Python's UV tool is even better (
from to on 22 Mar 2024 16:26


threaded - newest on 22 Mar 2024 17:35 next collapse

Curious what the motivation is for this tool. I can see how rust would be much faster at dependency resolution, but dependency resolution has never been a bottleneck for me while I’m doing either ops or software development. Why is that the thing that needed speeding up?

What I need from a Python package manager:

  • it’s present everywhere I need to install or develop Python packages

That’s it. Pip scratches that itch. I also use poetry for env management and pyproject.toml management, that’s it. on 22 Mar 2024 18:30 next collapse

My thoughts exactly. What I want is Poetry’s workflow and use of pyproject.toml baked into Python. on 24 Jun 2024 21:31 collapse

I have a pip-tools wrapper thing that now optionally uses uv instead. Aside from doing the pip-tools things faster, the main advantage I’ve found, and what really motivated me to support and recommend uv with it, is that uv creates new venvs MUCH faster than python’s venv module, which is really annoyingly slow for that operation. on 25 Jun 2024 01:02 collapse

@Andy @xantoxis

The issue with uv is the same `biggest issue` that Python faces, maintenance costs.

Python coders are not Rust coders. Which is quite the head scratcher.

Learning Rust techstack creates an enormous `barrier to entry` when it comes to adopting, uv.

uv main advantage is not speed, it's the override for resolving dependency hell

If it didn't bring something more to the table, besides speed, no one would care on 25 Jun 2024 02:55 collapse

If it didn’t bring something more to the table, besides speed, no one would care

I’m literally saying its speed in certain operations makes an appreciable difference in my workflows, especially when operating on tens of venvs at a time. I don’t know why you want to fight me on my own experience.

I’m not telling anyone who doesn’t want to use uv to do so. Someone asked about motivation, and I shared mine. on 23 Mar 2024 23:02 collapse

No lock file?