Trump reportedly growing angry over ongoing Russia-Ukraine aerial strikes (
from to on 24 Mar 14:09


Donald Trump is reportedly frustrated with the ongoing aerial strikes between Russia and Ukraine, despite his efforts to broker peace.

After recent talks with both leaders, Russia claimed a 30-day pause on energy infrastructure strikes, but Ukraine accused Russia of continuing civilian attacks.

Heavy attacks continue, with recent Russian strikes killing four and injuring 13 in Ukraine. Ukraine has also reportedly launched strikes against Russian infrastructure, which Russia claims caused significant damage.

A proposed broader ceasefire faltered over Russian demands to halt foreign military support for Ukraine.


threaded - newest on 24 Mar 14:20 next collapse

He’s angry that he can’t claim the win, nothing more or less. Who knew geopolitics could be so difficult? And like a child who can’t comprehend something, he will pivot his attention to something else entirely and pretend this episode never happened. on 24 Mar 14:48 next collapse

He treated Ukraine like Russia treats him…

And has zero idea why it didn’t work. on 24 Mar 14:51 next collapse

I look forward to his “nobody knew this would be so difficult” statement. on 24 Mar 15:13 next collapse

Of course, this will be after he’s called all of his predecessors fucking morons for not doing things like he does. on 24 Mar 16:02 collapse

Already did that part. Hell he called himself an idiot for the nafta modifications of his first term. Senile narcissist is stupid af more for the next 3y(at least). on 24 Mar 15:55 collapse

I wouldn’t get my hopes up. I expect a “Mission Accomplished” press conference that will put Dubya to shame. on 24 Mar 16:42 next collapse

He promised something that wasn’t his to give. Then did the absurdly naive and ill-informed decision to attempt to negotiate with Putin by assuming against overwhelming evidence that Putin respects him and that he’d act out of good faith if he approached him in a position of submission and weakness. Now the Russians are taking advantage of it.

I bet Putin “promised” Trump he’d give him that win and now he’s just using it as a carrot on a stick to lead him along. on 25 Mar 09:32 collapse

He’s also angry, that it’s making Putin mad at him on 24 Mar 14:33 next collapse

Trump still thinks it’s a card game on 24 Mar 14:34 next collapse

It’s easy to hold all the cards when no one else is playing games on 24 Mar 14:45 collapse

Art of the deal! on 24 Mar 15:41 collapse

*Which he never wrote in the first place on 24 Mar 14:42 next collapse

Trump is so thirsty for a Nobel Peace Prize it’s pathetic. Fortunately, he’s never going to get one. on 24 Mar 15:36 collapse

He’ll just threaten to invade Sweden unless they give him the peace prize. on 24 Mar 16:01 next collapse

Actually, the peace price is decided by a committee in Norway. on 24 Mar 16:04 next collapse

Do you think he knows that though? on 24 Mar 16:05 collapse

I feel like this would not stop him from threatening Sweden, though. on 24 Mar 16:21 next collapse

Or Nobel, he doesn’t know Nobel is not a country on 24 Mar 17:51 next collapse

When someone informs him it’s named after a person he will demand that this domestic terrorist be brought in for impeachment and deported, not understanding why none of that makes sense on 24 Mar 23:01 collapse

Ban and deport all noble gases! on 24 Mar 21:02 collapse

As a Norwegian I am reminded of our “reply” to the American first slogan.

We are OK with Norway fourth or even fifth, but Sweden LAST! on 25 Mar 09:34 collapse

He’s after swiss chocolate and gold on 24 Mar 14:51 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 24 Mar 15:00 next collapse

Master negotiator, 4D chess, stable genius; what a fucking joke. on 24 Mar 15:12 next collapse

TFW you pour gasoline over the fire but it just won’t go out. on 24 Mar 15:30 collapse

Trump brain: I clearly didn’t use enough gasoline. on 24 Mar 15:33 collapse

…wait, was that a Tesla? on 24 Mar 15:14 next collapse

What a fucking moron. on 24 Mar 15:15 next collapse

Maybe he should tariff both countries - that’s always the answer 🙄 What did you think if you have an idiot-in-chief 🤔 on 24 Mar 17:53 collapse

Clearly Ukraine needs to set a tariff on Russian missiles and drones.

/s on 24 Mar 15:28 next collapse

Good. Collapse already. on 24 Mar 16:32 next collapse

Maybe he’ll get so angry he’ll have an aneurysm and die? There’s not many people whose death would undoubtably improve the world, but he’s one of them. on 24 Mar 19:00 next collapse

People have been wondering that about every “Trump furious” story for the last 10 years or so. on 24 Mar 20:47 next collapse

I’m hoping he’ll finally get angry at Putin and put actual American troops on the ground on 25 Mar 06:15 collapse

There’s an old Soviet joke; a man goes to the newspaper stand everyday picks up a paper reads the headlines on the front page and leaves. This happens for a few weeks then finally the salesman asks, “Comrade, why do you only read the front page?” The guy says, “I’m just looking for an obituary.” The salesman says, “Those are in the back of the newspaper.” “Not the one I’m looking for.” on 24 Mar 17:55 next collapse

I don’t get why he cares.

