Qatari official: Jews are murderers of prophets; October7 is only a 'prelude' (
from to on 26 Apr 13:36

Essa Al-Nassr, a member of the Qatari legislative Shura council, spoke on Monday at an Arab League session, received ovation making bigoted accusations against Jews and promising the end of Israel.


threaded - newest on 26 Apr 13:46 next collapse

That’s not especially helpful, but A for effort I guess?

Edit: Am I being downvoted because I think antisemitism isn’t helpful or am I being downvoted because of the “I guess you tried” second part? on 26 Apr 14:51 next collapse

I think a band of tankie bots sweeps through about 6 hours after a post and downvotes everyone. It seems to balance out about 12h later. on 26 Apr 16:20 collapse

Could be. I just wish people would explain why they are downvoting. I don’t care that six people downvoted me (as of now), I just want to know their reasoning. on 26 Apr 19:27 collapse

What effort? To make the whole shitshow a bit worse? They had an option to do nothing, and they said this? on 26 Apr 19:29 collapse

Do people really not know that “A for effort” is a phrase that is almost always used in a sarcastic way? on 27 Apr 16:24 collapse

Guilty as charged, your honor. on 27 Apr 16:26 collapse

Ok, fair enough. It’s a phrase I thought was very common. on 26 Apr 13:46 next collapse

haha prophets. what a joke religion is. just a terrible terrible joke on humanity on 26 Apr 13:55 next collapse

Here’s the part I’m super confused by considering a Muslim is saying this. Muhammad was supposed to be the last prophet of God. He died all the way back in 632 after complaining of a headache.

So I’m pretty sure any prophet deaths they’re blaming on the Jews don’t involve any Jews that are alive today and maybe this guy should focus on what the IDF is doing rather than this religious bullshit involving Jews as a whole. on 26 Apr 14:00 next collapse

From the article:

The accusation of Jews as ‘killers of prophets’ is a well-known antisemitic trope made in several Islamic texts, which is understood by many, including Al-Nassr himself, as a charge against the entire Jewish people valid for eternity.

This allegation is reminiscent and perhaps reflective of the charge of deicide by which Jews were accused in classical Christian texts. on 26 Apr 14:01 collapse

valid for eternity

I’m pretty sure the sun is going to engulf the Earth in 5 billion years. There probably won’t be any Jews left by then because humans would have evolved into something else by then anyway.

Maybe Allah should be reconsulted. on 26 Apr 19:32 collapse

We’ll be lucky to evolve into anything at the rate we’re creating great filters from scratch. on 26 Apr 19:38 collapse

I don’t think we’re at the point where we’re going to wipe out the species entirely. I think it’s likely that even a global thermonuclear war would result in enough pockets of survivors for the species to continue evolving (with quite serious selection pressure at that point) even if society as a whole lies in unrecoverable ruin.

My searching for minimum viable population size puts it all over the map, although the general consensus seems to be 50 people. But who knows? The California condor has gone from a low of 22 individuals to over 500 in just a handful of generations.

Anyway, I can certainly see 50 humans on some remote part of the planet surviving such a catastrophe.

Civilization? Maybe not. Maybe those 50 humans would evolve into something less intelligent and less able to achieve the level of technology we are able to achieve. There’s no reason selection always has to favor intelligence. on 26 Apr 20:14 next collapse

I agree. I actually think the only things that could legitimately wipe out humanity are cosmic things we have no control over and it’d have to be so significant that there’s little chance of it actually happening. (Until the sun’s red giant phase, anyway.) on 27 Apr 04:09 collapse

My guess is there’ll be a very few Indigenous enclaves that will survive, if for no other reason than they fundamentally understand what community is and how to keep it strong.

Our Westernized ideology that “only the strongest win” doesn’t work in an end-of-the-world scenario. on 26 Apr 14:37 collapse

Islam includes many Jewish and Christian figures among their numerous prophets. (They believe Mohammed to be the last among them). That includes John the Baptist and Jesus himself (and possibly more). Since Jews had a hand in their death, that could be the reason why they make this claim.

While they’re partially correct, this antisemitic trope ignores a lot of context and nuances. For example, Jesus himself was a Jew and so were his initial followers. And there are strong reasons to believe that his crucifixion was a vicious threat towards the Jews of Judea. John’s story also has similar nuances. Unfortunately, all those contexts are neglected while creating the propaganda narrative of the evil Jew. on 26 Apr 16:10 collapse

Profits? Where?

