Gay man ‘tortured’ in Qatar for his sexuality returns home after 'deeply disappointing' sentence (
from to on 14 Aug 2024 03:55


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[deleted] on 14 Aug 2024 04:12 next collapse
. on 14 Aug 2024 05:03 next collapse

Do you think there are circumstances where queer people deserve to be tortured? He moved there for work, but your victim blaming would be just as gross even if he did it for fun. on 14 Aug 2024 05:14 next collapse

I agree with you. I would have gladly had him with my Bible Study group. on 14 Aug 2024 05:55 collapse

Christians would have done the same to him if we didn’t seperate them from government.

Shit this would happen to him in Christian countries in Africa. on 14 Aug 2024 05:53 next collapse

Oh no I wanted to make more money so I volunteered to work at the leopard factory and they ate my face.

Hey maybe don’t move to violent shitholes for work. Don’t support their economy and enable their crimes against humanity. And especially don’t do it for 7 years.

I have as much empathy for him as I would myself if I got hit by a car because I ran onto the highway. on 14 Aug 2024 05:57 next collapse

Nobody should be tortured for being queer.

With that said, there are some shithole countries where laws are… Well, shit. And we can’t change those laws. Going there, work or fun, is a risk that I’d never assume, not for all the money in the world. Money is useless if a shitty government decides you should be executed under the charges of being yourself.

This guy has my sympathy for what happened to him, that shouldn’t happen in 2024, but does he really think Qatar would admit in any way to human right violations towards a “gay foreigner”? on 14 Aug 2024 06:03 collapse

Not everyone can afford to not take work. Queer people are more likely to be fired and refused jobs because they’re queer, and that frequently means needing to take horrible jobs in horrible places just to survive.

but does he really think

I don’t mean this in a snarky way, try waterboarding yourself for 5 seconds and then consider if you would be in any way rational after sustained torture. Torture fucks you up in horrible ways, and I don’t think we should be criticizing this man for how he reacted to the injustice he faced. on 14 Aug 2024 06:10 collapse

He’s British-Mexican. I am sure he had several choices before Qatar to go get a job. I understand most of us can’t afford to not take work, but work shouldn’t come at the expense of your life. And in shitholes like Qatar, that is a possibility too plausible to just ignore.

Lastly, I understand that right after torture you’re never rational. But he tried to appeal the case, and he’s disappointed that they ignored the appeal. I doubt he made these declarations right after the torture. He probably made them days or weeks later, I’d assume he regained his sanity by then. on 14 Aug 2024 06:12 collapse

You’re spending a lot of time scrutinizing the actions of a man who was just tortured for being gay. What are you trying to argue? on 14 Aug 2024 06:15 collapse

Nothing. I just explained my position. Which I thought needed clarification after your comment about it. on 14 Aug 2024 06:16 collapse

I think that’s a pretty fucked up position to hold I’m not gonna lie. on 14 Aug 2024 06:18 next collapse

Likewise I think your blind ignorance of how stupid it is to go to a country like Qatar while gay is pretty fucked up and gonna cost other people the same fate. on 14 Aug 2024 06:21 collapse

I don’t see why. I’m not saying what happened to him was deserved. I’m just saying that expecting a country like Qatar, with a not short list of human rights violations (among the things) , accepts they violated human rights of a gay foreigner (and yeah, this is relevant for a country that hates both gays and foreigners) is unreasonable. on 14 Aug 2024 06:28 collapse

You’re hyperfocusing on criticizing the man who was just tortured for being gay instead of looking at the broader context of what happened, or trying to consider how you would react in that situation. Being victimised in this way is absolutely fucking horrible, and it fucks you up forever. I reacted very similarly to situations where I was victimised for being queer, and those were nothing like what this man has been through.

It’s impossible to imagine what this man has been through in any meaningful way, but you should take a bit to just think about what this man went through, how badly he’s been hurt to need to go to Qatar to find work, and the defeat he must feel knowing that he is forever changed by an experience that nobody will recognize or do anything about.

[deleted] on 14 Aug 2024 06:33 collapse
. on 14 Aug 2024 07:07 collapse

I said nothing about condoning, I asked you to empathize with a man who was just tortured. The fact that you’re getting so upset over that says a lot about you. There’s a reason you like to criticize the gay man and not the homophobic government that tortures people. on 14 Aug 2024 07:26 collapse

I think you’re misunderstanding me explaining in detail my point of view with being upset. I’m not upset at all. As a matter of fact, I don’t even know the guy, so why should I? Something that shouldn’t happen in 2024, happened. And it’s regrettable.