Does he just want to have Ukraine publicly thank him?

Or did he promise the minerals from Ukraine to Elon? on 24 Mar 20:29 collapse

He’s a dumb narcissist. He wants to be loved and respected and most likely genuinely thinks he’s some sort of king of world who will fix everything. on 25 Mar 05:48 collapse

After the The Atlantic breach it’s clear they view themselves as the world police.

The user identified as Hegseth responded three minutes later: “VP: I fully share your loathing of European free-loading. It’s PATHETIC. But Mike is correct, we are the only ones on the planet (on our side of the ledger) who can do this. Nobody else even close. on 24 Mar 20:48 next collapse

We really need to stop calling it “brokering peace”. Trump just wants Ukraine to give Putin what he wants.

[deleted] on 24 Mar 22:19 next collapse
. on 24 Mar 23:07 next collapse

Cuz Donnie is a lying bitch and he is way out of his element here. on 25 Mar 02:42 next collapse

He’s mad that he doesn’t hold all the cards after making a pikachu face when putin attack after saying he aint gonna attack. on 25 Mar 05:05 next collapse

He wants a Nobel Peace prize, because Obama has one… on 25 Mar 07:05 next collapse

To be fair, I’m not sure what Obama did to deserve this… on 25 Mar 07:14 collapse

Afaik big part of the prize is to actually encourage peace. If you’re given the prize for “best potato peeler in the world” you’ll probably peel more potatoes or train people and promote potato peeling in general. on 25 Mar 11:16 collapse

By that logic, the only behaviour they encouraged was “talking about peace” because that’s all that Obama did to get the prize.

Politicians will talk about everything and anything without actually meaning it, so that’s about the lowest value behaviour you can think of promoting.

Surely in that specific year there were more worthy behaviours for the Nobel Comitee to want to encourage than merely “talk about peace”. on 25 Mar 12:19 collapse

Hey I’m not defending thus just pointing out what they claim part the reasoning is for these award decisions. on 25 Mar 09:38 collapse

Trump never got over the 2011 correspondence dinner where he made fun of trump on 25 Mar 05:38 next collapse

It’s astounding that he honestly believed he could end the war in 24 hours. He’s really that stupid. on 25 Mar 06:59 next collapse

This is guy who said “who knew health care could be so complicated?”. We’re still waiting on that health care plan, Donnie! on 25 Mar 12:32 collapse

No, that helped him get elected, he didnt have to believe it, same as everything he does on 25 Mar 05:59 next collapse

Trump finally starting to realize Putin has no respect for them and their relationship is far more onesided than he ever feared it might be. on 25 Mar 06:05 next collapse

No no bro its all Zelenskys fault /s on 25 Mar 09:16 collapse

He isn’t realising shit. on 25 Mar 06:18 next collapse

Boss baby playing government

Edit: the people that take this asshole at his word and seriously are the same chode jugglers who nod continuously at every company all-hands on 25 Mar 07:11 next collapse

probably want ukraine to stop defending themselves and allow russia to just seize the whole of ukraine , it’s a shame where america is , they are the same as the russians. on 25 Mar 08:53 next collapse

He’ll pretend to be angry and then just give Putin what he wants. on 25 Mar 11:08 next collapse

Aaaaaaall of this is just misdirection.

He doesn’t care about Ukraine or Russia, even Greenland or Panama.

Trump is there to dismantle the American government for his billionaire buddies. That is the job they hired him to do.

Elon Musk and Peter Thiel very openly subscribed to Curtis Yarvins world view, and he very openly describes how to dismantle government, and now they are doing it.

That is what the Heritage Foundation and project2025 is all about. You can track their progress here on 25 Mar 12:48 collapse

There’s a high chance Greenland is a part of that. I think one of those billionaires (whichever one founded Praxis) asked Trump to buy Greenland so he can terraform it and set up his country there. There is a source for it somewhere at on 25 Mar 13:01 next collapse

He doesn’t caaaaaarrreeee!

I guarantee you someone asked how he felt of random subject. He parses the answer by how it effects him and wraps it in the same bull shit he has always said. on 25 Mar 14:38 collapse

If only someone had told him that Putin doesn’t negotiate in good faith.

Oh wait, that’s precisely what Zelensky was trying to fucking say before the idiot of a VP that Trump has started dicking around in front of the cameras. on 25 Mar 15:03 collapse

Getting a taste of his own medicine is he?

Ah well, maybe he’ll learn someth… lol

I couldn’t even finish the thought without laughing.