This violent extremist network targets kids online: An Alberta teen was trapped inside a network that the RCMP says is ‘unlike anything’ its counterterrorism unit has ever seen.
from to on 23 Mar 03:35
from to on 23 Mar 03:35
WARNING: This story contains references to suicide, sexual abuse, violence, graphic material and language that may be upsetting to some readers.
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Thanks for sharing. I x-posted it in !
Seems to be a worldwide issue with varying goals at the moment.
How fucking useless were the police? They couldn’t unlock her phone so they did nothing. It’s like it was an excuse to not give a shit. Appalling.
Fuck Roblox
Holy shit this is insane.
Ok, the article is shocking, but based on what we’re seeing in the U.S.?
No, this doesn’t seem otherworldly at all. Children are almost entirely influenced by their environment. The perpetrators, teens and children themselves, are likely exposed to abuses that are tolerated in neo-Nazi groups. Look at republican statements in the US.
There was a story about two teens in Germany recruited to a private discord through I think Roblox, a bellingcat podcast on use of games as recruitment mentioned it.
The act of helping in the game builds trust fast and speeds up the recruitment.
Luckily these two went to the police after the blackmail/encouragement/ conditioning escalated to performing real world violence.
How many others didn’t? Or were pushed slower so they were more caught up?
Awful stuff. And we have the UK shutting down local biking forums and fedi servers to protect children.
“The most horrendous part about it is it is minors doing this to minors."
Most crimes against teenagers are committed by teenagers IMO. This should not be surprising.
And then her mother has the gall to complain that the law enforcement wasn’t doing much to help her daughter or were able break into her phone when she couldn’t “remember” her password, mother of the year over here.
If your kid ends up in such places online, it’s proof you are a shit parent and should have never had kids in the first place.