Iran sought mass casualties in Israel strike, U.S. officials say | Semafor (
from to on 15 Apr 2024 12:52


threaded - newest on 15 Apr 2024 12:59 next collapse

And worse, they’re the ones who hid Saddam’s WMDs on 15 Apr 2024 13:07 next collapse

Oh, they have their own nuke resources according to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Same guys that said Iraq had nothing. on 15 Apr 2024 13:46 next collapse

I get the satire but in reality, they hated Saddam. He was a Sunni. on 15 Apr 2024 13:57 collapse

Also that part where the US funded Saddam to fight Iran on 15 Apr 2024 14:41 collapse

You do realize that Saddam's Iraq is what kept Iran and Saudi Arabia from being so aggressive right? And that both of them wanted him gone for that reason?

Because even after the Gulf War, it was still seen as a powerful enough military to take advantage of either two starting anything with each other. on 15 Apr 2024 13:01 next collapse

By suggesting that this attack was real, but was thwarted by a collective defense, means that there is no need for the Israelis to retaliate because they already “took the win” as Biden supposedly told Netanyahu. In other words, be satisfied with how you handled led this with our help but don’t get cocky and try it again anytime soon. on 15 Apr 2024 13:53 collapse

That Jordan (who shot down some of the missiles) agrees that Iran gave warning, I think it’s clear that Iran wanted to retaliate without escalating. Israel saying we’ll reply when we’re ready feels like they’re happy to draw a line under it for now. on 15 Apr 2024 13:55 next collapse

It’s the same thing they did when they attacked American troops after we killed the general. It’s a show of force but trying to minimize casualties. They want to show strength without escalating the situation. on 15 Apr 2024 14:12 collapse

Good to also add Saudi Arabia who also participated. This must have irked Iran. on 15 Apr 2024 19:11 collapse

Why would you think they weren’t expecting that? Saudi Arabia and Iran have been rivals forever. That’s what their whole proxy war in Yemen is/was all about. on 15 Apr 2024 13:24 next collapse

And they failed, so that should be the end of it. on 15 Apr 2024 16:07 collapse

Does anyone believe that Iran thought they were going to incinerate Jerusalem, only to be caught off guard that Israel’s allies swooped in to help?

Or that Iran is incapable of working out the effects of their military operations? on 16 Apr 2024 00:48 collapse

There is a delta between Irans military capabilities and Irans military commands.