Fight erupts between Rmeish residents and Hezbollah over missile launcher (
from to on 30 Mar 2024 12:24


threaded - newest on 30 Mar 2024 14:22 collapse

"Green without Borders" stopped residents from chopping down trees and is "known to be affiliated with Hezbollah?" The last lines were very curious.

Lebanon is always on the brink of civil war. on 31 Mar 2024 09:19 collapse

Based on some very quick searching, Israel has been claiming that Green Without Borders is a Hezbollah front group and has convinced eg. US Treasury Dept. to sanction them.

I’m not sure there’s any actual proof of this affiliation though, or whether this is the same sort of Israeli bullshit as we saw with the whole “UNRWA is Hamas” fiasco. I didn’t look too deep into it however so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