Is Trump Made of Teflon?
from to on 15 Sep 04:42

Nothing has ever stuck to this guy in decades. Anyone else would have been locked up for life with all these crimes added together. Why is this man allowed to run free? I am calling him Teflon Trump because nothing sticks to him!

Donald Trump has faced numerous legal challenges throughout his life, both in business and politics. As of now, he’s been accused of a variety of crimes, ranging from financial fraud to obstruction of justice. Here’s a summary of the key areas:

Criminal Charges: Trump has been criminally charged in four separate cases as of 2024, totaling 91 felony counts. These charges include:

Efforts to overturn the 2020 election (federal and state cases) Mishandling classified documents Hush money payments related to Stormy Daniels Business fraud in New York Civil Cases: Trump has also faced civil lawsuits for fraud, defamation, and sexual misconduct, including a high-profile defamation case with writer E. Jean Carroll.

Past Investigations: Prior to his presidency, Trump faced various allegations tied to business dealings, such as racial discrimination in housing practices and questionable tax practices. However, many of these did not lead to formal charges.

In total, Trump’s legal battles span multiple decades and encompass a wide range of accusations.

So why does he continue to run the GOP with an iron fist, including making them not sign legislation to protect our borders so Teflon Trump could run on that platform? What about having Net Tan Yahoo(Netanyahu) over to his house during a war? Does this not break the Logan act? Logan act: United States federal law that criminalizes the negotiation of a dispute between the United States and a foreign government by an unauthorized American citizen. T

Also 18 U.S.C. 953 criminalizes any U.S. citizen in any place on earth “who, without the authority, carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign officer with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign about any disputes or controversies with the United States.”

yet old teflon Trump goes where he wants on the Rape Express Jet.


threaded - newest on 15 Sep 04:48 next collapse

Laws don’t apply to the ultra rich in the US. on 15 Sep 05:05 next collapse

Laws don’t apply to the ultra rich in the US.

Do you have any examples besides Donald Trump? on 15 Sep 05:15 next collapse

Literally the entire RNC on 15 Sep 05:41 collapse

*DNC included.

If we were blatantly engaged in insider trading like Pelosi we would be in prison on 15 Sep 11:22 collapse

Not sure why the downvotes, she does use her knowledge to play the stocks along with many many others. If politicians want to trade stocks their trades should be made public 24hrs before they are made, that way everyone benefits on 15 Sep 18:31 collapse

I’d imagine the down votes are for the broad strokes re: lumping the entire DNC in with the GOP. I agree entirely about Pelosi and insider trading, but the two parties are not at all equal parts of the problem. on 15 Sep 05:46 next collapse

There’s that DuPont heir who infamously got away with raping a baby. on 15 Sep 20:26 collapse

What the fuck on 15 Sep 06:29 next collapse on 15 Sep 11:58 next collapse

That Oxy family. Or the whole Panama papers? Or recently all the Boeing execs that ignored or silenced various whistleblowers with regard to the 737 Max. on 15 Sep 12:34 collapse

Alice Walton, one of the owners of Walmart "while speeding in Fayetteville, Ark., she struck and killed Oleta Hardin, a 50-year-old cannery worker. She never received so much as a ticket. " on 15 Sep 14:34 collapse

Laws don’t apply to the ultra rich ____________________.

This is true everywhere. on 15 Sep 16:17 next collapse

This, believing it only happens in the USA is a narrow and stupid take. on 15 Sep 16:27 collapse

Tell that to Jack Ma on 15 Sep 17:29 collapse

Despite a firm hand-slapping by the CCP Mr. Ma remains one of the richest men in the world and is still extremely influential. on 15 Sep 19:35 collapse

He may have a large value on paper, but I don’t think he actually has access to most of it anymore. He’s been removed from every single important role in any of the companies he owns.

and is currently a visiting professor living in Japan at the moment if I recall correctly. on 15 Sep 05:05 next collapse

Pure, unbridled, narcissistic confidence, mostly. on 15 Sep 05:19 next collapse

That’s why they call him “Teflon Don”, yeah. on 15 Sep 14:56 collapse

John Gotti was the Teflon Don.

