GitHub - rajnandan1/kener: Stunning status pages, batteries included!
from to on 25 Mar 03:01
from to on 25 Mar 03:01
Stunning docker ready open source status pages Host a status page for your website, api etc and give updates to your customers when things go wrong!
You can find the live demo at
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No, never, you can’t make me.
Doesn’t support docker host names, which is a bummer. You have to use IPv4/6 and the docker IP for services to work correctly. The service setup is also a bit weird. You can’t seem to delete a service once it’s been made. You can only “hide” it. So I just set this up, and mistyped an IP, and now I have a service with only 70% uptime because the first few pings failed due to the mistyped IP. ( There doesn’t seem to be a way to reset the uptime, or delete the monitor. You actually have to rename the service monitor to something random, and “hide” it, then remake your service like new.
Seems weird.
Nice dashboard though.
I will add delete monitor functionality. Thanks for feedback. Really helps ❤️
Great work man. That’s really the only thing that I’ve found to gripe about. Other than that it was a simple setup and configuration. I particularly like that you hold my hand when changing things like the font. Such a subtle but cool change to add some individuality to it.
Great tool. I just pushed it to production for all my projects.
Looks nice. I am using uptime-kuma, too lazy to setup everything again.
thank god I’ve only got to service an intranet site
Nice one!. Looks like Kener shows more details compared to uptime-cuma. Does it support a config file or API. I prefer no to manually add everything via the web interface.
not everything is through API, initial setup has to be done manually and then API for other things. Having said that I will move some of the important things to API soon
This looks really neat! Saving this to set it up during the weekend 👍