North Korean troops deserting Ukraine frontline days after arrival: Report (
from to on 16 Oct 17:43


threaded - newest on 16 Oct 17:44 next collapse
Newsweek - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)

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Media Bias Fact Check | bot support on 16 Oct 17:54 next collapse

Well that’s one way to escape North Korea I guess. on 16 Oct 18:07 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 16 Oct 18:15 next collapse

I want to know if they screamed "FREEEEEDOM!!" while doing it. on 16 Oct 19:57 collapse

Probably but I don’t think they screamed in English. on 17 Oct 01:22 collapse

Liberrrrtad! on 16 Oct 18:18 next collapse

I know a good number of North Koreans would love to defect if there weren’t going to be consequences for their families back home. Put those people in a situation where they can just disappear and have it explained as being honorably slain in combat? Seems like a golden opportunity if the country they defect to doesn’t just send them back. on 16 Oct 18:44 next collapse

I know a good number of North Koreans…

How do you know so many North Koreans? on 16 Oct 19:04 next collapse

Hah, got me there.

I did actually meet a North Korean once when I spent a fair bit of time in Seoul during a study abroad program, but she “defected” as a child (read: smuggled into the South via China by some Christian group) and didn’t really have much recollection of what life in the North was even like. Definitely not many though! on 16 Oct 20:54 next collapse

One is more than a lot of us can claim. on 17 Oct 04:49 collapse

One of my parents was in North Korea multiple times in the 80s as a tour guide from the Eastern Block, I remember hearing the stories about it when I was a child.

Cameras being taken, poverty housing blocked off with walls, fake buildings and rooms, US soldiers watching them from the other side of the DMZ “negotiation building”.

I always took these stories for granted, and didn’t realize for a long time how special and unique these experiences were. When I tell my Western EU colleagues they always drop their jaws. on 16 Oct 19:18 next collapse

Nice try, Kim! on 17 Oct 00:19 collapse

I’m a quarter NK. All the NKs I know are dead tho on 16 Oct 19:38 collapse

Hi Kim, me and my whole family wants to def … go to Ukraine and die for you!!

The whole family! on 16 Oct 18:38 next collapse

The best news. on 16 Oct 18:52 collapse

How come? on 16 Oct 19:17 next collapse

I’ve been deployed to the woods by a country I dislike, to a country I don’t understand under the command of a country I also dislike

…guess I’ll just leave, then. on 16 Oct 20:49 collapse

Ukraine needs to kill fewer N. Koreans now. That’s a plus. on 17 Oct 01:27 collapse

I misread the headline and thought they would be sending more regular troops. Well this is both parts expected and indeed good news. on 16 Oct 18:42 next collapse

I’ll file this under “Most Easily Predicted Outcome.” on 16 Oct 19:01 next collapse

Imagine living in a 1950’s time bubble. You are being constantly told through propaganda that your military force is cutting edge and that it can easily overwhelm any enemy.

Then you are being sent to fight on a battlefield where everyone has better gear than you, where you are confronted to weapons that are so far advanced beyond anything that you’ve ever seen they might as well be magic. Then you see said weapons completely obliterate your comrades without giving you a chance to even see the enemy who operates them.

You only obeyed so far because you feared what your government might do to you if you didn’t. Now you’ve found something that you fear even more. on 16 Oct 19:03 next collapse

Please write this novel. on 16 Oct 20:09 next collapse

Novel? As in a book of fiction? This is happening right now. I am sure some video of this will come out of this sad story and maybe in a few years some of these people who surrendered will be able to write their own story first hand. (I am assuming they will not want to go back to nk). on 17 Oct 03:18 collapse

Yeah, a fictional account of a current situation is pretty preposterous, you’re right. Dunno what I was thinking. on 17 Oct 01:16 collapse

I threw it into ChatGPT, then asked them to change the name from Henry to one common in Korea.

In-soo had always believed the stories. The glossy propaganda reels, the posters of steely-eyed soldiers, and the speeches from government officials all painted the same picture: his country’s military was unmatched, unstoppable. Though the world had advanced, In-soo’s nation remained locked in a past vision of itself, proudly touting its military might, using technology that hadn’t evolved much beyond the 1950s. Tanks, planes, and rifles that his father might’ve used were still standard issue. It was enough, they said, to overwhelm any enemy.

But when they arrived on the battlefield, the illusion shattered.

The air was thick with smoke and dust. In-soo clutched his rifle, a relic from an era that felt like ancient history. He could hear the hum of something—machines, weapons, drones? He didn’t know. The enemy was out there, but they remained invisible, their presence felt only through strange, high-pitched frequencies and flashes of light. He had been trained for combat in a conventional sense, but this wasn’t war as he understood it.

A blinding flash erupted in the distance. Seconds later, half his squad was gone, reduced to nothing more than ash. No gunfire, no warning—just a blip, and they were vaporized. In-soo froze. This wasn’t warfare. It was annihilation. The weapons being used against them were so advanced they were beyond his comprehension, like something out of a nightmare. Weapons that didn’t give him a chance to even see who—or what—was operating them.

