Meta and Google opt out of Sydney Mardi Gras amid move away from DEI in US (
from to on 20 Feb 04:01

Google and Meta do not meet the requirements to partner with the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, the organisation has said, after the two tech giants ended their official involvement and ditched diversity obligations in the US.

At the 47th annual Mardi Gras parade up Oxford Street next Saturday, a notable absence will be the two tech firms, previously event sponsors.

When Sydney hosted the biannual World Pride global event in 2023, Meta sent a float to the parade. It was a media partner for last year’s Mardi Gras; Google was a supporting partner.

The two companies have this year curtailed their spending on Mardi Gras, Guardian Australia has confirmed, and are not sponsoring the event in any capacity.



threaded - newest on 20 Feb 04:06 next collapse

Good. Go fuck yourselves you pandering snippets of Satan’s foreskin. Let’s rock out with our - out in style. on 20 Feb 04:36 collapse

Agreed, fickle corporations can fuck off. If your support depends on whether it’s profitable, it’s not real support. Support it because it’s the right thing to do. on 20 Feb 07:23 collapse

They are not fickle. Companies are not people with core morals. They are buildings that get remodeled. 100% always and only about reducing cost, increasing profit and maintaining favor with the customer. on 20 Feb 11:33 next collapse

It’s like people still just do not understand that a corporations purpose is to make money. They quite literally can not be trusted to do anything but choose what they believe to be most profitable. on 20 Feb 16:42 collapse

The People understand. Your statement is akin to publishing the secret recipe of boiled water

What you need to understand is that corrupt courts have given corporations people’s rights which is all kinds of wrong on 20 Feb 16:37 next collapse

Then stop the nonsense of giving them people’s rights and protections

Everyone understands corporations have no morals, but corrupt Murican courts keep granting them people’s rights on 20 Feb 22:50 collapse

Corporations absolutely are people, at least according to Mitt Romney and SCOTUS. on 20 Feb 05:19 next collapse

You don’t “opt out” when you’re told you can’t join in the first place. on 20 Feb 06:42 collapse

Though Meta and Google have withdrawn of their own accord, a spokesperson for Mardi Gras said the companies would not now meet the festival’s criteria for partners.

That’s not what happened. on 20 Feb 07:23 next collapse

That’s the criteria? Are they trying to rely on Gov holidays only? on 20 Feb 11:35 collapse

They’re preemptively pulling out, because they’ve deemed it better PR than being publicly refused for siding with fascism. on 20 Feb 07:17 next collapse

That’s beta AF on 20 Feb 07:26 next collapse

Never hear Microsoft’s name. Nadella has to be the master of flying under the radar. on 20 Feb 08:06 collapse

Microsoft at least appear to not be giving in as easily, as scummy a company as they are in various ways.

I’m not sure if they perceive that in the long run those that have got on their knees for Trump are going to lose any shred of credibility they may have had, or if this is a sincere belief on the part of Microsoft’s leadership. Probably the former. on 20 Feb 08:22 next collapse

But then I’m surprised that Trump hasn’t started attacking “nasty indian” Nadella. I would have thought they would want to ensure Microsoft is just as in line as the others. Or I suppose it’s because Google has YouTube and Search which is valuable for propaganda. MS is business stuff in the main, so it would be the equivalent of attacking IBM which to the public would seem weird.

I just wonder if MS are in line but are just better at not telegraphing it publicly. on 20 Feb 23:21 collapse

Probably because Nadella has a golden parachute. Forcing Microsoft to out them would be fine to Nadella on 20 Feb 15:58 collapse

I wonder if it’s power? Usually people with proper power aren’t in the lime light, because if they are that power is typically short lived (usually by people who start feeling oppressed from it).

If I think of Microsoft having their OS plus their data centre holding OpenAI, many key websites, even OS running on military devices.

I just feel like they can just sit back, and keep raking in the cash. on 20 Feb 16:57 collapse

Whaaat capitalists only want my money?! Who would have guessed that?! /s