Israeli parliament votes to label UN relief agency a terror organisation (
from to on 23 Jul 2024 12:51


threaded - newest on 23 Jul 2024 13:03 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 23 Jul 2024 21:20 collapse

The sheer absurdity of labeling an organization with “United Nations” in its name as a terrorist org is astounding. At what possible point would someone there ask, “Hey, do you think it’s us who are the baddies?”

Likely never, but it does make me wonder. on 23 Jul 2024 13:44 next collapse

The perverse thing is that UNRWA only exists because Zionists refused to allow the main body that deals with refugees, the UNHCR, from dealing with Palestinians. on 23 Jul 2024 14:51 collapse

I never heard that before. I always thought it was the Arab states who pushed for it after the 1948 wa because they didn’t want to absorb the refugees.

Do you have any source that addresses this? on 23 Jul 2024 15:45 collapse

The perverse thing is that UNRWA only exists because Zionists refused to allow the main body that deals with refugees, the UNHCR, from dealing with Palestinians.

This statement contains some inaccuracies regarding the history and purpose of UNRWA. Here are the key facts:

UNRWA was established in 1949, predating the UNHCR which was created in 1950[1][2]. It was not created because of Zionist refusal, but rather in response to the displacement of Palestinians following the 1948 Arab-Israeli War[2].

UNRWA’s mandate is specifically focused on providing humanitarian assistance and services to Palestinian refugees, while UNHCR handles all other refugee populations globally[1][2]. This separation was not due to Zionist influence, but rather emerged from the unique historical circumstances surrounding the Palestinian refugee situation.

The continuation of UNRWA is supported by many parties, including Arab states and Palestinians, who see it as an assurance of their refugee status and right of return[4]. However, UNRWA has faced criticism for potentially perpetuating the conflict and refugee status across generations[2].

It’s important to note that the situation is complex, with various stakeholders having different perspectives on UNRWA’s role and effectiveness in addressing the Palestinian refugee issue[1][2][4].

Citations: [1] Why Palestine have a completely separate authority (UNRWA) for ……/why_palestine_have_a_completely_sepa… [2] What to Know about UNRWA and Its Controversial Role in the Israeli ……/what-to-know-about-unrwa-and-its-contro… [3] [PDF] UNRWA AND THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEES: A HISTORY WITHIN … [4] UNRWA’s Reckoning: Preserving the UN Agency Serving ……/242-unrwas-reckoning-preserving… [5] UNRWA - Wikipedia on 23 Jul 2024 14:36 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 23 Jul 2024 17:23 collapse

The difference is that in Uno, playing a reverse card is a legitimate move. on 23 Jul 2024 14:38 next collapse

It’s absurd at this point. Feel like we’re being punked or in a very strange simulation. Jeez. on 23 Jul 2024 14:51 next collapse

I vote to label Israel a terrorist State. on 23 Jul 2024 15:11 next collapse

I vote to label Israel as a satirical version of a real country, because no real country would do things like this. on 23 Jul 2024 20:26 collapse

Nazi Germany, Mussolini Italy, United Kingdom, France, United States of America, The Japanese Empire, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Osman empire…

All very real, all very genocidal at one point or into todays history. on 23 Jul 2024 17:13 collapse

I vote to revoke their state hood that U.N. gave them on 23 Jul 2024 17:11 next collapse

“No u”

-The Knesset on 24 Jul 2024 14:35 collapse

Who ever israel kills is a terrorist! Don’t you know that by now. The fact that neither nominee is willing to stand up to Israel is the reason we need to take our country back.