At the same time, it was something completely avoidable. So while I regret this thing happened because it shouldn’t, I can’t help but to point out how stupid it was to suffer this from a totally avoidable situation. on 14 Aug 2024 07:33 collapse

And I think it’s kinda fucked up that you’re clearly bothered that this man said he was disappointed with how he was treated but you don’t care about how he was treated. You can say you’re not upset as much as you want but the fact is that you’ve literally been victim blaming him for over an hour now. You can just say you don’t like queers, you don’t need to beat around the bush. on 14 Aug 2024 07:46 collapse

Mate, it really seems you are the one very bothered for the point of view of an internet stranger. Especially when all I said to cause you this is that it’s unreasonable to expect that a country like Qatar accepts they violated human rights. on 14 Aug 2024 07:54 collapse

Nah you victim blamed a man who was just tortured. I said it was a fucked up opinion and you doubled down. All he said was that he was “disappointed” and you got mad about that for some reason. He’s literally not even “expecting” anything, he just said he was disapointed.

[deleted] on 14 Aug 2024 08:11 collapse
. on 14 Aug 2024 08:17 collapse

Could he have chosen a country to work in that wasn’t a shithole place with a liking for killing gays and fucking human rights? And is it reasonable to expect that a country like Qatar respects human rights? I’m not sure you know anything at all about the shithole of a country this guy decided to go to work.

He never said anything about expecting Qatar to respect human rights, you’re just making things up to hate on the gay man now.

I’m not sure you know anything at all about the shithole of a country this guy decided to go to work.

Earlier you said that Mexico and the UK have better opportunities for gays but both of those countries have attrocious records for gay rights. You’re accusing me of “not knowing” about Qatar but you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. The way you keep saying “shithole country” like Trump sure does make it sound like you just hate faggots and brown people.

[deleted] on 14 Aug 2024 08:24 collapse
. on 14 Aug 2024 08:27 collapse

I mean, if you make an appeal and end up disappointed because the country doesn’t see any kind of violation to human rights… How do you call that?

That’s called disappointment, that’s how it works

Oh, and I never said Mexico or UK were better places for him, I said he is British-Mexican, so he probably had better places to go.

Try talking to a queer person some time, shit is bad for us everywhere right now.

Lastly, yeah, Qatar is a shithole country, and the only thing you need to know this is that no decent country makes being gay a crime.

Queer people are marginalized in every country right now. You clearly aren’t actually that interested in queer politics or you would know that.

Are you sure you’re not mad?

Yes, I’m mad that you’re victim blaming a gay man who was tortured and keep dropping racist dogwhistles. Are you enjoing telling the faggots how stupid they are? on 14 Aug 2024 08:38 collapse

That’s called disappointment, that’s how it works

If he’s disappointed it’s because he expected a different result from the appeal. Which is what I said.

Try talking to a queer person some time, shit is bad for us everywhere right now.

You’re wrongly assuming that I don’t know any queer person or their struggles. But go on…

Queer people are marginalized in every country right now. You clearly aren’t actually that interested in queer politics or you would know that.

Are you telling me that a queer person has the same struggles in say, Spain, or Netherlands, or France, that in fucking Qatar where they can be executed for the sole crime of being queer? And I should be the one who doesn’t know what I’m talking about?

Yes, I’m mad that you’re victim blaming a gay man who was tortured and keep dropping racist dogwhistles. Are you enjoing telling the faggots how stupid they are?

Again, I’m not blaming him for being gay. He did a stupid choice, he went to one of the worst countries there are to be gay right now and that was very stupid. What happened to him, while despicable, was a product of his choice. Being gay isn’t and never will be a crime, but I can’t change the laws of Qatar, so if Qatar considers being gay a crime and you are gay, maybe, don’t go there?

To me, it looks like you’re just trying to find someone to direct your hate to. It’s fine. After all, you’re just an internet stranger so I don’t harbor any feelings for you, but I think you are making a mistake here. on 14 Aug 2024 08:40 collapse

Can you try feeling compassion for 5 seconds? on 14 Aug 2024 08:49 collapse

Is feeling compassion incompatible with anything else?