“Stay together!” his commanding officer shouted, but it didn’t matter. How could they stay together when they couldn’t even see what was killing them? Panic surged through the ranks. Soldiers who had once stood tall, believing in their nation’s invincibility, now scattered in terror, desperate to survive.

In-soo crouched behind a rusted piece of machinery, gripping his rifle tightly, though he knew it was useless. He had been afraid of disobeying orders, terrified of what his government would do to him if he didn’t serve. But now, that fear felt insignificant. The enemy’s technology wasn’t just more advanced—it was like magic, bending the very rules of reality.

He glanced at the scorched earth where his comrades once stood, feeling a deep, gnawing helplessness. They weren’t soldiers anymore. They were bodies—disappearing in a war where they never stood a chance. In-soo had always feared the consequences of deserting or refusing to fight, but now, a new terror gripped him: the realization that he was facing something far worse than his government’s threats.

The certainty that had once bolstered him was gone. All that remained was the fear of an enemy he couldn’t see, couldn’t fight, and couldn’t even begin to understand. on 17 Oct 01:56 next collapse

That’s actually pretty good! Sure, lots of tweaking to be done, but pretty good overall. on 17 Oct 03:20 collapse

It’s pretty alright! Too on the nose with the descriptions at first but that improved a bit as it went. I think I might give this a go myself tomorrow! on 16 Oct 21:10 next collapse

imagine them seeing the drone for the first time. on 16 Oct 21:25 collapse

Hearing on 16 Oct 21:59 next collapse

For the first and last time 😟 on 16 Oct 22:25 next collapse

Hey (pointing skywards), is that a dro… on 17 Oct 05:59 collapse

An Outside Context Problem was the sort of thing most civilizations encountered just once, and which they tended to encounter rather in the same way a sentence encountered a full stop. on 16 Oct 22:37 collapse

🌻 on 17 Oct 01:57 collapse

Not sure they even hear them. I’ve watched 1,000 Russians die, clueless anything was targeting them. on 17 Oct 02:50 collapse

Some, it depends how high they are. I’ve also seen a lot of em being chased. It’s good for the lulz. on 16 Oct 21:14 next collapse

you are confronted by* weapons on 17 Oct 02:47 collapse

You’re also used to standing around guarding a border all the time, not experiencing actual combat at all. on 17 Oct 03:25 collapse

And by “guarding the border” it really means “shooting anyone trying to escape” on 16 Oct 19:43 next collapse

How pathetic does Russia have to be to be bringing NORTH KOREAN troops into the war. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so tragic. on 16 Oct 20:33 next collapse

What’s pathetic about it? Cannon fodder is cannon fodder. They can hold a rifle just as well as any other person, and they can use it to kill. Acting like getting foreign troops helping you is somehow beneath you in a war is insane on 16 Oct 23:02 next collapse

Sadly, this.

Fictional, but


Probably my third favorite Jude Law roll. on 17 Oct 02:32 collapse

1 and 2 are? on 17 Oct 03:01 collapse

I would say his character in A.I. would be my second favorite. Maybe not the greatest film, but he did a great job in his role. #1 would definitely be I ♡ Huckabees. Such a great movie, and great cast too. on 17 Oct 13:14 collapse

Is this fictional? I thought that this was actually true from the Social Union in WWII. Maybe in the battle of Stalingrad? on 17 Oct 05:19 collapse

I’m just saying there isn’t anything further down in the barrel. on 16 Oct 20:46 collapse


LIKE KROOT! with significantly less survival rates and effectiveness which is damn impressive on 16 Oct 22:47 collapse

Also the Norks cant eat their enemies and gain their traits, at least I think they cant. Can I setup a test site? I just need a Nork, a MAGA, and a hacksaw. on 16 Oct 23:38 collapse

You don’t want that. A MAGA Nork would become he next Republican nominee on 16 Oct 20:12 next collapse

I’m not sure I trust any of these claims. The sources are all Ukrainian which means they are highly likely to be war propaganda at worst and heavily biased at best. No matter what anyone’s preconceptions about North Korea or Russia may be, independent verification is needed to know if any this is true. on 16 Oct 20:15 next collapse attacking the Kremlin’s enemies, what a surprise. on 16 Oct 20:47 collapse

No, they’re pointing out the obvious. Newsweek isn’t what it used to be, and the claims are all sourced from Ukraine, with no external on the record confirmations, yet.

Ukrainian media has a moral obligation to service the propaganda needs of the war. That’s neither good, nor bad, that’s just a part of being in an existential war for survival. I don’t blame them for it, and I’m certainly not bashing them for, I’m just pointing out reality.

I can’t speak for the person you’re responding to, but I have no trouble understanding why North Korea would send thousands of support personnel to Ukraine as the logistical tail to support their weapons platforms. Western nations have been doing the same thing inside Ukraine.

