How do people with white-looking teeth drink coffee or tea, what sorcery is this?
from to on 14 Oct 14:22

Or do they???!!!


threaded - newest on 14 Oct 14:37 next collapse

I know of at least two people who drink coffee, tea and red wine with a straw. on 14 Oct 14:51 next collapse

Bleh on 14 Oct 17:44 collapse

I have a few friends who do that also. For me though, no straws except for red wine but only on particularly bad days… on 14 Oct 14:41 next collapse

Regular brushing? on 14 Oct 14:42 next collapse

I feel like it takes more than that otherwise people are born with unwhiteablle-teeth on 14 Oct 15:20 collapse

And immediate brushing. I worked with a guy who kept a toothbrush at work and he brushed after he had a coffee. Seemed to do the trick! on 14 Oct 14:46 next collapse

Perhaps they use a lot of whitening oral care products like whitening toothpaste, and whitening mouthwash to counteract the effects.

That’s what I do, and I’m also a smoker. It kind of works. on 14 Oct 15:19 collapse

The tobacco stains are off the backs of my teeth after stopping smoking. I still drink coffee and tea, but also use 3D white. Without treatment, I don't think they'll be really white. on 14 Oct 14:46 next collapse

Natural teeth color isn’t white, so anyone with white teeth has had whitening treatments or sonething else to brighten their teeth.

They drink coffee or tea and then have their teeth whitened. Or they don’t drink coffee and tea to reduce the amount of yellowing, requiring less whitening. Or they have veneers. on 14 Oct 15:10 next collapse

I’ve seen pictures of tribes of people who mostly have perfectly white, straight teeth. It’s possible under the right circumstances of diet, youth, and genetics.

<img alt="" src="">

<img alt="" src=""> on 14 Oct 15:21 next collapse

There is also a pair of sunglassess in the photo. Its possible this specific group has some dental care products. on 14 Oct 15:33 collapse

Super misleading:
They aren't as primitive as you make them out to be and they use techniques to specifically show off their white teeth. The fact that their canines are flat should already be a big hint that they don't have natural teeth. on 15 Oct 00:31 collapse

The person on right has pointy canines. My daughter doesn’t have pointy canines. Genetics vary on 14 Oct 15:17 next collapse

I've seen people use straws * for coffee, tea or wine. I can do that cold, and it defeats the point of wine (flavor, imo), so draw your own conclusions.

  • AI autocorrect: confidently incorrect on 14 Oct 17:38 collapse

Had a gf with stunning teeth. She drank plenty of coffee and smoked, just made a point to brush up afterwards. All she used was Crest White Strips. Those never worked well for me but my dentist made a mold that does the job. on 14 Oct 14:48 next collapse

I know someone who takes caffeine pills instead for that reason. I personally could not give up coffee on 14 Oct 14:48 next collapse

They probably just have a regular teeth whitening appt with their dentist, or they use strips. I used to have an hour long commute into work, and I used to apply the strips just before I left the house, and remove them when I got to work. My dentist did warn me to be careful, as applying them right after brushing could damage my teeth…or maybe he just didn’t like the competition LOL on 14 Oct 15:15 collapse

No they can damage the teeth, it's not good to leave them on more than 20 minutes, tops. on 14 Oct 14:51 next collapse

No. They drink bleach. on 14 Oct 15:09 next collapse

Just gotta balance out all the coffee with cum, it will help keep your teeth white. on 14 Oct 15:11 collapse

Thanks DrButts! but how do you know all this stuff?! on 14 Oct 15:14 collapse

:-) on 14 Oct 15:30 next collapse

Teeth whitening most likely

Though if you have milky coffee or tea, it can significantly reduce the staining effects compared to having it black as the tanins causing the staining bind more to the milk rather than your teeth.

Unfortunately for me, I prefer black coffee, so whitening toothpaste it is on 14 Oct 17:28 next collapse

I know a hippy(relevant detail) who regularly drinks coffee, worked as a barista for half her life, and her teeth are like movie star white, because she does oil pulling to keep them that way.