What happened to this man is a tragedy nobody should experience (this is compassion).

The reason why this happened was totally avoidable, Qatar is a country everyone should avoid (everyone includes queer people too) because they have crap laws and don’t care about human rights. (This has to be said because we need to educate people so they don’t suffer this again)

Do you have the power to change Qatar laws so they don’t consider being gay a crime? I’d love a different solution, for example one that makes Qatar a livable place for everyone, but until this happens, the best thing we can do is not going there, especially if your mere existence is a crime for them.

Edit: punctuation. on 14 Aug 2024 08:56 collapse

You couldn’t go one post without victim blaming him. And tbh if you have to tell people you’re being compassionate right before you launch into victim blaming, you are not being compassionate. on 14 Aug 2024 09:04 collapse

You’re mad at me because you don’t like what I’m saying.

And instead of trying to understand that maybe sometimes a victim can be criticised for what they suffered, so they learn from it to never repeat it, you double down on your attacks refusing to see anything wrong in this person’s behaviour. You even go as far as saying that every country is the same when it comes to queer people treatment, as if Qatar was remotely comparable to any UE country in which they can live a full life like any other citizen. on 14 Aug 2024 09:13 collapse

I’m mad at you because what you’re saying is fucked up, yes. I’m just asking you to show basic empathy for another human being.

You’ve clearly never talked to a queer person in the EU if you think they aren’t marginalized. Now you’re just denying oppression. on 14 Aug 2024 09:25 next collapse

You really don’t know what you’re talking about. But that’s fine, go on.

I am saying that Qatar is not comparable to EU. And if you refuse to see that, then you’re part of the problem. How many EU countries can you name in which being gay is punished with death? If you really think that queer people is oppressed the same way in a democratic civilised country than it is in an autocratic regime as the one of Qatar, you are just denying any kind of progress, and hurting queer people more than helping them. You should be ashamed of even considering that.

You look like someone looking for enemies, and that’s only going to hurt yourself, not me. on 14 Aug 2024 09:27 collapse

And now you’re just purposefully twisting what I said. Again. I preferred when people like you just called us faggots, it was a lot less annoying. on 14 Aug 2024 09:31 collapse

Can you point out what did I twist? Maybe when I said that there are surely better places to go for a queer person than Qatar and then you said that you are marginalized everywhere? And then I pointed out that surely it’s not the same a country like Spain than a country like Qatar? But you kept going with it? on 14 Aug 2024 09:36 collapse

You are literally attacking me for things I didn’t say lmao on 14 Aug 2024 09:38 collapse

Do I really need to screenshot those messages? Don’t make me do such thing, please.

[deleted] on 14 Aug 2024 09:40 collapse
. on 14 Aug 2024 09:55 collapse

There you go, seems it wasn’t necessary after all. You’re just looking for enemies. Good luck in your quest. on 14 Aug 2024 09:57 collapse

okay cishet on 14 Aug 2024 10:11 collapse

The only thing you’re doing with this is generating hate towards you.

It’s ironic how the queer community is fighting to not get marginalised by something they can’t choose (such as their sexual identity) and you’re just doing that.

You’re becoming what you hate. on 14 Aug 2024 10:15 collapse

Haha yeah those faggots deserve hate because they’re so whiny about human rights and dignity.

I mean come on. You’re literally saying I’m exactly just as bad as queermisics because I’m uppity.

It’s ironic how the queer community

You don’t get to use that word. We’ve been called queer by people bashing us, we’ve been called queer by people killing us, for decades. We’re the only ones who get to reclaim our slurs, not you. And when you use that word while victim blaming a man who was tortured for being gay, while telling queer people we’re responsible for our own marginalization, it’s just a slur. You don’t get to say queer any more than you get to say faggot. on 14 Aug 2024 10:20 collapse

You are (by your own admission) using “cishet” as a derogatory slur. That’s exactly insulting someone for something they don’t have a choice on.

And after that, you’re just being offensive because someone on the internet didn’t agree with you. Calm down a bit, breathe and maybe log off for a moment, you’ll feel better after that.

[deleted] on 14 Aug 2024 10:24 collapse
. on 14 Aug 2024 10:30 collapse

You already admitted to another user that a victim can be partially to blame when something happens to them under certain circumstances.