It’s just coincidence (or is it?) that Trump’s first name sounds like the highest title in the Mafia. on 15 Sep 05:40 next collapse

The oligarchy will never charge their own. All the talk of indictments, charges, law suits, etc are political theater. on 15 Sep 18:06 collapse

He spent so much time on Epstein Island he knows who to name. Only viable explanation. on 15 Sep 06:11 next collapse

Years ago I watched a documentary about Trump’s shenanigans in Atlantic City. Basically, he stiffs the contractors who build his casino. They sue, and so he hires some big shot lawyers to defend him. They get him off for the most part, but then he then turns around and stiffs the law firm itself! Like what even?!? on 15 Sep 07:45 next collapse

Serves that law firm right tbh on 15 Sep 10:54 next collapse

Yeah. Trump is well known as a deadbeat but his followers don’t seem to mind that either. on 15 Sep 14:52 next collapse

He’s just so smart that he finds a way to get out of it. Remember, kids, only suckers pay taxes!

Smart, rich, lucky, even if any of that is true, being good at evil doesn’t make it less evil. on 16 Sep 15:04 collapse

That’s one of the many things I don’t get. How did he get elected the first time, how could anyone have voted for someone with a long history of stuffing contractors? Bankruptcies? Questionable tax practices? This guy came in as a well known real estate developer fraud who ripped people off: individuals, small businesses, irs, etc, for decades. How did this ever fly in the first place? on 15 Sep 11:03 collapse

When the world is built upon forgiveness… on 15 Sep 06:37 next collapse

Not quite tho. He has lost in court several times. Paid for it. Forced to be there when the judge ordered it. And we shall see what happens in a few months.

But anyway, it’s no secret that the ultra rich don’t need to obey the law. That’s old news, sad to say. on 15 Sep 15:32 collapse

Paid for it? Hardly.

He didn’t even put up his own money for bail. on 15 Sep 08:27 next collapse

Man literally is a suspected child rapist, yet the supposed anti-groomers would personally offer him their infant children to rape before they ever even dreamed of applying any standards to him.

It’s the logical conclusion of their association based morality. Don could actually murder someone on 5th avenue and the right would never give an inch on it because he’s their bastard and they’ll take their bastards over an outsider’s angels every day of the week.

They don’t believe it’s evil for satanists to run a soup kitchen because they suspect an ulterior motive, they believe it’s evil because the satanists are evil so everything they do is evil because nothing an evil person does is ever a good thing. Same time, one of their own could be caught hacking school children to death with a machete and they’ll go to the extent of bashing their head into a wall until they forget their own now murdered children because he’s one of their own and “we don’t need outsiders to tell us how to handle our issues.” on 15 Sep 14:49 next collapse

So sick, yet so true. on 15 Sep 18:47 next collapse

“Yeah, our quarterback sucks and we haven’t won a game in 3 seasons, but they’re my team and I love them”

That’s it. That’s as deep as it gets with magats.

You cheer your team and you boo your enemies. You don’t need to know why. on 15 Sep 20:28 collapse

Trump a child rapist? That one is new to me. When was this? on 15 Sep 08:40 next collapse

I thought the US was banning PFAs. on 15 Sep 09:43 next collapse

Upcoming vote in November. on 16 Sep 00:49 collapse

Teflon doesn’t contain PFOA anymore for the last 10 years.

So only OLD Teflon is toxic. Like those from 1946 or so. on 16 Sep 02:47 collapse

So... just trump. on 15 Sep 13:23 next collapse

The sad reality is, enough Americans are happy for him to do all of these things with impunity.

What is the point of locking someone up if half the country wants them to be president? on 15 Sep 15:30 collapse

It’s not half the country though, if the vote was representative the republicans wouldn’t have won since 1980 on 15 Sep 16:49 collapse

Almost half. on 15 Sep 17:11 collapse

Roughly one third. I believe it’s Wyoming that gets an equal number of Senate seats as California while having one twentieth the population (I could be wrong about which state, but the statistic is the important part). My state gets the same number of representatives in that house of government with twenty times as many people. Meaning that my vote is diluted twenty times or theirs is amplified twenty times.

