Justice is denied from Palestine to the Uyghur homeland: What happens in Gaza and China's Xinjiang region should equally outrage us all, human rights lawyer says (dawnmena.org)
from 0x815@feddit.org to world@lemmy.world on 16 Oct 13:17

cross-posted from: feddit.org/post/3823927

“The dehumanization of Palestinians and the collective punishment they endure from Israel’s war in Gaza have shattered the very fabric of their society, much like what China has inflicted upon my people,” writes exiled Uyghur human rights lawyer Rayhan Asat.

The Palestinian mother watching a bulldozer tear through her house reminds me of every Uyghur mother whose home was invaded by Chinese forces. The rubble of schools and mosques destroyed in Gaza takes me back to my homeland, where the oldest shrines have been leveled, and our teachers handed life sentences. The surveillance system China tested against the Uyghurs has been exported to the streets of occupied Hebron. As Israeli settlers flood the West Bank with the full support of Israel’s government, I’m reminded of the millions of Han people that China brought into my homeland, where they receive special privileges in an apartheid system the world has ignored for decades.


Israeli atrocities in Gaza, and the intentional blocking of humanitarian aid that has led to starvation and the spread of polio in the besieged territory, have sparked global outrage, especially among young people. However, this same level of outrage has not been directed toward China’s systematic efforts to slowly eradicate the Uyghur people in its prison camps. Some argue that the differing reactions are due to America’s direct support for Israel’s war in Gaza, but victims do not suffer less because of the identity of their perpetrator. If human rights are truly universal, then what happens in Gaza and Xinjiang should equally outrage us all.


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MediaBiasFactChecker@lemmy.world on 16 Oct 13:18 next collapse

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disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world on 16 Oct 14:09 next collapse

That’s funny. I read on Lemmy that the horrific treatment of the Uyghurs was just western propaganda. Now what am I to believe?

distantsounds@lemmy.world on 16 Oct 18:01 collapse

.ml won’t talk about the Uyghurs, and .world justifies Israel’s war crimes in Gaza.

disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world on 16 Oct 21:17 collapse

I think they’re both unconscionable.

aeronmelon@lemmy.world on 16 Oct 14:31 collapse

The people who are outraged are not in a position of power, and the people in a position of power are incentivized/threatened to not be outraged.