Trump calls Harris remarks on Gaza war ‘disrespectful’ as he meets Netanyahu (
from to on 27 Jul 2024 02:30


threaded - newest on 27 Jul 2024 02:41 next collapse

Since Trump has an unbroken record of bowing and scraping in the presence of autocrats, I think we can safely disregard anything he might say about anyone else’s attitude towards them. on 27 Jul 2024 02:51 next collapse

What are the Russians astroturfers going to post now that they can’t say they won’t vote for genocide?

Considering Trump is pro Russia and pro Israel, whatever they were saying now goes against their main goal.

Putin should just imprison these shitty astroturfers for doing such a bad job. on 27 Jul 2024 03:33 next collapse

Consistency and logic was never their strong suit. on 27 Jul 2024 04:11 next collapse

Probably the usual response, ears plugged, eyes shut, something up their asshole to own the libs on 27 Jul 2024 13:32 collapse

Here come the replies sealioning about why we can’t push for a better option with the intended goal of splitting the Democrat vote. on 27 Jul 2024 03:03 next collapse

holy shit how does he look like he aged another 40 years in the last few days? on 27 Jul 2024 03:28 next collapse

No tan on 27 Jul 2024 06:02 next collapse

That and Harris’ surprising surge is probably stressing him out more. on 27 Jul 2024 11:02 collapse

Doesn’t appear to be dying his hair anymore either. on 27 Jul 2024 13:19 collapse

Fear on 27 Jul 2024 03:46 next collapse

Disrespectful man calls statement, he already forgot the contents of, disrespectful. on 27 Jul 2024 04:21 next collapse

Like Trump even knows what respect is. He thinks it's worshiping somebody (himself, mostly) and groveling at their feet. on 27 Jul 2024 04:38 next collapse

Trump is the embodiment of disrespect on 27 Jul 2024 05:37 collapse

In my country with the way he’s calling opponents he’d get sued for slander each time he has a speech on 27 Jul 2024 04:44 next collapse

It’s cuz she’s a genocidal antisemite who is absolutely incompetent and behind every calculated idea of Biden’s presidency. She disrespectfully supports Israel’s oppression of the innocent Palestinian terrorist bastards, which she is going to immediately end after letting it go on forever if she wins the election.

This is why you can’t vote for Kamala Harris: she wants open borders so that she can arrest and over-prosecute everyone.

Did I do it? Did I cover all the talking points? I got kinda dizzy from all of the logical whiplash… I know I left out the racist and sexist parts, but I’d feel bad about myself if I’d repeated them. on 27 Jul 2024 11:03 next collapse

I’m glad I read such posts all the way through, because I was getting the banhammer ready for this one. Unfortunately, a lot of other people apparently didn’t read to the end. on 27 Jul 2024 13:09 collapse

Aww man, you know me! I’m fucking psyched about Kamala running! Is she my ideal candidate? No, but she’s a damn good one.

I think this is the first time in my life that I’m actually excited about voting.

I know that the propaganda playbook contains “my enemy is strong but weak,” as is spelled out in more precise terms in Mein Kampf, but these attacks on Harris seem exceptionally desperate and schismatic on 28 Jul 2024 16:41 collapse

Had me in the first half, not gonna lie. on 27 Jul 2024 06:47 next collapse

The common criminal demands respect for the war criminal. on 27 Jul 2024 09:19 next collapse

The disrespectful commentary expert has spoken. on 27 Jul 2024 13:22 next collapse

Genocide Don.

VOTE!! Volunteer to give rides to those that will need them in order to cast their vote!! on 27 Jul 2024 14:28 next collapse

He would know who’s being disrespectful I guess. on 27 Jul 2024 14:34 next collapse

Donald calling anything or anyone “disrespectful” is hilarious. on 28 Jul 2024 15:30 collapse

He can respectfully eat a bag of respectful dicks, no disrespect.