Maybe the story is true, it’s possible. But I’m going to need to see better sources provided then a Kyiv Post article citing unnamed Western officials or Newsweek using Ukrainian articles as their source information.

That’s it. If anything, it’s more unreasonable to not be skeptical of early reports coming from any war zone, whether you want to believe them, or not. on 16 Oct 21:45 next collapse

Can I just downvote them anyway for being from .ml? (kidding) on 16 Oct 21:53 collapse

My first account was on, because that was the main one recommended or showing up, during the first Reddit exodus.

I’ve encountered enough reasonable and well intentioned users to not assume the worst, even if I get where you’re coming from.

The same cannot be said for hexabear. on 16 Oct 21:58 collapse

Yeah no, there’s plenty of .ml users who have no idea of the political leanings of the server, I agree. Which is why I made it very clear I was kidding. I’m still keeping the instance blocked though. on 16 Oct 23:01 next collapse

At least what Ukraine is claiming is somewhat based in reality compared to what russia claims.

According to russian sources, russia has destroyed some vehicle and plane types in higher numbers than ukraine ever had, yet Ukraine still has some.

Weird how that works.

[deleted] on 16 Oct 23:13 next collapse
. on 16 Oct 23:15 collapse

I don’t understand how anything I said inferred credibility unto Russian sources, much less Russian MOD claims on Ukrainian losses.

Can you reread my original comment, and then explain to me how anything I said, is directly related to anything you just said? on 17 Oct 07:14 collapse

Nothing you said inferred credibility unto Russian sources, I just wanted to add my take on the bigger picture.

Which is, that Ukrainian reporting is probably not 100% correct and there probably are inflations somewhere (like you said), it is still bound to reality, while Russian reporting lost its touch with reality on day one.

I guess its a knee jerk reaction to all the tankies defending russia lol on 16 Oct 23:01 collapse

The core of what they say is truthful, just like most propaganda. Why bother pointing it out? Why automatically doubt Ukraine, calling them very biased “at best”?

Because it’s designed to undermine Ukraine and support the Kremlin and Pyong Yang. on 16 Oct 23:12 next collapse

I can’t speak to that users motivations. I can only say that initial reporting out of any warzone should be viewed skeptically. I’ve already provided my rationale as to why, but ultimately, it’s a personal choice.

I’d rather file away first reports as unconfirmed rumors, or incomplete assessments, until I’ve seen additional reporting from other sources I trust.

Maybe that user really is what you said they are, or maybe they just suck at articulating the point that I was making. I don’t know. on 17 Oct 03:20 collapse

True, and Russia is always the one lying, it’s their own strategy, Ukraine numbers are backed by CiA and UK intelligence right after, they actually lose support if they start lying, not Russia they only have lies, so fuck .ml on 17 Oct 00:11 next collapse

I get your point, and validation is key always. But it’s a good little story and I like the idea of people leaving North Korea if it is really as bad as they claim (without independent validation). on 17 Oct 03:21 collapse

.ML user sharing Russia propaganda as always on 17 Oct 05:26 collapse

Yes it’s “propaganda” to be critical of the media you consume. 🙄 on 16 Oct 21:09 next collapse

North Korean battle theme in Ukraine:

<img alt="" src=""> on 17 Oct 02:57 collapse

I imagine the sound from when you lose on The Price is Right. on 17 Oct 03:20 collapse

With the yodeling guy going up the ramp just before! on 16 Oct 21:36 next collapse

my first thought when nk sent troops was what an opportunity to get out of nk. on 17 Oct 02:05 collapse

NK probably loves the idea of less people? on 17 Oct 03:53 collapse

They aren’t going to want those 3000 troops coming back and talking about their time in the west. on 17 Oct 07:08 collapse

I dunno the NK troops at least appear to have boots, so coming back and telling stories of how the ‘western’ Russian troops don’t even have shoes or ammo is probably decent propaganda for the regime. on 17 Oct 07:31 collapse

Look at night time satellite imagery. South Korea looks like an island; the northern half of the peninsula is almost entirely dark.

The street lamps along their route to Ukraine will be enough to give them culture shock. on 16 Oct 21:40 next collapse

I hope they all find better lives and live them. on 17 Oct 04:14 collapse

I just hope they are all single and don’t have families left. on 16 Oct 23:05 next collapse

18 doesn’t seem like many. North Korea must have sent thousands on 17 Oct 01:24 next collapse

I think I read somewhere 3000 to that unit / region on 17 Oct 04:52 collapse

Around 10k total I think on 17 Oct 03:19 next collapse

This is great news. OTOH, these deserters condemned 3 generations of their family back home. on 17 Oct 03:43 next collapse

Yeah they’ll do that. You gotta make people want to stay on 17 Oct 13:31 next collapse


<img alt="" src=""> on 17 Oct 16:06 next collapse

Coming soon: Supreme leader bans overseas military service because he won’t meddle in other people’s business.

Real reason: They saw that many North Koreans wanted to. on 17 Oct 16:18 collapse

probably their best safest chance to defect