from to on 16 Oct 2024 19:04
As the official death toll in Gaza passes more than 42,400, the true number may be impossible to know until Israel’s war is over. But medical workers who witnessed the carnage in Gaza’s hospitals are speaking out. We speak with Dr. Feroze Sidhwa about his op-ed in The New York Times that features harrowing stories from dozens of healthcare workers and CT scans of children shot in the head or the left side of the chest.
The Times called the corresponding images of the patients too graphic to publish. “I personally wish that Americans could see more of what it looks like when a child is shot in the head, when a child is flayed open by bombs,” says Sidhwa. “I think it would make us think a little bit more about what we do in the world.”
We also speak with Palestinian nurse Rajaa Musleh, who worked at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. “I will never forget the dogs were eating the dead body inside Shifa Hospital at the front of the emergency department.
This will be stuck on my mind for my whole life,” says Musleh. “My message for the whole world: We are human beings. We are not numbers. We have the right to receive healthcare inside Gaza.”
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Neoptism is the reason for this. Even if a politician wanted to end this, nobody can say so upfront and outright. All of the people installed that have ties to Israel will not allow it to happen. Religions and groups the world over pull this shit, from Scientologists, to Christians, to Judaists. Democrats and Republicans literally fight over who can suck Israel’s cock the hardest. And now, Israel is committing genocide - and it’s not that nobody cares - it’s that our governments are packed with so many people who have a direct benefit in it happening that nobody can speak up without being silenced.
It’s not even surprising that Israel is doing this, they’ve been saying they wanted to for decades now.
At a certain point, each and every one of those politicians and likely their families too, unfortunately for all of them, are going to be swallowed whole by the collective response.
Here’s hoping that if any of them make it to old age they get tried like the nazi-esque war criminals that they are.
Kissinger died free.
The world sucks.
I think you mean Cronyism, which unlike Nepotism isn’t limited to family.
Looking at my own country, which has a massive culture of Cronyism, some years ago I concluded that Corruption is really just Cronyism in exchange for money hence why it’s so easy for it to develop in countries with a culture of friends using the power and money entrusted to them by others to help their friends.
It seems to me this also applies to the US were “campaign contributions” facilitate the buying of active politicians in a way which is not legally treated as Corruption, just things like the “speech circuit”, non-executive board memberships, funding of foundations and gold-plated “consultancy” are used to reward “friendly” policians after they retire from Politics in ways that completely obscure any Qui Pro Quo involved hence do get treated as Corruption even when they most definitelly are that (i.e. when a politician has explicitly agreed to use their power in a specific way when given a overt promise of such a reward at a later stage).
Want to see who politicians benefit, start by looking at whose parties they go to and which people do they socialize with.
Neoptism isn’t limited to family. Nepotism is defined as: the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives, friends, or associates, especially by giving them jobs.
Which people are you talking about? There aren’t any elected officials in the USA that are nepo hires. By definition.
Most government isn’t elected. We elect a representative, and they have a lot of positions that they place.
And our elections are filled to the brim with lobbying (legal bribery), etc.
Even elections are nepotism half the time. Look at MTG – There’s no way she would have had a chance without the backers that she had. She was placed on an elevated platform in order to get that position - yet she’s elected.
Meanwhile, you’ll hear her call Democrats antisemites, while she is in the same breath shouting about jewish space lasers.
Elections are a great way to give the illusion of choice, in order to keep the population apathetic.
You’re right.
I checked the dictionary definitions and the words have indeed a somewhat different meaning than I thought, including in the detail that Nepotism is familiy and friends whilst Cronyism is only friends.
So thanks for that correction!
Israel was responsible for all this a few months ago
Now the whole world is because we’re all just standing aside, watching all of it happen and do absolutely nothing … we are all complicit now.
Fuck that, none of us can do anything to stop it. Blame the actual people doing it.
People are so used to being expected to take personal responsibility for large scale crimes they have zero chance of impacting individually, like recycling or climate change, it's their default setting now just like their owners want it.
But you'll never hear these self flagellates take personal responsibility for Myanmar, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, China, or the Central African Republic because they only see Palestine in the news. They don't actually care about human suffering, only insofar as it is used to make them uncomfortable.