<img alt="" src="">

[deleted] on 26 Apr 13:56 next collapse
. on 26 Apr 14:18 next collapse

That’s weird. I wonder if it is because of the genocide? on 26 Apr 17:07 collapse

So, is it right to commit genocide because of another genocide that exists only in your mind? on 26 Apr 18:20 collapse

A person suggesting genocide as a solution is a dangerous idiot; a country actually performing war crimes that make the whole world wonder if they are commiting genocide needs to be stopped.

I don’t want to debate the semantics of genocide, I just want them to stop murdering everything that moves, destroying all infrastructure, and starving an entire population. on 26 Apr 18:32 next collapse

A person suggesting genocide as a solution is a dangerous idiot


Nothing about war is pleasent. on 27 Apr 00:24 collapse

How could we execute this in such a way that it cannot be considered genocide but extinction? Perhaps a faulty experimental satellite somehow tows an asteroid and turns the nazionist cities into sodom and Gomorrah like in their fairy tales? Surely that counts as just good old extinction event instead. /S on 26 Apr 14:37 next collapse

Do you have a picture of that?

[deleted] on 26 Apr 16:16 collapse
. on 26 Apr 21:57 collapse

Are you talking about the one implying Israel is doing a final solution to Palestinians? on 26 Apr 22:38 collapse

Yes they are. on 26 Apr 17:48 collapse

Seems like you’ve just misinterpreted that sign?

Like yeah, it’s not a great sign - partly because it’s easy for people like you to intentionally misinterpret - but it’s pretty clear it’s saying that the Israeli killing of 1.5% of the population of Gaza, and displacement of 85% is a genocide. on 26 Apr 17:55 collapse

That’s silly, but nice try I guess on 26 Apr 18:06 collapse

What’s silly? on 26 Apr 18:09 collapse…/1783621258032136550?s… on 26 Apr 18:39 collapse

You know it’s going to be good when you link a tweet from someone who called people paedophiles in retaliation for saying he was racist, got sued for slander and lost!

There’s a difference between “the court didn’t determine it was plausible” (ie the court didn’t assess its plausibility) and “it isn’t plausible”

So you can’t use it as proof that it isn’t a genocide, because that’s not what she said at all.

As you say: but nice try, I guess! It’s a shame I’m literate!

Next time, I recommend actually watching your source rather than regurgitating what the racist says 👍 on 26 Apr 18:48 collapse

She is or was the head of the International Criminal Court. I think she explained their odecision and doesn’t need your parsing. You Ave no there there. on 26 Apr 19:09 collapse

I’m well aware who she is - but as I said, and you clearly failed to comprehend, she didn’t say what you think she did

You Ave no there there

I was joking about the literacy thing but… on 26 Apr 14:28 next collapse

It’s not to excuse this kind of thing, because it’s monstrous, but you can draw a line from this rhetoric to Netanyahu’s actions.

He’s put a target on the backs of the entire Jewish diaspora. on 26 Apr 15:08 next collapse

That's the infuriating thing about this whole mess that feels impossible to solve.

Rhetoric like this directly radicalizes Israelis and pushes them towards violent escalation, which then radicalizes Palestinians into violence as well, further inspiring more Israeli violence, and on and on the cycle goes.

And then anyone who advocates for any amount of moderation will simultaneously get called a terrorist sympathizer for not wanting to nuke Gaza and a genocide accomplice for not wanting to forcibly remove or kill every Israeli. on 26 Apr 21:06 collapse

Assholes, assholes everywhere. Islamist assholes, Zionist assholes , christian assholes trying to get the apocalypse going so they can be raptured. Capitalist Media assholes getting clicks from public outrage. And a whole of other asshole I’m not even aware of. We have laws about what kind of killing is acceptable. Those law were negotiated by people with zero chance of being subjected to lawful murder. on 26 Apr 18:24 collapse

Especially given that last year most of the Gulf states had/were in the process of normalizing and publicizing diplomatic ties with Israel. Qatar has always been the odd one out in the Gulf, but the fact that these disgusting comments were lauded speaks to how much damage Netanyahu has done in such a short time. on 27 Apr 01:05 collapse

It’s on purpose.

Nothing creates unity like a shared enemy, and there’s no better shared enemy than Every One That’s Not Us™️.

It’s why a lot of religious groups generate persecution complexes- it keeps people from leaving the fold.

