Blinken says US has 'serious concerns' about announced result of Venezuelan election
from to on 29 Jul 2024 10:42
from to on 29 Jul 2024 10:42
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States has ‘serious concerns’ about the announced result of Venezuela’s hotly contested presidential election that authorities say was won by incumbent Nicolas Maduro.
Speaking in Tokyo on Monday shortly after the announcement was made, Blinken said the U.S. was concerned that the result reflected neither the will nor the votes of the Venezuelan people. He called for election officials to publish the full results transparently and immediately and said the U.S. and the international community would respond accordingly.
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So, a coup in a couple years then?
America, coup thyself.
Congratulations on coming out of your coma! There’s a lot you need to get caught up on…
Edit: sorry to stoop to ad hominem to combat yours. Edited to remove.
It’s not an ad hominem to make a joke pointing out that there was an attempted coup in the US three years ago
Its ad hominem to say I’m in a coma, ableist. Yes I fucking know a coup was attempted. The US has a long history to the present about backing coups across the world. JFC.
Just to double down on my ableism, you may want a doctor to examine your paper thin skin
I guess go fuck yourself.
You must have missed the news. That was a few years ago.
Nope, didn’t miss that. Those assholes aren’t getting enough jail time. But that wasn’t the point.
Student protests is the go to these days
Followed shortly by Russia invading to “cleanse the area of nazis”
Trump already tried, it was pretty harebrained even by CIA standards.
Suddenly a far right military dictator that very much likes the US takes power in the near future. Wouldn’t be the first time, or second or third…
And suddenly US media stops caring about all the bad things happening in Vuvuzela
One of the problems with the Maduro government is that he keeps arming his working class supporters. Consequently, you have dipshit wanna-be commandos getting held up at gunpoint in small fishing towns.
It’s on the docket after the one in January, though if another one in the middle east comes up that takes precedence.
Fixed that
Here’s a large collection of international reactions. Your assertion that the west is the only bloc with concerns is way off base.
That’s pretty much 75 % of America + ‘Europe’. Not even a third of the global population.
Guess we’ll have to wait for China and India to weigh in before we’re allowed to have an opinion I guess…
Apparently facts get dislikes around here
Why doesn’t the US just fuck off already
Momentum, mostly.
ITT: people that think Maduro’s government isn’t a corrupt clown show.
You guys do know the US state department isn’t always lying, right? If Maduro had such a strong mandate why would poll watchers get turned away?
Welcome to Lemmy, where Murica Bad, and the less Murica it is, the more unequivocally good it is.
We are not living in a fantasy world where bad always fight good. It’s possible for two bad people,organization or country to fight each other. A country like the us who helped many coups and are supporting genocides can’t be good
You live in a world where good always fights bad. We always smoke the bad guys. Try us why don’t it.
It actually is.
I’m so sick of American imperialism and it’s unfettered capitalism.
Where is the lie?
Honestly, it’s an oversimplified view on reality. The US is incredibly good and incredibly bad. Just like most countries.
The argument over which country is better is like arguing philosophy. The argument has merit in lifting up both sides. But to say America is bad is sophmoric at best. It comes across like a petulant child.
I’m willing to bet you can’t tell me a single good thing that the US has done that I’ve heard of that happened within the last 30 years.
Well that kind of defeats the point doesn’t it? If you’re so far within a rabbithole of politics that you never hear anything positive about the U.S. then that’s on you.
Just one example out of many, the Biden administration stopped a fascist coup in Brazil and protected the democratic legitimacy of the socialist who won the election.
I get my news from pretty diverse sources, so it shouldn’t be that hard. If the US is so incredibly good then it would be relatively easy to point to a recent event or something. Jog my memory on some incredible good that I’ve forgotten.
As for what you linked, I’ve never heard of that one, also never even heard of that organisation. It’s also pay-walled, so I couldn’t even read it if I wanted to.
Diversity of sources almost doesn’t matter, quality does, you could watch a hundred different Trumpist YT channels, Fox, and OAN, and you’re not going to know basically anything factual because all of those sources are trash. The same could easily be said for questionable left wing sources too.
It’s one of the most reputable foreign policy publications in the U.S, founded to give an academic counterweight to government statements during the Vietnam War.
It’s not hard to get past paywalls:
The prompt was to tell me a good thing that I had heard of. I haven’t heard of this. I am European, left-wing, and I’ve been exposed to pretty much everything that one would find in the mainstream news or left-leaning news sites. I’m genuinely open to reconsidering my views here, all you need is one positive thing I’ve heard of in the last 30 years.
I believe I already gave you an example? I explained the source the example was from, and gave a link that got past the paywall.
There’s the non-paywalled link again, I guess.
Once again, I told you, I have never heard of this. Is it literally the only thing you can think of? Doesn’t sound that incredibly good to me.
