Seoul says North Korea moving to blow up cross-border roads (
from to on 14 Oct 10:44

South Korea says it has detected preparations by North Korea to blow up its sections of inter-Korean roads. Tensions have been soaring between the two countries in recent weeks.

South Korean officials said on Monday that they had gathered intelligence indicating that the North was preparing to demolish its half of roads that connect the two countries.

“They have installed screens on the road and are working behind those screens, preparing to blow up the roads,” Lee Sung Joon, a spokesperson for South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters.

He said the operation could take place as soon as Monday.

The move follows weeks of soaring tensions on the Korean peninsula. North Korea has accused South Korea of using drones to drop propaganda leaflets over its territory three times, and threatened to respond with force if it happens again.


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Media Bias Fact Check | bot support on 14 Oct 11:02 next collapse

Oh for fucks sake, now this?? Can we all just take a step back and calm down, between ‘US/Taiwan/China’, ‘Ukraine/Russia’ and ‘Israel/Every Decent Person’ my ability to worry about new things is at it’s limit, kindly give it a month then try this again okay Kim? on 14 Oct 11:04 next collapse

Don’t worry it’s fine. relax on 14 Oct 12:13 collapse

Thank you Nutsack, that’s very reassuring on 14 Oct 12:22 collapse

I usually find my nutsack to be a fairly reliable source tbh on 14 Oct 12:28 collapse

Ah, perhaps my stress is due to the lack of a geopolitical dowsing-scrotum. Modern medical science, please get on this! /s ( <3 ) on 14 Oct 11:41 next collapse

Dude, getting rid of some roads isn’t going to start WWIII.

North Korea probably just needs money again and they ran out of rockets to shoot into the ocean, which is what they usually do when they need money. on 14 Oct 12:13 next collapse

Seems like being stressed out over two nuclear powers (even if one of them has the tinkertoy equivalent of an arsenal…) playing geopolitical chicken isn’t the most unreasonable reaction I could have. on 14 Oct 12:14 collapse

Then I wouldn’t look into this issue too deeply or you will be eternally stressed. on 14 Oct 12:18 collapse

You’re not wrong - Ignorance is, rather famously, bliss. on 14 Oct 12:20 collapse

My point is that this sort of thing has been regularly happening with North Korea for years. And far more aggressive acts too. This is not the end of it all.

Edit: Also, South Korea has no nuclear weapons, so this isn’t between two nuclear powers. on 14 Oct 12:26 collapse

Did I say somewhere I thought this was going to turn into WWIII, or that this would be the end of it all? No, I said it was yet another extremely stressful thing to heap onto the pile. You’re inventing what I said and arguing against that.
(The united states was the 2nd nuclear power to which I was referring. There are ample US nuclear assets stationed in KR.) on 14 Oct 12:30 collapse

Not really. As of 2023, the U.S. plan is to regularly one nuclear submarine to South Korea. Then it leaves again.

So, again, maybe this isn’t worth getting so worried about. on 14 Oct 12:39 collapse

From your article:

Under the new deal, the US will make its defense commitments more visible by sending a nuclear-armed submarine to South Korea for the first time in 40 years, along with other strategic assets, including nuclear-capable bombers.

Dude, squiddy, even a single Ohio class submarine could wipe out half the life on this planet. I get you think I haven’t understood your message, and maybe you think this is somehow helpful instead of incredibly patronizing, but it’s concerning that the moderator of a news community doesn’t understand that news can be both important to read and at the same time deeply stressful. on 14 Oct 12:43 collapse

but it’s concerning that the moderator of a news community doesn’t understand that news can be both important to read and at the same time deeply stressful.

  1. My job as a moderator is to enforce the rules in the sidebar. Those rules do not involve such things.
  2. It’s because I recognize this is stressful that I literally have said things like, “then I wouldn’t look into this issue too deeply or you will be eternally stressed” and “so, again, maybe this isn’t worth getting so worried about.” I have no idea why you would think I would say those two things to you but not understand that it can be stressful.

I have been attempting to explain why this should not stress you out so much. I guess that makes me a bad moderator. on 14 Oct 12:53 collapse

If indeed your job is to just enforce the rules in the sidebar (and assuming we somehow ignore that authority in a subject comes with responsibility over said subject), why are you commenting on the topic from a position of authority at all? Clearly that’s an overstep of the premise you have put forward. But while I understand you think you were trying to be helpful, what you’re actually saying is that I should just “not think about it”. That doesn’t, you know, actually help. If your advice is going to be “don’t read the news” why do you moderate this group at all? That’s literally a textbook example of acting in bad faith. Despite the fact you don’t read the sources you throw out to support your point, you claim to be somehow knowledgeable enough in this topic to advise others on if they should/should not consume said media based of a single comment you repeatedly misrepresent.

