Musk Set to Get Access to Top-Secret U.S. Plan for Potential War With China (
from to on 21 Mar 01:13

The Pentagon is scheduled on Friday to brief Elon Musk on the U.S. military’s plan for any war that might break out with China, two U.S. officials said on Thursday.

Another official said the briefing will be China focused, without providing additional details. A fourth official confirmed Mr. Musk was to be at the Pentagon on Friday, but offered no details.

edit: added archive


threaded - newest on 21 Mar 01:33 next collapse

Why on 21 Mar 01:56 next collapse

I feel like i repeat this to myself 20 times a day. I can’t stand this administration. on 21 Mar 15:56 collapse

I know it’s just awful. If it was a tv show it would be seen as unrealistic but its actually happening. on 21 Mar 02:17 next collapse

Trump was trying to get China to attack to initiate martial law in 2021. He’s probably trying to start a war to initiate martial law now. on 21 Mar 02:36 next collapse

Well clearly we haven’t been efficient enough in starting conflicts with China. We need to find ways to hurt our trade with them even further on 21 Mar 05:40 next collapse

Because no one’s stopped him. on 21 Mar 19:45 collapse

My guess is to rile up his base into supporting his shenanigans while he makes himself forever-godking.

He won’t actually fight China, or if he does he won’t do it seriously. Trump constantly swoons over Xi Jinping and works closely with Vladimir Putin which China has close ties with like threads in a tapestry. I simply do not believe Trump’s words. on 21 Mar 02:15 next collapse

Not very secret on 21 Mar 02:18 next collapse

What security clearance does that clown have? And why? on 21 Mar 02:26 next collapse

Dictatorships don’t need such things, and Elon is the heir apparent to Trump… on 21 Mar 02:42 collapse

I wonder what jd will do when Trump dies and elon takes over. on 21 Mar 03:43 next collapse

Cry to the nearest couch in a sad attempt to get some pity sex? on 21 Mar 04:54 collapse

I wonder what Trump will do if Elon dies and he has to take over. on 21 Mar 02:29 next collapse

He’s probably had a security clearance for a while now due to his involvement in space x on 21 Mar 04:23 collapse

Not necessarily. Their are directors at my work that don’t have any clearances. on 21 Mar 05:55 next collapse

According to Musk’s Twitter account, he has a top secret clearance and apparently some sort of compartmentalized clearances.

I’ve had a top secret clearance for many years and have clearances that themselves are classified.

That said, FAR too much information is made “classified”. If something is easily found online or patently obvious, it should NOT be classified. This impedes effective communication within the government. on 21 Mar 06:06 next collapse

Agreed, in my early 20’s I applied for a job with the TSA. After passing the interview I had to take a test to determine if I was fit for the job, before I could take the test I had to be cleared for confidential clearance. So even though I didn’t pass the test, and didn’t get the job, I had a low level government clearance and an NDA that kept me from disclosing what I saw.

Funny enough that clearance did come in handy when I had to get an FBI background check to work at the airport doing line service, the guy who did the paperwork was shocked at how fast my paperwork was given the all clear. on 21 Mar 15:55 collapse

Jesus’s Christ, why does he have clearance??? And has for so long??? Oh god this is awful on 21 Mar 09:59 next collapse

It has likely changed since I last checked before his presidency, but he had a Top Secret Clearance with NO SCI.

I knew he had admitted to actively using drugs a few times and I wondered how he held an active security clearance. What I could find was essentially: SpaceX was the best option for the US government to conduct satellite-based intelligence missions, as in launch satellites into orbit for the purpose of Space Force related surveillance.

To that end they waived a lot of sketchy shit on Elon’s background to give him a TS so he could primarily attend and give briefings, but no SCI as he didn’t actually do any work requiring it.

Source: I wish I could fucking find any now, but there’s a flood of thousands of article talking about his security clearance as a presidential advisor now. on 21 Mar 19:17 next collapse

He has some level of clearance due to the work SpaceX is done but even there, he does not have access to some of SpaceX program because he could not get the right level of clearance on 22 Mar 04:42 collapse

Why would president musk not have security clearance? on 21 Mar 02:28 next collapse

Please stop referring it by it’s old name.