Your line of reasoning is like saying Igbo, Malayalam, or Algonguian doesn’t exist because you haven’t heard of them.
I notice you’re criticising my reasoning rather than providing an example of a good thing the US has done. I wonder why that could be? If I was so unreasonable it would be easy to inundate me, just flood me with half a dozen links of news stories of the United States providing homes to homeless people, or taking a stand against genocide, or cancelling subsidies for fossil fuels. No one is doing that.
Here’s the U.S. investing to create affordable housing in regions across the world.
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Here’s the U.S. taking a stand against a genocide.
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Here’s the U.S. trying to end fossil fuel subsidies.
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Because you started with the precondition that any answer had to be one you had heard of, which is preposterous, how are we supposed to know what you’ve heard of? From the fact that all of the rhetorical questions you asked could’ve been answered with a Google search, it seems you’ve only ever heard of or paid attention to the U.S. doing bad things, which makes finding a good example that you’ve heard of a non-starter.
This is my fucking point. The US is a nation of big talk going nowhere. Biden talking about how much he wants to end subsidies but it doesn’t fucking happen. Blinken denounces genocide then does fuck all about it. Continues to funnel weapons and money to Apartheid Israel.
Literally the only article you linked which seems like something happened was US finding for housing in Africa which sounds nice and all, but y’all continue to exploit Africa way fucking more than you contribute.
The original comment was that America does incredible good and incredible bad. I know about the bad. I want to hear about the good. But I also don’t want to be inundated with absolute trash that went nowhere. That’s why I specified something that I heard about. Because otherwise you just get stuff like, “oh, they gave $20 to an orphan in Syria, once.”
If someone is incredibly good then it should be as easy to dig up evidence of their good as it is to dig up evidence of their evil.
I’m sorry you can’t abide criticism of your shit-tier, racist, colonialist, genocide supporting, white-supremacist hellhole. Have fun with dealing with the tide of fascism.
So you blame the entire nation for the actions of a few fascists in Congress who are still addicted to their oil? Maybe tell us to elect more Democrats who will end subsidies, instead of blaming the ones trying to fix it.
Is how I know you didn’t read much other than the headlines from those articles, or are you saying that millions of dollars to build housing for refugees in Armenia is nothing? Are you saying the money given to rebuild Ukraine was nothing? Are you saying the houses built and diseases eradicated in Africa were nothing? Are you saying the condemnation of genocide in Myanmar, Xinjiang, and Bosnia and the actions taken against those regimes was nothing? I would generally agree U.S. corporations tend to exploit the global south (along with corporations from China, Russia, and any rich nation), but that in no way negates the actions by the U.S. government to alleviate suffering in the global south, the most powerful country in the world isn’t a monolith.
Is definitely the attitude that fellow humans should have with each other towards the global rise of fascists. /s
Welp, you tried
Dude, do you think I’m criticising the American people? I’m not. You are victims of the US more than you’re responsible for their actions. But unless and until you can accept the fact that the nation you live in is a force for evil, you will never, ever be able to change it. That’s all I am trying to make you realise. I’m not actually all that interested in anything else.
Vote all you want, but it’ll never make the United States a good country. The US will always be a colonialist power controlled by the rich until you remove those rich bastards from power. And you can’t do that using the system they designed to make sure they remain in place at the top of the pyramid.
Idk this definitely doesn’t feel like the attitude of someone who wants best for the American people, maybe you as a European, the continent that created fascism and experienced it more than anyone would know otherwise though. /s
Unless you’re advocating for the violent overthrow of the American government, something that would be almost impossible, would involve the first civil war in a nuclear nation ever and would inevitably wreak havoc on the world, and is certainly unwarranted under our current administration. Then voting is literally the only way to change our government, and it’s perfectly possible, the Democratic and Republican parties have changed massively due to the will of the people. The Republican Elite did not want Trump, the base did, and the Democratic Elite can’t stop Bernie’s popularity or more people like him getting into local office, state offices, and their influence can be beat in congressional primaries easily, if you want the U.S. to change in a radically left ward direction, violence will get you nothing but arrested, voting (and organizing) will bring change gradually.
A state is not the people. Israel is genocidal and evil. But the people who live there aren’t necessarily.
I’m in favour of peaceful revolution. A general strike. Where the working class withhold their labour from the ruling class, and establish alternative societal structures outside of the state. For example, agricultural workers provide food to their fellow working class, in exchange for their own aid - e.g. childcare, help in maintaining tools and vehicles, healthcare, etc.
Violence must never be our first answer, but we must also be prepared to defend ourselves if necessary.
Not really. The changes have been aesthetic and semiotics. Both parties still favour corporations over people. Both parties are still beholden to wealth, first and foremost.