And that’s not kindness or understanding, squid. That’s being a jerk. on 14 Oct 12:54 collapse

What on Earth are you talking about? In what way am I commenting from a position of authority? on 14 Oct 12:58 collapse

You see that green ‘M’ next to your name?

Going to point something out to you btw: Whenever you receive criticism, you only ever address the aspect of that criticism you can argue against. Please, can you respond to the parts about you being extremely rude to people that have done nothing to deserve it? Or anything else I said, besides one minor point that was poorly clarified on my part? on 14 Oct 13:01 collapse

Yes I do. That doesn’t mean everything I say makes me some sort of authority. It means I enforce the rules in the sidebar.

Look, get as stressed as you like. Go run through the streets screaming and tearing your clothes for all I care.

I was only trying to help. on 14 Oct 13:07 collapse

But that literally does make you an authority within this forum. Cops are not regarded as intelligent in pretty much any discipline (for good reason), but they still are a figure of authority whenever they are in uniform. Many of them, too, do not realize this, because it’s not something that’s particularly obvious when you’re the person wielding that authority. (You’re not a cop, for starters you’re clearly too genuinely caring and intelligent to qualify to be a cop, that was just a convenient metaphor)

You have the authority to moderate so many communities, but if you don’t understand that that is in itself authority it explains the reputation you’re getting for how you approach conversations. No matter what you do, if you have the ability to casually end the conversation by banning a participant (something you have demonstrated many times before) that conversation is not between equals, it is between an authority figure and a modern plebeian.

Seriously, I still don’t dislike you (despite you having accused me of that many times before), this is just something incredibly fundamental to any discourse that I think you may not have understood. I understand you were trying to help, but unless you can bring peace to the Korean Peninsula it’s sadly not going to salve the stress of an unhinged lunatic with nuclear weapons goading people into paying, or just paying attention, to him. It sucks, but sometimes you can’t help, you can only offer sympathy and community.

The authority to exercise that discretion is perhaps the most important thing you are responsible for. (Especially in an international forum, where people (cough me) might have family in Seoul.) on 14 Oct 13:12 collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 14 Oct 13:30 collapse

(Deflecting uncomfortable truths with a .gif is both disappointingly insulting and pretty transparent. I haven’t done anything that warrants that kind of rudeness, you know that.)

You can’t invalidate what I’m saying with that, and you probably shouldn’t ignore the many threads dedicated to just how poorly you treat the users in the communities you moderate. Some of them are legit assholes who I will happily watch get beaten with your Metaphorical Steel Chair, but so many of them aren’t, and I think it’s too easy for you to dismiss the commenters who have been hurt by a misunderstanding or rose to defend themselves when a topic was unreasonably escalated as all being those legit assholes, when most of them aren’t. I’m not (I like to think, at least), but I just didn’t want the kind of help you were offering.

I moderate several things that are orders of magnitude larger and some of them so much shittier tbh, fuck I hate linux devs sometimes than, so believe me I understand exactly how awful this job can be. Being subjected to only vitriol from nazis objecting to your “totally unreasonable” ban while any positive actions you take are entirely constrained to invisible behind the scenes actions is awful. But when every meta thread about the site is has people saying “hey, can the admins please talk to this moderator?” it’s a sign that you should ask someone you trust to give you a real answer and see if those people are just assholes, or if maybe you need to reflect on how your behavior is being interpreted by an outside observer.

Edit: (Yo guys don’t downvote them, they were just trying to help. Being kind of a jerk about it, but it doesn’t help anything to downvote people for sincere if misguided attempts at kindness) on 14 Oct 17:01 collapse

It’s not, but I don’t think it’s money.

Putin told kju the west was weak, and now was the time to strike, just like he told Xi in 2022.

Kju will posture because he isn’t sure whether to believe or not, and mildly ratting his saber covers all eventualities.

Iran was similar, as was Hamas, putin is pushing for maximum instability in hopes that the west will decide supporting Ukraine is too risky.

The problem is: we’ve see this all before, appeasement doesn’t bring peace, it just encourages more war.

This is really part of Putin’s whole contingency plan of forming a counter to nato, with all the worst outcasts and China, because he figured half the world would rally around him after kyiv fell. on 14 Oct 17:02 collapse

Rally around him or at least be Neville Chamberlains. He’s mostly gotten the latter from the minority of nations not condemning him and very little of the former. on 14 Oct 17:25 collapse

Tbf to him, from his vantage point the fall of Afghanistan did seem like the signal to strike.

He just vastly underestimated the underlying strength of the west because we basically exaggerate our capabilities far less than he’s used to under vranyo, so our minor defeat wasn’t actually a sign of us hiding our complete collapse. on 14 Oct 17:42 collapse

fall of Afghanistan

You mean the fall that he orchestrated via trump?

