A short tutorial on grammars for any computer language, introducing my way of writing LLM-friendly grammars using EBNF and Regular Definitions (gist.github.com)
from ChubakPDP11@programming.dev to programming@programming.dev on 28 Feb 2024 22:40

This since I don’t have a blog and I don’t know how to make a blog I will post my way of defining a grammar using EBNF and Regular Definitions in Gist form.

I have used my method with ChatGPT to generate Lex and Yacc files before. One language I have been implementing for about several months is AWK. I am now making an AWK to C translator (the more uninformed would call it a ‘transpiler’ but this term is NOT correct at all, it’s not very theoretical, transpilers are just [syntax-directed] translators). So anyways please read this document if you wanna learn about grammars, Chomsky type 2 and type 3, Lexical and Syntactic grammar, etc.

I also have a table that teaches you how to read EBNF. For the lazy, I will cite the table here:

Enclosed Right Enclosed Left Meaning
Single Quote Single Quote Single character
Double Quote Double Quote Byte-sequence string
Right Bracket Left Bracket What’s within is optional
Right Curly Left Curly What’s within is repeatable
Right Paren Left Paren What’s within is grouped



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