Yes Maduro is a corrupt dictator but the only reason why the state department is saying that is because it goes against Us interest. He couldn’t give a damn about venezuelans people. If it was a pro west dictator he wouldn’t say that.
It actively effects us when they get together in a caravan and cross our border because their county is corrupt all the way at the highest level.
Oh no, poor people crossing an imaginary line, how will we survive this
Noooo don’t work in our economy and produce exploitable value nooooo
Maybe if your country didn’t get involved into fucking up the democracy of that region for corporate interests, I would have some sympathy.
Yes, because we printed all the Bolivar they printed causing hyperinflation. What in the fuck are you talking about?
I think they’re referring to the countless South American counties that America has meddled with in the past.
Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, etc.
Basically, you reap what you sow.
Yep. That’s it.
We didn’t meddle in Venezuela. Like what are you talking about. The guy thought he had enough oil to not need the u.s as a ally anymore. He cut us off from his country and tried allying with Iraq and Cuba. He failed though.
Economic warfare
Cut us off from their oil, then America cut trade ties, then they allied with our adversaries because America turned their back on them simply because they were mad they nationalized their oil.
Yea, that’s the point: the US views oil access and strategic alliances as interrelated. If anything I think this is just an open admission that the US DGAF about ‘democracy’ but is really only interested in the willingness of oil states to deal in their oil supply.
Lol America is so fucking entitled
Lmao, because they decided to cut ties with their ‘investor’? At the risk of repeating myself:
Removed, civility.
John Bolton admits to Venezuela coup.
LoL sorry buddy, but you clearly don’t know your history. Come back after you read about American influence in South American politics since WW2.
Here’s a place to start:
Let’s just looks at Venezuela.
If we’re using Wikipedia as a source you might be interested in these parts
They always hated us for no reason of our own. And wanted to take our spot as a super power. They failed.
No. Trying to get rid of American influence and being independent without any US involvement is not trying to take a spot at being a super power. Get real.
You won’t even list the reason other than “we stopped buying their oil” lololol.
<img alt="" src="">
The US liked having cheap access to their oil, and the Venezuelan people decided they didn’t want private interests taking advantage. That’s well within their right, and more countries should pursue nationalizing their industry against American hegemony.
Fuck American private interests, and fuck their corrupt political dogs. America has whatever is coming to them, too. America meddled in so many economies their moral judgement became not even worth wiping your ass with. They were always greedy like that.
And go ahead? When you bankrupt your country don’t blame USA for all your problems lmao.
You still fail to say anything we did other than stop buying their oil.
Speaking of not reading your sources:
They are talking about the Carmona govt in that bold highlighted part. Nice try though. Isn’t it weird how it’s always Colombians who try to kill him. If you know Colombians ask them what they think about Venezuela.
Then what your upset because we proposed some resolution at a meeting which the resolution didn’t pass votes. Keep throwing shit at the wall. How much do they pay you?
Lmao, right, the US regularly meddled in foreign affairs of states around and aligned to Chavez and the Venezuelan government. Is this like when my brother used to stick his hand in front of my face while saying “I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you”?
Honestly, by what standard are we saying the US needs to ‘meddle’ in a country before that country is justified in pursuing their own interests and foreign policy goals? I don’t think anyone is under the assumption that the US is incapable of fucking with any country they want simply by throwing their massive economic and military weight around in the pool. “Why are these countries mad at us, we’re doing nothing wrong?!”
GTFO lol
Removed, civility
A couple years ago the US Navy committed international piracy by stealing a Venezuelan oil tanker that was trying to sell Venezuelan oil. And that’s just one example of the years of economic interference we’ve been fucking them with.
It’s true that Venezuela’s economic troubles didn’t start with our embargo, but it’s also true that our embargo makes things ten times worse.
I think it’s more like if the US wants people to believe they didn’t try to rig elections in South America they should stop rigging elections and launching coups when that doesn’t work in South America.
Only when their lips are moving.
It’s always funny to see folks in Western countries carefully triangulate between corrupt liberal parties, then express slack-jawed horror when foreign voters do the exact same math.
I’m more than fine with Venezuelan voters choosing their own government. I just don’t trust that this election was anything other than performative considering Maduro agreed to election monitoring and then walked back on it
This sure screams free and clear election. I was pissed off when the DNC put their thumb on the scale of the primaries against Bernie; it’s logically consistent for me to be annoyed by this bullshit as well.
Here comes Juan Guaido again
heh, I for one agree with the tankies on this one…let South America have fun dealing with Maduro’s bullshit on their own until they ask for help.
O boy this is gonna be civil. Does the United States have an interest in Venezuelas election because they have the largest oil reserves in the world? Or do they really care about the people in a foreign nation?
