Key Tips for Job Interview Success
from to on 21 Mar 19:42
from to on 21 Mar 19:42
Key Tips for Job Interview Success… #interview #programming #job
#interview #job #programming
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Is this for real? Are people really asking you to reverse a string in python during a job interview?
So… waste my time to interview for a job with a salary that might be a joke? Riiiight. Pretend we’re not doing this for the money. Riiiiiiiiight.
Can’t speak for everywhere, but in the US, if your first questions are about salary, they’re going to be left wondering if you’re even qualified for the job and if money is all you care about. Even if it is (which is fine most of the time), that’s not really the impression you should give if your goal is to be hired.
Asking about salary later on is usually a much better idea. You know whether you actually are interested in working there, the interviewer knows if they are interested in you, and wanting money it isn’t the first impression you give.
As for Python - leetcode style interviews are common, but almost always worthless. The only real value the company gets from something like that is to check that you actually can write code. They’re pointless beyond that, and a company doing leetcode interviews should be a red flag.
they’re a business and it’s ok to only care about money. But it’s a big nono for us to do so?
I’m not sure what you want me to respond with. Do you want me to tell you that you can walk in and demand a compensation at the start of your interview or something? Most individuals don’t have the bargaining power to do that. If you are desirable enough that the company wants to pay you whatever you ask for, then sure. Go in and talk about money right away.
For most of us, we are competing with thousands of others for one of maybe a few positions. The onus is on us to prove that we are desirable and will provide value, and asking about compensation first does not usually give that impression.
I tried to research my current workplace and found nothing useful about it. These days I've no idea how anyone we'd interview would find out about the niche software we work on. I've just taken a look at our website and it would not help even a little (who writes this drivel?).