It’s now United States of Dictatorship.

Thanks. on 21 Mar 04:11 collapse

The States haven’t been united for a while now.

The Nazi Reigime in Northern Mexico/Southern Canada is my convoluted suggestion. on 21 Mar 06:38 next collapse

Just call it Naziland

Or “the uNaziland of America” if you want a hybrid reference on 21 Mar 12:03 collapse

Trumpigrad on 21 Mar 10:57 collapse

Westrussia, sounds natural on 21 Mar 17:13 collapse

Or Eastrussia. It’s a continuous territory if Canada is also included. Which could explain the desire for Canada as the 51th state. on 21 Mar 03:16 next collapse

Holy fuck he is really going to start WW3 on 21 Mar 07:21 next collapse

only if its profitable on 21 Mar 12:50 collapse

War is always profitable. Especially if you don’t plan to ever fix damage to your country. on 21 Mar 13:56 collapse

Luckily I don’t think Tesla-made tanks, jets and rifles will put up much of a fight on the battlefield. on 21 Mar 14:00 next collapse

Kamikaze on 21 Mar 14:08 collapse

Yeah, ever see that picture of the outline of a kamikaze plane burnt onto the side of an otherwise intact destroyer? on 21 Mar 17:08 collapse

The profit comes from SpaceX and Starlink. on 21 Mar 17:38 collapse

Starlink is gonna get phased out, guaranteed in Europe at least, as people learn they can’t trust it. And I do believe SpaceX stuff keeps blowing up. on 24 Mar 05:13 collapse

Maybe not WW3, but more like American War* 2. China will finally get an opportunity to update it’s Museum of American Aggression** displays.

*American War is how many Asian nations refer to the Korean War/Vietnam War ** ……/Memorial_of_the_War_to_Resist_US…; when I visited it in 2014 it was the name I previously mentioned - it was interesting to say the least. Mostly some weird propaganda and left behind military equipment. on 21 Mar 04:46 next collapse

This plan? on 21 Mar 05:01 collapse

Banned for being too credible…

Wrong community on 21 Mar 04:51 next collapse

We have deranged psychopaths in charge of the US. We really are going to have WW3 soon aren’t we on 21 Mar 19:53 collapse

Well attempting to annex Canada or Greenland automatically enacts Article 5 of NATO so 31 countries should in theory fight back. 29 of them would likely assist in their defense, and by defense I mean attacking the U.S. in ways that will economically starve the country until 10-15% of the voters realize this has all been idiocy and drag those responsible out of office and ban all responsible ever holding a public office again. Then we would have lost all trade allies and spend 100 years building back respect. Media will slowly start bringing their heinousness to light and slowly the vast majority will deny they were ever a part of it out of shame on 21 Mar 22:31 collapse

attacking the U.S. in ways that will economically starve the country until 10-15% of the voters realize this has all been idiocy and drag those responsible out of office and ban all responsible ever holding a public office again.

Wishful thinking.

These bastards are spin masters that have conditioned their fandom to automatically assume all bad things are the fault of DeMoCraTeS, Woke-isms and foreigners. The mere thought that “their guy” could harm them is nearly impossible to comprehend. The people most responsible for such a disaster will thrive in the chaos they cause.

This timeline fuck’n sucks. on 22 Mar 01:30 collapse

Maybe, but not many people in the U.S. think attacking Canada or the U.K. something they wanted to do pre-trump. So hopefully they’ll be some sense. Every non-white person in the U.S. still hasn’t absorbed the information that Trump removed the restrictions on segregation for bathrooms/resteraunts/water fountains for all U.S. contractors. The amount of interracial families that should start picking up that the racism is real should hopefully start accelerating at some point. The question is if it will be to far gone at that point. on 22 Mar 12:24 collapse

I agree with you.

The question is if it will be to far gone at that point.

