How To Improve Pi 5 Cooling (
from to on 10 Jun 2024 13:32

So I’ve got an 8GB Pi 5 with the offical Active Cooler and then the Pineberry NVME HAT on top in the Pi52 tall alumnium cooling case and thermals are not great. Looking for guidance and/or recommendations.

I already have the active cooler so I’m all out of fan headers, and I have 3 hard drives plugged in so I’m not sure about powering a whole USB fan.

I saw that Noctua finally came out with their desk fan and thought that may be a perfect solution. I was thinking of just slapping it under the Pi, but I was wondering if this would even make a difference.

Also wondering what the best configuration would be between push/pull & bottom/top or if anybody has better ideas, I’m all ears. Thank y’all!


threaded - newest on 10 Jun 2024 13:39 next collapse

You’re going to need a better heatsink case that comes with a better fan. on 10 Jun 2024 14:59 next collapse

Do you know of any that fit the NVME top HAT? This was the only one I could find where I was sure it would fit. on 10 Jun 2024 18:03 collapse

Did you see this one?…/black-aluminum-case-brick-enlosure… on 10 Jun 2024 19:23 collapse

This is the exact case I own lmao I guess PiHut doesn't credit the manufacturer (52Pi). I have the active cooler on the Pi. Since I have the NVME top HAT, I didn't think the fan in the top of the case would cool enough with the HAT in the way. on 11 Jun 2024 05:19 collapse

😂 okay, well since that’s the one you’ve got. We can work from there. Is it a snug fit in there or do you have lots of room? on 11 Jun 2024 15:31 collapse

@sabreW4K3 There's quite a bit of space above the NVME HAT, which is why I thought about buying the default case fan as well, but I only have one fan header. Plus I feel like the HAT would get in the way of any real cooling for the Pi board. on 11 Jun 2024 16:56 collapse

Given all the space you’ve got, maybe you can switch to something like this?…/argon-neo-5-m-2-nvme-case-for-rasp… on 11 Jun 2024 17:52 collapse

I would hate to make this HAT and yet another case obsolete lol Is the Noctua fan underneath / on top really that pointless an idea? I wouldn't think the official active cooler would be much worse than this on 11 Jun 2024 19:11 collapse

The problem is, the case you’re using just has lots of empty room not doing much. With this case, it’s practically all heat sinks and fan inside. The only other solution I can think of is a different active cooler, like

Regarding the fan underneath, yeah. You need the cool air inside as opposed to on the bottom on 11 Jun 2024 20:56 collapse

Fair enough. I was really trying to avoid obsolescing another case though 😭 What about putting the fan on top in either push or pull? Think it'd be worth getting cool air in there despite the HAT? on 12 Jun 2024 05:17 collapse

I say try it. You have nothing to lose. If the heat drops, stick with it. on 16 Jun 2024 17:11 collapse

UPDATE: Got the new Noctua desk fan and slapped it on top of my Pi, seems to have lowered temps by 20 DEGREES. According to my monitoring, I was around 70 before and now I'm around 50. So it seems way more than worth it! on 16 Jun 2024 17:16 collapse

That’s epic. Mine is running at around 55°, so I’d call that a certified win. Congrats! on 12 Jun 2024 00:03 next collapse

I realize that in all reality I was a fool for not getting the Pineberry bottom NVME HAT so that I could still put an ICE tower on the Pi board, but I'm in too deep now

[deleted] on 19 Jun 2024 10:34 collapse