People absolutely should take responsibility for recycling and climate change.
We should definitely act in meaningful ways but we are not in any way responsible for the actions of others.
You do if you give them the bombs.
Only insofar as their choices in elected officials and their demand (or lack thereof) of actions of those to regulate the industries that actually cause pollution and climate change.
We can help protest to change the current administration’s policies and be part of the resistance, whether small or large, money or time, everything helps. Collective action is the best tool we have, even if we have little power individually.
The unfortunate truth is protesting will do nothing. Just last year the massive college campus protests were brushed off as “kids who haven’t grown up yet” by Democrats.
It’s a pretty hot take but imo the only path forward in the US is a regime change if you catch my drift. At the end of the day you won’t get a group of politicians to all agree to light their paycheck on fire. (AIPAC)
I don’t really disagree, except for that protesting does nothing. America is a dying empire, a regime change is bound to happen eventually in some way.
Protesting has moved the needle on public sentiment and expanded the influence of the BDS movement.
Biden’s the one giving out the bombs.
It’s hard for the whole world to do anything when the largest economy on Earth will undo any small step, political statement or protest with large amounts of cash, weapons and strong arming allied countries to agree with them via trade and sanctions, such as via the Anti Israel Boycott act H.R. 6940 which even affects the European Union. The whole world isn’t just standing aside. It’s just hard to stand on the path of the freight train that is the USA.
Nevertheless the ICC is proceeding, protest are occurring in many cities worldwide to embargo Israel and the UN is trying to prevent the US from sweeping this under the rug with constant world affirmations of rights of a Palestinian state and condemnations of Israeli actions, despite the US voting against.
Nobel prize winners are using their time in the spotlight to speak about it, presidents and prime ministers are urging more countries to stop trading with Israel, universities are refusing collaboration with Israel universities and exchange programs, investment capital is refusing to invest in Israeli companies and even Israeli tourists are being shunned abroad in several countries, including mine where they were booed on the streets. All this in the face of potential retaliatory action from the US.
Of course, it’s not what we hoped it would be or as effective as we need it to be for our dying Palestinian and Lebanese brothers and sisters, but it is a far cry from standing aside doing nothing. People are doing things and it would be a hell of a lot easier if the US either stopped helping the enemy or at the very least did nothing. I don’t wanna be writing “America bad” posts, I’ve been trying to make an effort to avoid making sweeping hot take statements about the US in general, but hot damn, in this case, i can’t help it. America very bad on Israel support and this will tarnish US international image for ages to come, even worse than the war on terror did.
The international community sees the US right now as the americans see Harris. It’s better than the alternative, sure, but we’d sure enjoy a whole lot less of genocide right about now.
I... Doubt it. The alternative is China, who despite their general nonsense don't really do violent imperialism AFAIK.
I was thinking of Russia (as I’m European they’re the most immediate threat), but being honest, while China keeps mostly to themselves, i would not like to be subjected to their level of censorship and dissent suppression. Plus there’s allegations that they’re committing a genocide of their own.
I mean yes but the EU is fully capable of dealing with Russia even without US support. Russia isn't really a superpower anymore.
That's true and it sucks, but it mostly sucks for Chinese people. I don't think they can or want to do any of that abroad.
The problem in the European Union is called Germany, whose politicians seem to have never leaved the whole “We support any Holocaust as long as it’s a ´good´ race ´solving the problem’ of a ´bad´ race” mindset.
If the US tries to hit any EU country with any commercial sanction the EU as whole is Treaty bound to impose counter-sanctions on the US and America doesn’t really want to see its access to a market of 470 million people cut and its tacit support from the biggest trade block around to it’s Guerrilla Trade War with China to dissapear completelly.
One of the main reason why the EU exists (the other being to incentivise Peace in Europe through tight trade ties) is exactly because whilst large nations like the US can indeed bully small and even medium sized nations via trade and sanctions, they can’t bully a tightly integrated association of nations adding up to a larger Economy with a larger Market than the US.
The US trying that shit on EU nations would just result in a Trade War and a significant acceleration of the current post-Imperial decay stage the US is in.