Venezuelan oil is rich in sulphur, so it is less attractive. It requires special infrastructure and buyers who have the installed capacity to deal with heavy crudes, like China and India.
PS: funnily enough, Guyana’s crude is from a different geological segment and of higher quality and highly valuable, no wonder Maduro wants to annex it.
The US couped Guyana back in the 60s and never let the country out from under its boot heel.
Great, even if true, let’s start an international war to fix it, right Sr. Maduro?
One man’s illegal invasion is another man’s democratic liberation. But this whole thing reeks of the Iraq/Kuwait conflict of '91, complete with arguments over who owns which oil field and shady corporate executives leaning on domestic news media to get people’s hate up.
No, no it isn’t, Saddam invaded Kuwait to annex it. Let’s hope Maduro does not try to invade Guyana to annex it.
Saddam invaded Kuwait to halt their slant drilling project into the transboundary Rumaila oil field.
Even if that were the only reason, that has no relation to Guyana, because these are geologically independent reservoirs.
You replied to the wrong guy. The tankie is above me.
Removed, see the new civility guidelines.
And also because Kuwait was the only party involved that refused some debt forgiveness for Iraq’s losses in the Iran/Iraq war backed by the US and its allies.
That’s an extremely flimsy claim given the PPP, an explicitly Marxist party, has held power in Guyana multiple times including this exact moment. I guess socialist solidarity ends when there are resources to extract?
And yes I am aware the party just removed ML and socialism from their constitution but that hardly makes them US stooges.
Explicitly Marxist guy who privatizes state lands to his business buddies for a fifth their asking price. Sounds very Marxist.
And yet he’s still a leader of the party that Kennedy tried to sideline in the coup you mentioned. He’s hardly the first person to sell out for personal gain.
A party that’s been hollowed out by corruption. It’s no more the Party of Marxism than the American Republican Party is the Party of Lincoln.
I don’t disagree. It also fittingly applies to PSUV
We have our own corrupt dictator looming on the horizon. How about we redirect these concerns to our own country?
Being consistent about transparent elections no matter where they are is one way to assert how important that is, including in the US.
“None of
ourthe other candidates got any votes!”The opposition ran a bunch of far-right reactionary psychos and still crested 44% of the vote. That’s definitely indicative of how far Maduro has fallen in popularity, even after an economic rebound in the wake of COVID.
But when you run stupid candidates, you win stupid prizes. They tried to get another Jeanine Áñez white nationalist style lunatic into the President’s mansion and they flopped.
Why is the US concerned? Oil companies pleaded for the US to intervene when Venezuela nationalized their economy. Then Venezuela nationalized many other sectors, and the US got morw angry.…/factbox-venezuelas-nationalizations…
At this point I’m more concerned about the American election results, which could result in an authoritarian regime…
I hope it does
Bootlickers always do
We know, you got the .ml to prove it.
“Democratic.” Right.
Is it better to just proclaim a president as interim out of
nowherethe CIA? Let’s be honest here, at least Maduro calls for elections.At least Putin holds elections!!
Well, why don’t the USA proclaim a Russian president too? It’s a masterplan.
Nah Putin elects himself.
And Trump too.
ITT: Tankies being apologists for an equally corrupt regime who obviously rigged an election.
I also rolled my eyes when I saw the headline. US don’t really have much of credibility on this one. But tankie wankers think the election result is perfectly okay simply because “suck it 'Murica”.
fuckin’… Yea, that’s the point
The US doesn’t dispute foreign election results unless it benefits them; their complaint is essentially unrelated to the actual legitimacy of the results.
Venezuela has been a target of US diplomatic aggression since they nationalized their oil. Say whatever you want about their government but their history has been fucked beyond recognition by US diplomatic intervention. That Blinken is wasting air commenting on it is simply more evidence of the US weighing in on affairs they ought to have fuck-all to do with.
Yes but two wrongs don’t make a right.
Pot calling the kettle black, more like.
Since 1976? Venezuela’s oil was nationalized by Rafael Caldera in that year.
And yes that Rafael Caldera, the guy Chavez tried to overthrow lmao.
Yes, it may be surprising that US relations with Venezuela began before Chavez, but it’s true
If the American government wants me to doubt the integrity of their election they should have kept their mouths shut and let the evidence speak for itself.
We know they were suppressing the opposition, and by definition that means the election wasn’t free and fair. You want to do anything else? Find some proof and publish that.
America is ontologically evil, therefore anything America doesn’t like is good. QED.
It’s more that we’ve got a long history of Sec of States going on record saying things that are categorically untrue. Could ABC News find us a slightly more trustworthy source? Perhaps an unnamed Iraq informant code-named Curveball? Or an FBI informant with Neo-Nazi ties looking to rat on a civil rights icon? Bill Clinton talking about a blowjob? Literally anyone more trustworthy.