Python beginner
from to on 20 May 2024 17:05
from to on 20 May 2024 17:05
Good evening, everyone. I have, but one quick inquiry. What are the best resources in your opinion to learn python by yourself as a complete beginner? Thank you all
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The Python docs are outstanding and I would definitely recommend giving that a try before moving to something perceived as more approachable.
iPython makes experimenting in an interactive manner so easy, I use it every day.
Definitely my preference. However, for someone just starting (and not used to pressing TAB or calling help() ), an empty prompt might be intimidating.
That’s why I typically suggest interactive tutorials, e.g. any of these two:!
Certainly not the best, but codecademy is decent. After that, it should be enough for you to learn more deeply from official Python documentation, actual Python code base (from OSS repositories), and specific subjects from blog articles.
But it will highly depend on what type of content you like. For example some people may prefer books over interactive courses. If this is your case, i think this one is recognized as a very good one:
After you get the basics (others covered that), what I like to do when learning a new language is make a series of simple games.
Things like:
Etc. Good luck and enjoy learning!
Think Python is a top quality book for learning. The latest version of Think Python by Allen B. Downey is available for free online in the form of interactive Jupyter notebooks hosted on Google Colab meaning you don’t need to set up, install, or configure anything up front to start learning to program using python. I think it’s 100% the best way for complete beginners to start.
While you’re working through Think Python, you can get real time feedback and answers here in ! ( or:
Matrix python room
Discord Python server
PySlackers Slack Python channel
They are all quite active and helpful to new learners.
When you are ready to install and run Python locally on your hardware you can refer to the Official Python Documentation. There is a section dedicated to installing and using Python is a good one. You can get a mentor to review and ask questions to.
And also running through FutureCoder
(Ignore the downvotes on this comment btw; I’ve obviously touched a nerve with Python developers.)
Depending on what you want to do I would consider learning JavaScript instead:
There are a couple of situations I would maybe pick Python:
It really depends on what kind of projects do you want to do?
good one
Yes it is good because it’s completely true. Of course this question is going to attract a lot of Python developers who haven’t used Typescript and don’t know what they’re missing so I’m not surprised by this response.
Most Python developers still don’t even use static type hints. I guess partly because the Python tooling catastrophe makes it a quite a pain to set them up.
Salty huh
Saying you need to set up type hinting in Python shows that you’re the one assuming it’s a hassle like TS, where you need a different runtime to have access to something the language (JS) should have provided from the start.
Everything you need is provided by
, which is included in a Python install. Just import it and start using it.Very. Python’s shit tooling has cost me literal weeks of my life. It’s so bad. Have you ever used Go or Rust? If not go and try them and then you will realise that it doesn’t have to be like that.
I’m not assuming. I have done this. It is absolutely a hassle. TS isn’t exactly hassle free but it’s still better than Python.
You mean like MyPy or Pyright? At least Typescript defines the semantics of its type hints. Python only defines the syntax! You can have multiple type checkers that conflict with each other!
If you do that, nothing will actually be checked. You need to explicitly run
in CI.Are you suggesting that you prefer to do the type validation upon execution? I’d like to have the checks done beforehand, be it in the IDE during coding or in CI. This way the feedback loop is shorter.
Then, backwards compatibility is a big thing in python, unlike node. So when typehints were introduced in 3.5 with PEP 484, they had to be optional.
It is a bit more complicated than that. Here’s a quote the above-mentioned PEP (3.5 was back in 2015, we’re at 3.12 now and typehints have evolved):
No. But I would like them to actually be done! If you just write some Python code and put type hints in it and don’t do anything else then those types are not checked at all. It requires some set up and a third party tool to use them properly.
That quote is exactly what I was saying. It does not require any particular processing or type hints.
Type checkers can and do differ in whether they accept a particular piece of code.
I always recommend this one:
Because the topics are sorted, easy to find and bite sized.
Highly recommended Automate the Boring Stuff. It’d a free tutorial on YouTube and you learn things like printing, using numbers, then opening files and manipulating data. It’s useful straight away.
I learned python by finding something I wanted to make, then referencing the documentation to learn things I didn’t already know.
If I had trouble with finding it in the docs or understanding, I would just YouTube it/ duckduckgo it until I found a video that made sense.
I just did that over an over again and now about 30% of my day job is writing python.
MIT has a free class:…/6-0001-introduction-to-computer-sci…
For me it’s all about books… From to…/index.html
I would start with codecademy for a gentle intro and then move on to one of the books
I always like to check out freecodecamp for anything new I want to learn about.
I understand why you ask this question, but really the fastest way to learn is to decide what you want the computer to do and start looking for that.
One thing will lead to another and you’ll learn lots of things that way, while you’re immediately using it.
Tutorials and courses can work, but usually it works best if you use whatever you are learning.
So come up with an idea for a program, and start building. There will be mistakes, anger, frustration and cursing involved, but you will learn a lot.
First at the lower level, and later on you will probably start wondering how to structure it all. And then you’ll learn about that too.
My point? Just dive in, fall on your face a couple of times and you’ll learn a lot in a short time.
Your experience may vary but I’m a network engineer who learned Python and I think learning regex and pandas is invaluable. Depends on what you want to build though. As far as learning resources, I’ve always liked w3schools, it’s free and to the point.
For books, python 101 by Michael Driscoll is very good. I wouldn’t spend money on courses. They can be pretty demotivating and expensive.