Turkish preacher and Erdoğan's longtime rival Fethullah Gülen has died, media claim | Euronews (www.euronews.com)
from fne8w2ah@lemmy.world to world@lemmy.world on 21 Oct 07:44


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MediaBiasFactChecker@lemmy.world on 21 Oct 07:44 next collapse
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LesserAbe@lemmy.world on 21 Oct 11:56 next collapse

I don’t know whether Gulen was good or bad, but I do remember thinking it was funny when Erdogan was denouncing him after the coup attempt and wouldn’t say his name, instead the release said something like “the Turkish people don’t take orders from Allentown” like it was a foreign capital.

bokherif@lemmy.world on 21 Oct 18:40 next collapse


BrokenGlepnir@lemmy.world on 21 Oct 19:24 collapse

Erdoğan just lost 43 stress.