the civilians living in the area that there’s another way via political process, and that rejecting violence is the way forward. Al-Qassam exists and is given permissive operations inside of Gaza because the people view them as the best route to a future. Throwing stones at a brick wall isn’t effective, but to Palestinians in a hopeless scenario it’s understandable to take up violence when the alternative is ethnic destruction in slow-motion. on 15 Feb 2024 22:00 collapse

Gaza was given billions in aid. They could’ve built a decent economy but it was all wasted in an archaic tunnel network, weapons and a pointless war with Israel. on 15 Feb 2024 22:22 collapse

Youve already taken the mask off dude, stop posting

All I care is Israel grew to one of the most advanced economies on earth from desert while gaza is as good as any other Muslim shithole with no oil. on 15 Feb 2024 23:10 collapse

Just because you called someone racist doesn’t mean you won. I’m allowed to dislike cultures that belittle women and LGBT people. They don’t belong in the 21st century on 15 Feb 2024 21:13 collapse

Ah yes, Gaza strip was a paradise on Earth, which unfortunately you were unable to leave, and they didn’t have been blocked by Israel by land and sea, not to mention that Israel bombed their airport. Damn, I wonder how people will feel down in such a wonderful place. on 15 Feb 2024 16:57 next collapse

Israel has been doing this shit to Palestinians for decades. They “left” Gaza as an open air prison, shot anyone who tried to leave, blocked necessities from entering, and dropped bombs and missles randomly for good measure. You are watching the Warsaw Uprising happen live and blaming the Poles. on 15 Feb 2024 19:30 collapse

Shot anyone trying to leave but plenty of Palestinians worked in Israel… Does not compute. Even if that were true, when your neighbouring country indoctrinates it’s citizens to destroy the jews from an early age, you can’t really trust any civilian.

Open air prison - then every country is an open air prison if you can’t freely leave to neighbouring countries - It’s called borders.

Dropped bombs? You might be confusing Israel with Gaza. Israel is the one that had to install an “iron dome” missile defense system due to random bombing from Gaza.

The brainwashing is strong here. on 15 Feb 2024 20:32 collapse

Dude just stop. You’re telling on your own ignorance with each post.

Palestinians work in Israel

Because there is no functioning economy in Gaza. And they require work permits, which are capriciously granted and withheld by Israel, until the militants threaten escalation. It’s such a regular cycle of escalate-to-deescalate that the behavior is expected by both sides. Militants get a chance to smuggle during the cross border movement, Israel gets intel on the newest crop of actors launching firebombs, while civilians on both sides suffer

All borders are an ‘open air prison’

This argument is so weak, literally any European, anyone who’s seen the US-Canada border, or the US-Mexico border for that matter, is living proof else wise. There’s massive walls and fences around all parts of Gaza, except the sea. Everywhere in and out is tightly controlled and searched, and an exhaustive list of ‘dual use’ items like medical supplies, building equipment, technology, etc are banned entry.

Israel isn’t the one bombing

Bruh. on 15 Feb 2024 21:33 next collapse

There is no functioning economy in a rich land with 2 million people while Israel made an advanced country out of desert?

Perhaps the problem is the people.

All I care is Israel grew to one of the most advanced economies on earth from desert while gaza is as good as any other Muslim shithole with no oil. on 15 Feb 2024 21:45 next collapse

Bro your racism is shining through, you might want to check that on 15 Feb 2024 22:04 collapse

I know I won’t change any minds here. What’s born crooked and all… on 15 Feb 2024 22:14 collapse

You know, if pretty much the entire world is saying Israel is going too far, including the US who are normally 100% behind Israel, and the goddamn International Court of Justice, perhaps it’s time to consider that it’s you, and not the rest of the world, that needs to change their mind. on 15 Feb 2024 23:07 collapse

But they offer no proper solutions despite the same drivel of the last decades that led to October 7.