It’s a shit show. on 15 Sep 14:04 next collapse

And most of the US media is owned by billionaires who prefer Trump to win. Even CNN is now publishing hard fact checking of Harris while the calls to violence against the Haitian community in Springfield should be front and center… the language Trump is using is literally the same as what Hitler did pre WW2… on 15 Sep 14:46 next collapse

The media wants a fight because fights get ratings and $. It’s in their interest to make both candidates look equally good/bad. This makes them allergic to charges of bias which helps the shittier candidates. on 15 Sep 15:31 next collapse

He’s been called “Teflon Don” for decades.

I can’t understand how so many people still fall for his bullshit.

We knew he was a lying sack of shit back in the '80s before he got that stupid TV show. on 15 Sep 15:45 next collapse

we live in a country where half the people thinking that "immigrants eating pets" is a hot topic issue worthy of discussion on national stage...

the regime works in mysterious ways on 16 Sep 14:54 collapse

It is a hot topic worthy of discussion, like how could anyone this racist have any positive public standing? How can someone instigating racial hatred and violence not be shut down? on 15 Sep 20:41 next collapse

The original Teflon Don was John Gotti.

He died in jail. on 15 Sep 23:02 next collapse

He died in jail.

Maybe Trump could follow in his footsteps? on 15 Sep 23:21 collapse

No, that was Teflon John on 15 Sep 23:26 next collapse

“He was later given the nickname “The Teflon Don” after three high-profile trials in the 1980s resulted in acquittals …” on 15 Sep 23:32 collapse

He was the head of a crime family, the Don. Like Don Corleone in the Godfather. Corleone’s first name was Vito, but he was the Don of the family. Later his son Michael became the new Don. on 16 Sep 12:55 collapse

I think it’s the sheer amount of bullshit that waters it all down. Like: remember when he wanted to nuke a tornado? He was wearing his pants the wrong way? When he sold beans from the oval office? When he sold golden shoes? When he sold nft’s? When he sold a bible? Remember when he said he’d run into a school with an active shooter in it without a gun? Remember when he threw paper towels at hurricane victims? Remember the every day where he has 30 cm long sideburns? Remember when he ripped out his wife’s hair when he raped her? Remember when he held a press conference in front of a four seasons? Remember when he called ted cruz’s wife ugly as a dog? Remember when people said that he sometimes shat his pants on his tv show? Remember when he lied about everything? When he said he knows more than the secret service? Remember when he golfed more than doing his job? Remember when he refused to use a different phone because it’s a security risk? Remember when he stole and potentially sold classified information? Remember when he was known for walking into the dressing room of teen pageants? Remember when he payed off a pirn star with questionable money while being married and a champion of christian values?

Like, it never ends. What is there to stick? on 16 Sep 16:11 collapse

Any of those should have sunk a normal person’s political ambitions.

The fact that Trump somehow seems to be immune from the normal realities of society is frustrating. on 15 Sep 20:42 next collapse

because there are other, hostile countries running complex, expensive, multi-pronged operations to keep him and his America-dividing rhetoric flowing:…/justice-department-disrupts-covert-… on 16 Sep 00:44 next collapse

You know old Teflon is toxic… sounds about right. on 16 Sep 02:54 next collapse

No he’s made of shit. Shit does stick to him, it just doesn’t matter. on 16 Sep 02:55 next collapse

Gotti was also Teflon, till he wasn’t. on 16 Sep 12:45 collapse

And americans still cheered him on on the way to jail on 16 Sep 12:02 next collapse

he also did not pay workers, grabbed womens privates, withheld federal funds from ukraine to blackmail its president to write up a media hit job on the son of his likely upcoming opponent for re-election (which his party later used federal funds to investigate which is supposed to be about foriegn influence or such but turned into a gun charge and tax evasion [ironic given how much trump is very private about his taxes]). killed an iranian general with a missile out of the blue. I mean there is so much its hard for regular folks to even keep track. on 16 Sep 13:10 next collapse

They do not want Trump in jail. He is the perfect enemy.