[deleted] on 26 Apr 14:55 next collapse
. on 26 Apr 15:39 next collapse

My imaginary tale is more real than YOUR imaginary tale.

A tale as old as time… on 27 Apr 00:44 collapse

But it’s the same imaginary tale

One just includes the sequels on 27 Apr 02:00 collapse

Fan fics. on 26 Apr 17:33 next collapse

Can we all just fucking stop and catch our breath?

This world has gotten in a big hurry to end ever since 2020 on 26 Apr 21:57 collapse

Covid facilitated the greatest transfer of wealth from the masses to the few in history.

They’re addicted to that high and want to keep it going as long as possible.

Blame useful idiots more than anyone else. on 27 Apr 16:52 collapse

Meanwhile most of us just want a peaceful life.

[deleted] on 26 Apr 17:33 next collapse
. on 26 Apr 17:54 next collapse

Islam is the religion of terror.

We need to send a firm message that what they believe has no place in our lives and we cannot be bullied.

Muhammad likes to suck dick he was the gayest of the religious figures. on 26 Apr 18:47 next collapse

You sound like a homophobic bigot. Seems you have some pretty terroristic ideology yourself. on 26 Apr 22:05 collapse

I checked the modlog and all he said was “Bullshit terrorist propaganda”

How is that homophobic and why should he get banned for it? on 26 Apr 22:33 next collapse

No need to check mod logs…look at the message I replied ro on 26 Apr 22:38 collapse

It says “Removed by mod” on 27 Apr 02:02 collapse

Send you a dm with a screenshot on 27 Apr 03:02 collapse

Thank you!

I thought it was pretty funny, lol. on 26 Apr 23:33 next collapse

It may have been edited, or you could be seeing another comment. Trust me, it was pretty disgusting on a number of levels, including homophobia and Islamophobia at least. on 27 Apr 00:35 collapse

Edited after it was removed by a mod? on 27 Apr 02:41 collapse

I’m not sure what you hope to gain here. I have seen the comment, in fact can still see the comment due to my notifications. No one who saw the vile comment is going to repeat it for your benefit - there is a reason that it was removed. I have no idea what you are seeing, or the context. I’m not sure why it would look different. If you are concerned, PM a mod of the community to fill you in.

Edit: I just saw that someone did in fact repeat it for your benefit. So never mind. I hope you thank them for taking the risk of repeating it. on 26 Apr 23:53 next collapse

I’m going to post it, and then delete it.

A copy should show up in your inbox, I can’t figure out how to pm you.

[deleted] on 26 Apr 23:53 next collapse
[deleted] on 27 Apr 02:00 collapse
. on 26 Apr 21:18 next collapse

This is a silly thing to say, and you aren’t helping.

[deleted] on 27 Apr 00:21 collapse
. on 27 Apr 00:28 next collapse

Imagine if they took their anger out on Romans instead since they were the ones who carried out the execution. on 27 Apr 01:26 next collapse

Imagine if they didn’t blame an entire people for the actions of their corrupt leaders. on 27 Apr 01:54 collapse

Also the whole thing might have been entirely fabricated. on 27 Apr 01:34 collapse

Well you see the problem is there aren’t any Romans left to scapegoat. on 27 Apr 02:10 collapse

Technically there are still Romans of a kind. They’re just people who live in Rome, which is just a city not an empire. on 27 Apr 01:26 next collapse

This is a rather strong statement. I’m glad not to participate in that part of the world with any of the people involved. They really are not my cup of tea. on 27 Apr 02:20 next collapse

Ok, that is antisemitism. I fully encourage us to weaken ties to Qatar over that on 27 Apr 06:00 next collapse

Faith is fine and I encourage it. Organized religion corrupts. These assholes need to check themselves. on 27 Apr 16:08 collapse

I’m increasingly believing that nothing is worse for the human brain than believing you’re righteous except for power. Organized religion isn’t the root of this but a handy and convenient way to combine the two on 27 Apr 15:38 collapse

Quatar is famous for its neutrality, even in this conflict. US aid to Israel in part flows through US bases in Quatar, just miles from where Hamas leaders live. I haven’t exactly been keeping a close eye on them but I’m wondering what changed to make them say this. It’s not like they had any great concern for the plight of the Palestinians before this . on 27 Apr 11:20 collapse

What a vile, sick and disgusting thing to say.