If you want to consider that the start, Putin started it. on 14 Oct 20:55 collapse

Heh, I agree, much like he contributed massively to Brexit.

But understand this: In this story, he’s the main character, he sees things a bit differently, for him re-uniting the Russian Empire is a matter of destiny and anything that helps was meant to be, while any setbacks must be sabotage of the natural way by the evil and petty western powers.

That’s just how things look at that level, it’s why dictatorships are bad, they reinforce narcissistic blindness. on 14 Oct 13:04 next collapse

Oh for fucks sake, now this?? Can we all just take a step back and calm down, between ‘US/Taiwan/China’, ‘Ukraine/Russia’ and

I suppose sealing the border may be related, as North Korea is also sending soldiers to Ukraine, and this happened at about the same time.

That being said, it’s also true that North Korea pretty regularly does attention-getting things, and I suppose that it’s not impossible that this is one of those. on 14 Oct 21:37 collapse

This isn’t even that attention getting. North Korea has consistently stated over the past few years that they no longer entertain the idea of reunification.

Blowing up internal roads isn’t that provocative. on 14 Oct 13:10 collapse

As someone who was in the infantry and knows a LOT of soldiers stationed at the DMZ, this shit is not news. on 14 Oct 13:45 next collapse

No, them posturing surely isn’t. I’m just at the point where it’s just a little bit much to add “nuclear power throwing a tantrum in the grocery store aisle of geopolitics” on top of everything else on 14 Oct 14:01 collapse

As someone who is apparently an “authority” on every issue in the universe while on c/worldnews… Don’t bother. Trust me. on 14 Oct 17:02 collapse

See, this is what I’m talking about. You’re not an authority on the topic at hand, you’re an authority figure within this community. Why are you pivoting to passive-aggressively talking past the actual person? That’s just mean, and petty, and you’re better than this, man. You clearly understand what I was saying, so how does doing this further the conversation? Why are you intentionally misrepresenting what I was saying to you?

Is it really that hard to acknowledge even polite criticism? on 14 Oct 17:03 next collapse

you’re an authority figure within this community.

Cool, then I’m going to use that authority to tell you to leave me alone. on 14 Oct 17:24 collapse

Why not just block me, then? You’re the one telling other people to “Don’t bother. Trust me.” when I comment on totally unrelated to you posts, and then threatening me when I call you out for your behavior.
That’s not just not okay, dude.

That’s literal harassment.

From the TOS:

Before using the website, remember you will be interacting with actual, real people and communities. Lemmy.World is not a place for you to attack other people or groups of people. Just because you disagree with someone doesn’t give you the right to harass them. Discuss ideas and be critical of principles. Show the respect you desire to receive.

For my part in this, I’m sorry? I don’t entirely know what for, but evidently you’re hurting, and that really was never my intent. on 14 Oct 17:28 collapse

I didn’t threaten you. Hence your comment not getting deleted and you not getting banned for not leaving me alone. I guess I’m not the authority figure you think I am.

Please do continue to do this silly rant at me though. As long as you don’t violate any rules, there’s nothing I’ll do about it.

And if you feel I am harassing you, you should definitely report me to Lemmy admins. Will you do it? on 14 Oct 21:13 collapse

No, they’ve repeatedly demonstrated to not be “better than this”. It’s Unidan all over again. on 14 Oct 11:09 next collapse

“How they DARE to even think to have some trade with us??? Fuck them, we will blow our own roads and rails, this will teach them a lesson!” - the geniuses in command on 14 Oct 12:50 collapse

Yeah, this is such a silly move, lol. I mean, sure, SK wouldn’t be able to use them. But, neither would your army… In a sense, you’re admitting that if it came to a war, you’re not strong enough to launch an offensive campaign and are preparing to immediately go on the defense. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, unless your government’s propaganda is constantly talking up how glorious and powerful your leader and military are. on 14 Oct 13:18 collapse

Assuming they go through with it, it’s is a pretty clear message that diplomatic attempts are at an end. These roads haven’t been used in years because of how insane the north koreans are, but removing them only impacts civilian transit - militaries, even hilariously inept ones like the DPRK, have the ability to lay transit paths in minutes (or may not even need them, military vehicles being known for their offroad capability). And that’s not even including the famed ‘invasion tunnels’, or that a ground assault isn’t needed when 20% of your population is within the effective range of thousands (yes, thousands) of already emplaced artillery pieces. on 14 Oct 11:42 next collapse

At least that means they don’t plan to use them for an invasion soon? on 14 Oct 23:17 collapse

All the adversaries to US hegemony came to the conclusion that the US cannot be everywhere at once. So now they are weakened and possibly turn isolationist… this is the time to start testing the fences for there might be an opportunity opening up soon.