You just don’t want to accept that for the man in the article because he’s “from your team”.

You lost. A while ago. And you just keep your insulating crusade because that’s all that remains to you.

[deleted] on 14 Aug 2024 10:36 collapse
. on 14 Aug 2024 09:32 next collapse

Oh, now we’re dropping cishet like an insult? on 14 Aug 2024 09:36 collapse

When cishets are telling actual queer people about the oppression we face? Yeah, I’ll drop cishet (derogatory).

[deleted] on 14 Aug 2024 09:42 collapse
. on 14 Aug 2024 09:44 collapse

“Uppity faggots are just trolls!” wow I feel like I’m back in 2018. It’s not working, nobody’s falling for your bullshit.

I love how you just compared a gay man who was tortured for being gay to a racist man with a racist sign. You would be less offensive if you just called us faggots. on 14 Aug 2024 09:52 collapse

I love how you think it is okay to make the snap judgment the person as being a racist but cannot seem to see how that is hypocritical.

If you understood the reference you’d have known the character was anything but racist.

It’s not even about the racism. It’s the decision to be so obviously racist in an environment that is understood by everyone to be lethally hostile to racists. on 14 Aug 2024 09:56 collapse

Please tell me more about how the person comparing a man tortured for being gay to racism is not victim blaming. on 14 Aug 2024 10:00 collapse

If your car gets stolen one of the first questions the police ask is “were the keys in the ignition”? Why?

[deleted] on 14 Aug 2024 10:02 collapse
. on 14 Aug 2024 10:11 collapse

You realize ofc that by thinking my Socratic answer victim blames that it proves you understand the victim does bear some fault for their unfortunate treatment? Being insulting isn’t going to hide that you lost. Show some civility lest you get no sympathy for the consequences of your rudeness (as poetic as that might be). on 14 Aug 2024 10:16 collapse

You literally compared a man who was tortured for being gay to a man being racist. on 14 Aug 2024 10:28 collapse

No, I compared someone who decided to move to a country where their existence was grounds for torture to someone being forced to wear a racist sign, with the obvious discrepancy being the ‘forced racist’ didn’t even really have a choice in the matter.

Also: congrats on getting a sentence out without using an insult.

[deleted] on 14 Aug 2024 10:30 next collapse
. on 14 Aug 2024 22:11 collapse

Die hard? on 14 Aug 2024 22:53 collapse

ayup on 14 Aug 2024 23:21 collapse

What is that leaf? on 14 Aug 2024 05:56 collapse

There aren’t. However, if one country’s laws says “we torture lgbt its a crime”, why would you move there as a queer, where your existence is considered a crime? Surely there are other job opportunities at other places that don’t think that way. on 14 Aug 2024 06:06 collapse

I’m just gonna copy and paste a previous post.

Not everyone can afford to not take work. Queer people are more likely to be fired and refused jobs because they’re queer, and that frequently means needing to take horrible jobs in horrible places just to survive.

Surely there are other job opportunities at other places that don’t think that way.

There really aren’t. In the past year every queer person I know has been fired and/or severely abused at their job and now they can’t find new work. I get that it’s hard for a lot of people to consider literally being unhireable, but that’s what queers are experiencing right now.

[deleted] on 14 Aug 2024 07:37 next collapse
. on 14 Aug 2024 07:45 collapse

Man fuck that very literal victim blaming. We can recognise how depraved and wrong the law is but still blame someone who is a victim? on 14 Aug 2024 10:15 next collapse

Oh this is awesome! So now my comments are somehow offensive and get removed by a mod but a person that’s calling other people names is apparently fine. And just when I thought Lemmy was different from Reddit… Can a mod please point out what part of my comments was somehow deserving of the removal? on 14 Aug 2024 10:32 collapse

I still can see all your comments and I see “load 42 more comments” in that thread. Maybe you got an error on posting the reply because that user blocked you? on 14 Aug 2024 10:35 collapse

<img alt="" src="">

There are more, this is just one of them on 14 Aug 2024 13:53 collapse

Religion of peace strikes again on 14 Aug 2024 14:30 collapse

Trump is Christian and look what he wants to do with his project 2025. It’s not about religion, it’s about an authoritarian regime that uses a book as justification for their bullshit. on 14 Aug 2024 14:44 collapse

Christianity sucks too. Same Abrahamic delusional shit.