iPhones 'tainted with blood'? Congo accuses Apple of using ‘illegally exploited' minerals from war zones (www.firstpost.com)
from MagneticElectron@lemm.ee to world@lemmy.world on 26 Apr 19:19

The accusations against Apple come amid ongoing violence and conflict in the DRC’s mineral-rich Great Lakes region, with accusations against Rwanda of supporting rebel groups to control the region’s resources.



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FlyingSquid@lemmy.world on 26 Apr 19:23 next collapse

I suggested this in another thread on this subject- There are plenty of reasons to criticize Apple specifically already, but I would be very surprised if any of the companies that make hardware, be it Apple, Google or Motorola, that isn’t using those conflict minerals. I just doubt that anything Apple manufactures is so unique that it requires them and Google doesn’t.

Again, there are plenty of other reasons to criticize Apple already, so “they all do it in this case” doesn’t make much of a difference in the big picture when it comes to them.

lolrightythen@lemmy.world on 26 Apr 23:18 collapse

I appreciate your take. It touches on “everyone else does it” without using that as an excuse to ignore the possible violations of human rights. I could use more conversations like this.

Good job, yo!

FlyingSquid@lemmy.world on 26 Apr 23:21 collapse

Thank you, that’s very kind of you.

saltesc@lemmy.world on 26 Apr 23:51 collapse

Well I’m a typical Lemmy user, so I’m going to use a combination of really low skill gaslighting and strawmanning to position you as a corporate shrill that’s all pro-capitalism and the exploitation of suffering third-world nations. I’ll even somehow spin it into you being pro-Israel and Russia by fabricating affirmation off the consequence of my strawman. Lastly, I’ll pull out a soapbox to shame you from, affirming that I am glad to be better than you and will never be like you.

I’ll keep doing this, glazing over every word you say despite your best efforts to make them incredibly clear, concise, and easy to read, until you give up and I can tell mum I won another debate.

PP_BOY_@lemmy.world on 26 Apr 19:24 next collapse

Iphones tainted with a new blood, you mean? We’ve known about the sweatshops for decades now.

MagneticElectron@lemm.ee on 26 Apr 19:40 collapse

This is the first time the Democratic Republic of Congo has been trying to legally sue Apple. Apple gets minerals from conflict zones by getting them smuggled to Rwanda.

Rwanda has been involved in funding and arming terrorist groups in Congo, so that they can make profits off the resources that belong to Congo. That’s how Rwanda has become the “Singapore or Africa”.

tsonfeir@lemm.ee on 26 Apr 23:42 collapse

The people who sell them get them bloodied, wash the blood off, and sell them as bloodless. While I hope Apple considers other suppliers now that it’s clear where they come from, it’s not like they’re coordinating the smuggling themselves.

werefreeatlast@lemmy.world on 27 Apr 01:04 collapse

Blood phones!

ScruffyDucky@lemmy.world on 27 Apr 18:40 collapse

iBlood phones