Refusing TypeScript is a signal that you don't care about code quality (
from to on 10 Sep 2023 13:16


threaded - newest on 10 Sep 2023 13:24 next collapse

Refusing PureScript and Haskell is a signal that you don’t care about code quality. on 10 Sep 2023 13:42 next collapse

Quite the opposite really.

[deleted] on 10 Sep 2023 13:48 next collapse
. on 10 Sep 2023 14:03 next collapse

This is satire right? Right? on 10 Sep 2023 14:45 collapse

No, this is just some guy who cannot solve trivial problems without Intellij holding his hand, and he feels like that entitles him to an opinion on 10 Sep 2023 15:50 collapse

The trivial problem here being knowing what kinda of parameter some random function somewhere in your code expects… And your code not randomly breaking in production when someone changes that function after you already used it, unless you wrote unit tests that literally test every single line of code. on 10 Sep 2023 17:18 next collapse

My sense is that this argument primarily holds for teams without thorough code reviews. For individuals or teams with good reviews, TypeScript adds little except for complex code or massive rewrites. I'm not saying it adds little in absolute terms, but that it adds little once you account for the overhead of using it. on 10 Sep 2023 19:35 next collapse

A quick check everytime when you build / package the code is surely more effective than a human code review.

Also the difficulty of coding in a language where there isn’t any static type analysis still remains. How does it even work, do you have to do a manual text search everytime you change some existing function or class? on 14 Sep 2023 01:12 collapse

Nonsense. The compiler can handle type-checking far more quickly and acurately than any code reviewer. When I review code, I want to look at code structure, algorithms, data structures, interface design, contracts, logic, and style.

I don’t want to go through your code line by line cross-referencing every function call to make sure you put the arguments in the right order and checking every member access for typos. That’s a waste of my time, and by extension, the company’s money. on 11 Sep 2023 06:29 collapse

Tests are supposed to ensure functionality, not implementation. No useful unit test has ever been made obsolete by a type system. Likewise, if your tests claim your program fulfills its functionality, the type system ads no additional information to the discussion. on 11 Sep 2023 07:23 collapse

My point was that without a type system you need an impossible 100% code coverage, to be sure that you didn’t accidentally mess up some variable assignment or parameter somewhere, since you have nothings to easily and automatically catch those errors. on 11 Sep 2023 08:49 collapse

I understand your point, I just choose to reject it for the reasons given. on 11 Sep 2023 09:36 collapse

I think we are actually saying the same thing though…? Tests should really only ensure functionality. It should be the language’s job to help you with obvious implementation errors (such as using a wrong value type). on 10 Sep 2023 14:20 next collapse

uhm, you can get pretty great code quality in JavaScript. And you can also get pretty bad code quality in TypeScript (or any typed language). Its about your attitude toward it.

I’m okay with that because I don’t even know what Turbo 8 is.

are you though? You seem upset that people aren’t using TypeScript. on 10 Sep 2023 18:30 next collapse

You use typescript to type check. I just put :any to anything. We are not the same. on 11 Sep 2023 08:40 collapse

Stop looking at my code please (。╯︵╰。) on 10 Sep 2023 18:57 next collapse

Nah, i refuse web dev because i care about code quality. on 10 Sep 2023 19:24 collapse

If you aren’t using [favourite programming language] you are a terrible dev who should feel bad! on 10 Sep 2023 20:38 collapse

Rust. The language is called Rust. And it should be used for everything!