on 24 Oct 2024 20:45
North Americans, don’t be shocked when the shit starts hitting your neighborhood, schools, homes, daycares, and hospitals.
Whether North Korea, or Venezuela, or Russia, etc, or a newly radicalized individual.
We have let the world know there are no rules and we are now fair game for any nation that feels like it.
And we have no right to complain when they do.
on 24 Oct 2024 21:17
We have let the world know there are no rules
Quite the opposite. The US is demonstrating that it is above any international law and will do what it wants regardless of any standing agreements. It’s demonstrating that the only rules that matter are the ones it makes. Israel is our dog on our leash and we’re letting it bite someone. But if anyone hurts our dog, we’ll go full John Wick on their country. That’s why Israel bombs schools and hospitals without warning and Iran gives a few days notice before they attack.
on 24 Oct 2024 23:22
But if anyone touches our boats, we’ll go full John Wick on their country.
It’s already happening. People are shooting up Jewish schools and places of worship in response.
on 25 Oct 2024 08:45
Theres far far far more anti muslim violence than anti jewish. ADL has been counting people saying mean things online as a spike in anti semitic violence. Words are not violence. Holding a sign objecting to Israeli actions are not violence. And objecting to Israel is not anti semitic.
on 25 Oct 2024 05:21
9/11 happened because of US involvement with Israel. Bin Laden clearly listed his grievances with the US, which the media purposely ignored. I’ve been expecting another terrorist attack because we never learn. America has to do everything the hard way regarding foreign policy. Huge sigh.
on 25 Oct 2024 08:41
“They hate us for our freedoms” was such a ridiculously stupid thing for Bush to say, but people lapped it up and just assumed it was truth. Not the USA’s most impressive moment.
on 24 Oct 2024 20:53
This will blow back way harder on Israel than America.
Ignoring all politics, logistically this war is a rounding error in the Pentagon’s budget. America can and often does absolutely anything it wants to anyone at any point in time - and the only thing stopping it is how it feels about a subject at any given moment.
Israel is tiny and surrounded by enemies who they are pissing off.
For the record I am entirely opposed to Israel committing genocide and America funding it.
on 24 Oct 2024 23:49
Yeah I’m not sure people realize how bad this is for long term American interests in the area. The Saudis and the Iranians are actually talking to each other again.
on 25 Oct 2024 02:39
and America funding it.
And absolutely gaslighting anyone who calls anyone out for it.
I’m really sick of the whole “criticism of Israel is antisemitism” rhetoric. NO IT ISN’T. And pushing this rhetoric harder isn’t going to make me support them either. If anything, I’m going to see it as an increasing threat to my First Amendment right to free speech.
My criticism of the Chinese government is not hateful towards the Chinese Americans in my community. It’s also not hateful towards the Chinese people living in China or anywhere else in the world. It’s a criticism of the leadership, which is fair game. Ditto for criticism of Iran, Russia, or any other nation I can think of.
But criticize the Israeli government and suddenly it’s a problem. There’s less pushback for criticizing the U.S. government!
on 25 Oct 2024 09:54
I’m really sick of the whole “criticism of Israel is antisemitism” rhetoric.
It’s just playing dirty. Israel, much like modern conservative politicians, doesn’t care about how it achieves its goals. World War II has much of the western world hypersensitive to antisemitism, so conflating criticism of the Israeli government with antisemitism has been an easy way to stifle discourse.
on 25 Oct 2024 10:16
Oh no you are a trump supporter /s
on 25 Oct 2024 10:51
Say that they use murder (especially of Christians) for ritual purposes.
on 25 Oct 2024 08:39
This will blow back way harder on Israel than America.
I dont think the US will walk away from this free of any consequences at all. The chickens will come home to roost. You dont kill that many people and leave that many affected victims and just saunter off into the sunset with no consequences whatsoever.
on 25 Oct 2024 10:07
But I was told terrorists hate America because of their freedom. Are you saying it was really their foreign policy this whole time?
The only real chance the US had to not get caught up in the quagmire would have been to unload a battalion or three of marines and go Hamas-hunting themselves, keeping an eye on the IDF. Make sure humanitarian aid arrives. Ignore the Israeli government where necessary (after all Gaza isn’t Israel) in favour of re-iterating that you’re Israel’s friend and simply taking some load off their plate, make sure to work with Israeli lefties when it comes to pretty much everything humanitarian on the ground, or in media.
But that would’ve necessitated more wherewithal and understanding of Israel than the US could’ve ever hoped to muster.
on 25 Oct 2024 08:56
Will Linus ban Israeli maintainers now?
on 25 Oct 2024 10:17
Israel is the market leader in hacking and spying tools such as Pegasus. These are used for ethical purposes such as chopping journalists reporting negatively on Saudi Arabia in pieces. There is no reason to doubt their credibility.
on 25 Oct 2024 12:42
Is Israel under US sanctions that would require him to do so?
on 25 Oct 2024 15:45
He is not “required” to do anything, no request has been made that we know of.