I tried it, didn’t do much for me after a couple months, but her teeth were yellow one year and then the next time I saw her they were totally white, and she said it was from oil pulling that year, which is basically swishing coconut oil around in your mouth for 5 or 10 minutes and then spitting it out

her teeth was like crazy white and she said she had to stop doing oil pulling for a while because people were starting to freak out over how white her teeth were and she couldn’t talk to anyone without them being like what’s up with your crazy white teeth.

and they were absolutely yellow the year before. or, you know, like normal human yellow. on 14 Oct 19:17 next collapse

she couldn’t talk to anyone without them being like what’s up with your crazy white teeth.

I think we’d all like to know how that feels, even though no-one would enjoy it in the long run. on 14 Oct 19:27 collapse

yeah, I think I’m going to get a jar of coconut oil and try it again.

maybe it also has a cumulative effect?

after 2 and 1/2 months or something I thought My teeth looked one shade whiter, but then I gave up.

Why not give it another whirl? on 14 Oct 19:33 collapse

Hmm. I might give this a go as well if I locate a jar and it doesn’t taste too bad. on 14 Oct 20:33 collapse

It’s super mild, it just tastes like a little bit of coconut.

it only sucks if you’re in a cold climate, because then you have to heat it up before you swish it around.

but if you’re at any place above like 55 F, It’s fine, just a spoonful of oil, swish it around for 5 or 10 minutes and then spit it out.

there’s 100 tutorials online. on 14 Oct 20:37 collapse

it only sucks if you’re in a cold climate, because then you have to heat it up before you swish it around.

I mean… my kitchen and bathroom are inside, and not affected by the climate? I live in Finland, it’s 5C (41F) outside, but it’s 24C (75F) as I sit here.

It’s super mild, it just tastes like a little bit of coconut.

See that’s probably the issue, because I never liked coconut in anything. Bounty bars are absolutely awful.

there’s 100 tutorials online.

I’ll check them out when I start reconsidering dating, lol on 14 Oct 20:39 collapse

It’s a super mild taste, it’s not like the coconut in a candy bar.

I’m actually right there with you, I don’t like coconut candy at all, but I had no problem oil pulling.

Cool, best of luck.

If any of those YouTube tutorials are right, it takes forever on someone like me, but it really seems to work on other people, especially like that barista. on 14 Oct 20:54 collapse

Thanks for the tips on 14 Oct 20:43 collapse

Or she went to a dentist and got them whitened. The natural color of teeth is slightly yellow. on 14 Oct 20:47 collapse

very unlikely.

I won’t say impossible, but is extremely unlikely for a few reasons.

she’s literally the last person I would expect to get teeth whitening from the dentist.

she doesn’t shave her legs or use makeup or anything, doesn’t really make sense that she would get teeth whitening.

hasn’t even got her wisdom teeth out yet, terrified of dentists.

quick note, the outermost layer of teeth is white.

You’re talking about the inner layer, dentin.

most yellow coloring on teeth is from use over the years, oils and fats and stains like coffee or alcohol that color the white enamel.

Dentin itself, the part of the teeth you see, is naturally white. on 14 Oct 21:13 next collapse

I drink a lot of coffee, but drink water at the same time. Never used a whitening product unless you count toothpaste, my teeth are a healthy-looking off-white! on 15 Oct 03:44 next collapse

Don’t swish, and don’t drink so the liquids hit your teeth first.

Liquid should hit your tongue and slide to the back of your throat.

Smokers do the opposite: they let the smoke hit their front teeth and then the smoke “bathes” the entire mouth. That’s why smoker’s teeth are disgusting and noticeable from a mile away. on 15 Oct 03:55 next collapse

Oh you don’t have a coffee hole? Weird. on 15 Oct 09:17 collapse

My dentist says to swish water around in your mouth after you drink tea. (I don’t drink coffee or smoke but I imagine it’s helpful for that too.) And my electric toothbrush has also helped a lot to reduce stains compared to my regular manual brush.