I do think that the rest of the US is not that far gone. Even if the Trump fandom is a lost cause. on 21 Mar 06:35 next collapse

i have multiple layers of questions about why i am seeing a headline like this on 21 Mar 15:54 collapse

I know it’s just… where to start. on 21 Mar 06:36 next collapse

Well if course, he is the president on 21 Mar 07:40 collapse

Musk is the CEO of the United Corporations of America and Trump is the Chairman of the board. on 21 Mar 07:23 next collapse

How secret of it. Surely this is a distraction, right? on 21 Mar 11:02 collapse

Everything else is, including Trump. This is the real deal. on 21 Mar 07:30 next collapse

I don’t understand the fuss, aren’t they just stored in some toilet in the white house? on 21 Mar 07:45 next collapse

He’s not holding any cards right now. Trump made him a tough guy. He’s gambling with World War 3.

Wait, sounds… Nah forget it. on 21 Mar 13:28 next collapse

Does this unelected twat even have security clearance? on 21 Mar 13:46 collapse

Of course he does! Remember when Jared was denied clearance and trump overrode it?

Are you assuming laws, security, and allegiance to the USA exists right now? on 21 Mar 13:41 next collapse

What’s the plan? To bomb china with Teslas? on 21 Mar 13:48 next collapse

To share top secret intelligence with China. on 21 Mar 19:16 next collapse

Funniest comment of the day right here! on 24 Mar 05:06 collapse

While they do explode, getting them to do so on the target would be the challenge. I suppose just dropping the vehicles as is would do some damage too. on 21 Mar 15:42 next collapse

Lol my dad said trump was the best choice for avoiding ww3. Lmao even. on 21 Mar 16:14 next collapse

If war with China happens I am 100% defecting to China lol. I have absolutely zero love or respect for my shithole country. on 21 Mar 19:07 collapse

I’d like to caution against percieving the grass as being greener.

The US is being a shitbird, but do not let that cloud criticism of other countries- their governments are (usually) rarely better.

And nobody treats turncoats particularly well, especially if they don’t offer concrete and immediate value beyond ‘hostage’.

Far better to agitate where you’re at- help your neighbors where and how you can and demonstrate how they’re being lied to. on 22 Mar 14:41 collapse

Sorry I’m learning mandarin buddy on 21 Mar 16:34 next collapse

“You’re gambling with World War Three!” yelled Trump to his guest, the president of Ukraine, without any sign of irony. on 21 Mar 16:56 next collapse

We the people need to put an end to this madness now! South Korea did it! on 21 Mar 17:29 next collapse

This is great. Now he’ll be able to use giving the plans to Xi as a bargaining chip for a couple more tesla factories in China. on 21 Mar 19:23 collapse

Who is going to buy his teslas? But I agree with you that he will pass something to Xi. on 21 Mar 19:23 next collapse

Elon Musk is reportedly set to gain access to top-secret U.S. military plans concerning a potential conflict with China. As the CEO of SpaceX, which provides critical satellite and defense technologies, Musk’s involvement raises concerns about national security and geopolitical strategy. The Pentagon may rely on his Starlink satellite network for secure military communications, making his access to such classified information a significant issue. Given Musk’s global business interests, including ties with China, policymakers are debating the risks and benefits of his inclusion in these discussions.

While Musk’s technological contributions are undeniable, granting him access to classified military plans could spark controversy. Critics argue that his business ventures, spanning Tesla’s Chinese factories and international projects, create potential conflicts of interest. Supporters, however, believe his expertise in AI, aerospace, and communication technology is crucial for U.S. military preparedness. As global tensions rise, securing reliable tech partnerships is essential—but unlike bombitup, which is used for unethical spam, defense strategies must be handled responsibly to avoid unintended consequences. on 21 Mar 19:36 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 21 Mar 19:41 next collapse

Complete Bluff.

Unless the plan is to literally give away US Territory to China this will never happen.

Xi Jinping, Putin, and Trump are all on the same wavelength, cut from the same cloth, birds of a feather. on 21 Mar 20:44 next collapse

Did I miss the part where this piece of shit was vetted and granted security clearance? This is out of hand. Why does this man have access to literally anything that I don’t within my fucking government? on 21 Mar 20:52 next collapse

You know why he doe$. on 22 Mar 04:38 collapse

Have YOU bought and paid for that access ? on 22 Mar 02:08 collapse

What’s the plan? Sell them Teslers? on 22 Mar 07:01 collapse

Remote trigger the self destruct for all the Tesla’s in China