I actually believed what the media said about the Israeli-Palestine war with the colonizations and all that, but upon reading about Israel and gaza strip history and the current developments I’m all for Israel now. on 15 Feb 2024 21:59 next collapse

Racist confirmed, move along folks. They can’t help but spout their small minded drivel if you talk long enough to them on 15 Feb 2024 22:01 collapse

Finally. This circlejerk is tiresome on 16 Feb 2024 08:50 collapse

The problem is a 30 year long economic blockade by Israel. Gaza can’t function because Israel will not allow it to function:…/Blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip…/timeline-humanitarian-impact-gaza-blo… on 15 Feb 2024 21:36 collapse

You can’t freely enter any European border country, no. Those that belong to Schengen can freely travel but they don’t seem to want to anihalate and rape their neighbors - it seems to really help. on 15 Feb 2024 20:27 next collapse

Israel did not leave. They blockaded the place and turned it into an open air prison that needed UN support just to not starve. on 15 Feb 2024 21:05 next collapse

Sorry but what kind of history books did you read, as you seem completely disconnected from the reality or the other option is to have read only the propaganda which has very little to do with the reality. on 15 Feb 2024 21:41 collapse

That’s rich from someone that seems to only read hamas propaganda. What about the misfired hamas mortar that landed in a hospital parking lot but hamas said was from Israel and killed 500 people? Turns out it actually killed like 5 people or something. That was propaganda from who? on 16 Feb 2024 04:43 collapse

When did I say there isn’t propaganda from both sides? You know in war the truth is the first casualty.

Oh and thanks for telling me that BBC, Reuters, AP, Wikipedia are all spreading Hamas propaganda.…/israel-palestinians-social-media-fak… - I will leave this here, and exit the chat. on 16 Feb 2024 02:12 collapse

I doubt you will watch this but I’m going to put the link to The Great Book Robbery here for others to see a response to your ridiculous flawed final paragraph.

Before Israel existed, before the Zionists came into Palestine in the late 1800s there were Christians, Jews, and Muslims living together in relative peace all over the Middle East.

After WWII when the minority Zionist population with backing from Germany and Britain finally had the weapons and power to make an ethnostate, they seized land and absconded with many historical artifacts and literature from the Palestinians. They tried to erase their culture because without it the Palestinians could be portrayed as you have portrayed them, as hardly evolved, like human animals. on 16 Feb 2024 02:13 collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

The Great Book Robbery

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub. on 15 Feb 2024 15:14 next collapse

When I saw this pop up yesterday, I was really hoping this was fake/a constructed narrative based around physical facts on the ground in an information restricted war zone

I keep finding myself going “no fucking way that’s true, that has to be anti-Semitic propaganda” at stories like this, and more often than not I am proven wrong - yes it’s real, yet the truth doesn’t matter on 15 Feb 2024 16:51 collapse

Israel has been doing this heinos shit for DECADES. it’s just that Western media has finally decided they cant whitewash it all anymore. They do where they can, but with everyone in Gaza filming what they can, there is just no hiding the barbarity of the IDF. on 15 Feb 2024 20:36 next collapse

It’s the first time I’m ashamed of my country and I hate my government and the press in my country for supporting this genocide. And the Israelis speak openly about their genocidal intentions.

The ICJ ruled that there is plausible risk of genocide and ordered to stop killing palestinians and give humanitarian aid. Instead Israel puts out accusations without evidence and the western “civilized” countries cut off humanitarian aid. It’s aiding in genocide. They are making my country complicit in genocide.

The atrocities started long before Okt.7 and I just don’t care about it, they have killed 30 times as many civilians at least now. And they mutilated and traumatized many times more than that. There is no justification. Especially not if you’re the vastly more powerful side. on 15 Feb 2024 20:37 next collapse

That’s what the good guys do! on 15 Feb 2024 22:20 next collapse

Fuck Israel. on 15 Feb 2024 23:46 next collapse

Alright. Time for God to come back and declare Israel the new Sodom and Gomorrah and do his thing. on 16 Feb 2024 00:09 next collapse

Fuck zionists. on 16 Feb 2024 01:23 next collapse

History writing itself in HD for all future to witness. Isreal is fucked. Maybe not today, but… on 16 Feb 2024 01:59 next collapse

That sounds an awful lot like the Israeli soldiers used him as a human shield to deliver the terrorist message to the hospital.

A two state solution is the only solution and right now I think Israel needs to pay to rebuild everything they destroyed and give back all the cultural treasures, art, and literature they took during the nakba so they could erase the history of the Palestinian people. on 17 Feb 2024 21:12 collapse

The only plausible solution is actually a 3 state federation with Israeli and Palestinean representation similar to the United States in practice in which both factions have protected rights including rights to self defense and to bear arms. There’s no other way for the property transfers to happen accountably. on 16 Feb 2024 09:16 collapse

Update post: “Israel: No evidence so far that Hamas held hostages in Gaza’s Nasser Hospital