How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately “elevated” Donald Trump with its “pied piper” strategy

In its self-described “pied piper” strategy, the Clinton campaign proposed intentionally cultivating extreme right-wing presidential candidates, hoping to turn them into the new “mainstream of the Republican Party” in order to try to increase Clinton’s chances of winning.

The memo articulated a three-point strategy. Point 1 called for forcing “all Republican candidates to lock themselves into extreme conservative positions that will hurt them in a general election.” on 16 Sep 16:35 collapse

That might have been the case in 2016. I think that changed after the election of 2020. on 16 Sep 16:41 collapse

They waited to sue Trump for Jan6 until they were certain the trial would not finish before the elections and now "oh no Trump is running again!’

If they actually saw him as the danger to democracy they pretend he is they would try to win over voters by appealing to voters instead of just turning the trump fearmongering to 2000% on 16 Sep 17:53 collapse

Or maybe they are trying to appeal to voters but a lot of voters support Trump? on 16 Sep 18:21 collapse

Most voters would have liked to see the ‘justice system’ do anything that resembled working. But imagine if Democrats weren’t able to waive their support for away by screaming incoherently about the end of Democracy.

Trump is more vital than ever for the Democratic party to win. They are running on 99% fearmongering and 1% policy. on 16 Sep 19:01 collapse

Democrats could easily run on opposition to Project 2025, which they have done. Project 2025 is policy. on 17 Sep 11:06 collapse

Genocide is Democrat policy too. on 16 Sep 16:53 next collapse

The crowd that murdoch and limbaugh handed the orange parasite on a platter, does not care about pesky and boring little things like facts and figures. It is an irrational mob fed with bacteria-infested red meat for two decades. They can only be reached via the basest of impulses, ripe pickings only for the most ignorant and/or shameless of conmen. It doesn’t help society that the right-wing toxic propaganda machine operates at full blast 24 hours a day, seven days a week. on 16 Sep 16:57 collapse

Because he’s rich and powerful and laws are just threats made by the ruling class, which he’s a part of. The law is primarily a tool of class warfare and as such is only enforced consistently and in full force against the working class. Very occasionally, one rich person pisses off enough other rich people to be subject to it, but you have to be extremely bad at the game for that to happen. The more rich people are subjected to the law, the easier it is to be subjected to the law yourself if you’re rich, so generally you’re better off looking the other way while they do illegal shit so that you can get away with your own illegal shit. Plus they have the resources to fight you, so it means picking a costly battle. on 16 Sep 17:57 next collapse

Honestly, I wish he was shot down. He would’ve died, not as a mortar for MAGA that they were right, but as a mortar for democracy that citizens will use blood if their voices aren’t heard. We need more harsh reality checks and protests demanding he faces justice on 16 Sep 18:46 next collapse

It’s martyr

And as much as I want to see brains on the pavement it’s not the right move politically.

Trump is setting himself on fire socially right now if he died in some violent fashion it would only enrage his supporters and they would vote for anyone who stands for trumps image.

He should face jail time though. He should already be there. But at the same time imprisoning him right now could sort of half martyr him as well.

We need the Republicans to personally oust him. Then his supporters hate the Republicans. Checkmate for Dems on 17 Sep 01:14 collapse

When prison doesn’t work the French are who you turn to. on 17 Sep 08:31 collapse

I personally want him to lose, have the news stop mentioning him, have his crimes catch up to him, and have to suffer narcissist hell as the only things he ever hears about himself are people shitting on him, as nobody cares about his responses.

May he live long. on 17 Sep 15:30 collapse

laws are just threats made by the ruling class

you know, I’ve never heard it stated exactly like this but shit, well said. on 17 Sep 15:36 collapse

I’m gonna have to admit to stealing that line from Dimension 20