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North Americans, don’t be shocked when the shit starts hitting your neighborhood, schools, homes, daycares, and hospitals.
Whether North Korea, or Venezuela, or Russia, etc, or a newly radicalized individual.
We have let the world know there are no rules and we are now fair game for any nation that feels like it.
And we have no right to complain when they do.
Quite the opposite. The US is demonstrating that it is above any international law and will do what it wants regardless of any standing agreements. It’s demonstrating that the only rules that matter are the ones it makes. Israel is our dog on our leash and we’re letting it bite someone. But if anyone hurts our dog, we’ll go full John Wick on their country. That’s why Israel bombs schools and hospitals without warning and Iran gives a few days notice before they attack.
Yet you are two weeks away from electing a Russian intelligence asset.
Heh, don’t take my perspective as being supportive of it.
Yep, sure does look like he’s going to win.
Trump? Intelligence asset? I mean, i understand and agree, but knowing who you’re talking about…
…what’s going on in my brain…
Is this what cognitive dissonance feels like…?
Pretty sure the dog is walking the owner at this point.
When 80% of americans support genocide, random terrorism become harm-reduction.
We’ve prepared ourselves with daily mass shootings for years
The only thing that stops a bad war trauma is a good civil trauma.
It’s already happening. People are shooting up Jewish schools and places of worship in response.
Theres far far far more anti muslim violence than anti jewish. ADL has been counting people saying mean things online as a spike in anti semitic violence. Words are not violence. Holding a sign objecting to Israeli actions are not violence. And objecting to Israel is not anti semitic.
A bit more blood on the zionists hand
What are they gonna do, send another set of jumbo jets into skyscrapers?
Or another orange idiot.
Or more republicans.
Good god we’re fucked
Americans when they reap what they sow: 😦
9/11 happened because of US involvement with Israel. Bin Laden clearly listed his grievances with the US, which the media purposely ignored. I’ve been expecting another terrorist attack because we never learn. America has to do everything the hard way regarding foreign policy. Huge sigh.
“They hate us for our freedoms” was such a ridiculously stupid thing for Bush to say, but people lapped it up and just assumed it was truth. Not the USA’s most impressive moment.
This will blow back way harder on Israel than America.
Ignoring all politics, logistically this war is a rounding error in the Pentagon’s budget. America can and often does absolutely anything it wants to anyone at any point in time - and the only thing stopping it is how it feels about a subject at any given moment.
Israel is tiny and surrounded by enemies who they are pissing off.
For the record I am entirely opposed to Israel committing genocide and America funding it.
What a weird and sad thing thing to have to specify.
Welcome to the internet, Have a look around
I’m gonna go read a book. K thx bye.
Yeah I’m not sure people realize how bad this is for long term American interests in the area. The Saudis and the Iranians are actually talking to each other again.
Through Beijing, in fact.
And absolutely gaslighting anyone who calls anyone out for it.
I’m really sick of the whole “criticism of Israel is antisemitism” rhetoric. NO IT ISN’T. And pushing this rhetoric harder isn’t going to make me support them either. If anything, I’m going to see it as an increasing threat to my First Amendment right to free speech.
My criticism of the Chinese government is not hateful towards the Chinese Americans in my community. It’s also not hateful towards the Chinese people living in China or anywhere else in the world. It’s a criticism of the leadership, which is fair game. Ditto for criticism of Iran, Russia, or any other nation I can think of.
But criticize the Israeli government and suddenly it’s a problem. There’s less pushback for criticizing the U.S. government!
It’s just playing dirty. Israel, much like modern conservative politicians, doesn’t care about how it achieves its goals. World War II has much of the western world hypersensitive to antisemitism, so conflating criticism of the Israeli government with antisemitism has been an easy way to stifle discourse.
Oh no you are a trump supporter /s
Criticising Israel can be antisemitic. Just check out the IHRA definition of antisemitism . Basically you can’t say that:
I dont think the US will walk away from this free of any consequences at all. The chickens will come home to roost. You dont kill that many people and leave that many affected victims and just saunter off into the sunset with no consequences whatsoever.
But I was told terrorists hate America because of their freedom. Are you saying it was really their foreign policy this whole time?
The only real chance the US had to not get caught up in the quagmire would have been to unload a battalion or three of marines and go Hamas-hunting themselves, keeping an eye on the IDF. Make sure humanitarian aid arrives. Ignore the Israeli government where necessary (after all Gaza isn’t Israel) in favour of re-iterating that you’re Israel’s friend and simply taking some load off their plate, make sure to work with Israeli lefties when it comes to pretty much everything humanitarian on the ground, or in media.
But that would’ve necessitated more wherewithal and understanding of Israel than the US could’ve ever hoped to muster.
Will Linus ban Israeli maintainers now?
Israel is the market leader in hacking and spying tools such as Pegasus. These are used for ethical purposes such as chopping journalists reporting negatively on Saudi Arabia in pieces. There is no reason to doubt their credibility.
Is Israel under US sanctions that would require him to do so?
He is not “required” to do anything, no request has been made that we know of.