But there are bills currently in congress going for approval that will target the EU specifically, such as the one mentioned on my previous comment, where US companies would face fines for joining boycott movements promoted at a EU level. Whether they will succeed or not is still not determined, but there are actors inside the US trying to push this agenda towards the rest of Europe. I do hope the EU does as you say and not fold on the US pressure, because i really don’t want to see our union bundled together with US foreign policy as it has been since the 2000s.
What the US politicians think, decide and legislate is irrelevant: the US actually targetting EU nations would directly yield counter-sanctions from the whole of the EU because that’s a core part of the EU Membership Treaties (so, not the kind of thing that can just be blocked by a veto from a US-friendly EU member nation), and those would seriously impact the US Economy, not to mention the indirect impact on the US’ broader geostrategical influence from treating the EU as an adversary.
For the EU it would be something like Brexit - even if the EU loses from a hard posture, it cannot afford to let the other side get away with it without very painful consequences because that would result in them doing even worst things later and would incentivise others to do the same - only in this case the EU would suffer way less from playing hardball with the US than it did from doing it with Brexiting Britain.
For the US it would basically be comitting Trade Suicide at the feet of China.
If the US Congress and Senate are too stupid and actually pass those laws and POTOS too is too stupid and actually uses it, all without the companies that are going to get screwed the most by counter-sanctions (mainly Tech) lobbying that proposal away into nothing, thats a lot more a US problem than an EU problem and there is no way at all that the upsides are close to even just begin to justify the downsides.
(Sure it would hurt the EU, just a lot less than doing nothing about it would).
Personally I would love for the US policians to try it and find out.
If Trump, god forbid, were elected, one of the things he has threatened is to withdraw from NATO and let Putin just overrun Europe. It will be difficult to do anything economically when being actively invaded by someone who doesn’t care about the lives of his own soldiers, much less that of civilians.
Putin isn’t even able to overrun Ukraine who have been getting mostly equipment from 1 generation ago, mostly late and with a ton of limitations imposed on its use, and has a much smaller population than Europe (and a tiny Economy next to it), and you think he would be able to overrun Europe?
Poland alone would probably suffice to stop him.
That’s with Western weaponry helping out. But with orange man, Europe would be on its own. I can only hope you’re right with Poland if things go south.
Never before in human history have such heinous war crimes been so thoroughly documented.
And the world stands by and does nothing.
Tbf, anyone who tried would be liberated back into the stone ages. They’d be liberated so hard, their great-grandchildren will still be hurting from it.
Ireland and South Africa have already done great work, and nobody is going to invade them
Probably a quarter of the countries at the UN have done something. Hell, like 20 countries at the UN don’t even recognize Israel as a State
The problem is that the US blocks everything with veto power. This is why the ICJ case for genocide is so important; the US can’t veto in the ICJ, and even the judges at the ICJ are independent. They don’t represent the US
Its great work and I’m not looking to take anything away from them but I meant more direct action than Ireland, South Africa or anyone else is comfortable doing, with what America would do to them if they did.
I mean like, as in if their neighbours try to stop their neighbours from being killed.
Quite messed up of Israel.
It’s fucked up actually, backed by the US, state of freedom.
“democracy dies in darkness”, yet there is seemingly no journalists with any integrity, capable of showing the world the reality of the war machine. “Out of sight, out of mind” enables war and genocide.
Maybe because the IDF has a cute little habit of straight up murdering journalists
Of course, where else would you shoot someone after you’ve already captured them and made sure they weren’t a threat? Honestly it’s almost wholesome that they’re offering the children a clean death, I’m sure many of the Israeli soldiers would prefer to do much worse. The war crimes they’ve gleefully filmed themselves committing have shown me that the IDF is made entirely of fucking animals.
This is crazy. But its especially crazy that they’re doing child headshots from sniper drones.
I repeat “Sniper Drones”. Let that sink in.
Zios gotta bomb more hospitals so this evidence doesn’t get out.
(I’m being sarcastic ofc but they’re not.)
Most moral army on earth. No one has ever done so much to prevent civilian casualties.